2. Jemma Loran

945 Words
"I love you, why won't you say it back?" Jemma holds onto Pran's arm, trying to get him to look at her.  "Why are you saying to leave you alone all of sudden? What could I have done to deserve this?"  "Jemma, I've already said what is on my mind! Are you a deaf woman? Can you not hear? I have said it time and time again, I don't want a relationship with you. My wife could find out I've been with you and that will just lead me to unnecessary drama. Stop calling me, stop texting me, stop emailing me, stop contacting me in general." He pulls his arm back and points his fingers at her face.  "You just leave me alone you crazy woman!"  "You don't mean that Pran, you told me how much you wanted me, and now you are letting your wife get in between us."  "Why can't you get it through you fuzzy head? I don't want a relationship with you, we never had one. I've already said I just wanted something casual."  "Why are you saying all of this? You are saying I am crazy and I'm deaf but I am saying normal things! You are the one who is crazy to think that this was a casual thing! How could you even say that, when you've taken me to bed and told me yourself you loved me? What am I to you, some street girl?" Jemma says in pain.  "Get away from me." He spits,  "You are nothing to me! I do not want anything to do with you this time forward! I just want to go back to my normal life with my wife, my future has nothing to do with you, you crazy woma-"  Jemma smacks him, instantly regretting it after the impact. She swallows as he stares down at her in shocked anger.  "I'm sorry, I really am. I- I didn't mean to, it just with everything you were saying I just-"  He again places his index finger close to her face, his expression washed in anger.  "Don't you EVER come around me again, or I won't hold back next time, I can promise you that." He spits. He grabs his coat from her bed and opens the door, stomping out while saying "crazy woman".  Jemma holds both her hands to her mouth, keeping herself from screaming. She stomps her foot as she pulls her hair. She falls against the wall behind her and lets her legs collapse from under her.  "This man has made a mockery of me!" She sobs.  "No, no, no, this can't be happening... I need to call my cousin, yes, I need to tell her."  Jemma rushes for her purse besides her and pulls out her phone, dialing the number in her caller's list. Tears flow down her cheeks as she clenches her jaw. The phone rings softly against her ear as a high pitch voice sounds over the receiver.  "Hello? Jemma?"  "Karya, I- I... he broke up with me." Jemma blubbers. "Oh? You mean Pran? I told you the situation you put yourself with him wasn't going to last."  "Stop it! I can't hear that right now. He cursed me out, he told me I was crazy! He said he wanted to go back to his wife after he has taken me to bed. Karya, he had TOLD me he was going to leave his stupid wife for me before. He had told me he loved me and now-" She clasps her hand over her mouth as another wave of tears streamed down her glistening cheeks.  "Uh Jemma, you know I'm not good with all this crying stuff. God, why don't you just accept that it wasn't meant to be? You're acting like he was your soul mate and not just a common disgusting man. Get over it."  "Karya, I can't. I can't live on with life knowing that he has wronged me so heavily. Karya, Karya, I don't think I'll ever stop crying. If you heard the way he yelled at me before leaving, you would've thought he was yelling at a street girl or something... Karya-"  "Stop saying my damn name. Okay, okay, I get it. Your prince charming left you crying and defeated. This is what I was telling you before Jemma, this man is trash. You can't just go through life thinking that a man like that will wife you when he already has a wife of his own!" Karya says. She sighs.  "I know you're angry, okay I get that. That man was a asshole, and if he really disrespected you then clearly we have to get him back. That's the only thing I can offer Jemma. Revenge is my specialty."  Jemma stops crying for a moment and scrunches her eyebrows. "What do you mean?"  "I mean we get him back. Unless, of course, you want to continue feeling wronged and be depressed for the rest of the week.  If you decide to do that, I'm not comforting you."  She bites her bottom lip, swallowing. Jemma knows that when Karya talks about revenge, she usually takes it a little too far, but maybe she doesn't want to care this time. Maybe she doesn't always want to think of the consequences.  "Jemma, think about it, I need to go-" "Wait! I- I want to do it. What is the plan?"  "Smart choice. Are you still free for me to come over on Monday?"  "Yeah... But what are we going to do-" "See you then!" Karya cuts before ending her line. Jemma sits back in silence, looking down at the phone propped in her hand.  -----------------------------------------------
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