Episode 2

1118 Words
Jaz's Point Of View, I just made my way to the ground as I was driving my bike so fast, I just do not know why but I was so happy, I mean I know the reason, but my heart and my mind is thinking about that one person who paid my fee, did coach paid my fee or my any friend of maybe some teacher, my trying to think hard but still no one is coming in my mind, no one in my group can pay for me, gosh, I think I am gonna die by thinking that much, I know I should not drive that fast but I was doing that already and unfortunately a dog came in front of my bike. "Oh my god, s**t, what just happen now", I cursed under my breath and turned my head to see that cute dog, who fell on the door and I just stopped the bike to see him, I parked my bike and walked to him, when I reached there I saw there was a girl who was sitting near the dog. "Oh my god my poor baby, what happen to you, who the f**k did that to you", that girl said and tears build up in her eyes, I just felt too f*****g bad to see her like that, seems like she is an animal lover or maybe she knows that dog, I am not able to look at her face coz I was facing her back, but I was having good vibes and I was liking that so much. "Hey, are you fine, what happen to you", I went close to her and put my hand on her shoulder and said, she wiped her tears and turned her face towards me, her eyes were brown and her colour was so fair like milk, oh my god, I was staring at her already and she was so pretty, my heart was beating so damn fast and I did not see any girl like this, she just snapped her fingers in front of my eyes and I just rubbed my eyes. "What happen, what do you want", she asked me, she was kind of rude but I did not say anything to her. "What happened to you, why you are crying like that", I asked her and tears again build up in her pretty brown eyes. "Someone hurt my Dammy, look at him, he is hurt and bleeding, I need to take him hospital so fast", she said to me and I just looked at that dog, he was bleeding and seemed like his leg was hurt the most. "Do you want me to help you", I asked her and she looked at him with confused eyes, I just know that I am not sure if she will say yes or not but still I just asked it. "Are you sure", she asked me and I just nodded my head. "Yeah, of course, I have a bike and I would love to help you", I said to her and she forced a smile on me. "Thank you so much, you are so kind", she said to me and I just forced a smile, seems like she has no idea that I am the one who is responsible for this condition, if she will know that, I am so sure that she will hate me for that, she just picked that dog in her arms and sat behind me carefully. "Let us go", she said to me slowly and put her hand on my shoulder, and at that moment I just felt that my heart stopped for some seconds. I did not feel that good in my entire life, I mean I was always a shy person and I always used to avoid girls, maybe that is why I am still single while my all friends are having girlfriends, I do not why I used to think that being single is damn better than being into a relationship, I always saw my friends fighting with their GF's and crying over them, so I just used to think that I should protect myself from all these, that is why I always used to push all girls away from me, I thought that being single is cool than suffering from a girl, I just used to think that no girl can impress me, but that is not true anymore, she is sitting behind me and my heart is beating like a thunder drum, I just can not express how I am feeling right now. The way she is holding my shoulder, I am feeling how much she trusts me, she knows that I will not let her fall, she is just so cute, I have seen so many girls in my life, but she is totally different and I do not think that I will ever get a chance to see a girl like that, she is so pretty, she is so smart, and she is so damn cute so I just do not want to lose that chance in my life, I heard that life does not give second chance to everyone, so I do not think that I want to lose this precious chance to lose coz deep down my heart knows that if I lose her once, I will not get a chance to get a girl like her, my heart is beating so damn fast and I just think that it can come out from my chest anytime soon. When I first saw her I just thought she is some random, stupid girl, who is just a fool but nothing coz the way she was crying for that dog and then talking to that dog, I just thought she is crazy, but when I spend some next moment with her, I realzied that she was a girl with emotions, she was crying coz she was deeply attached to that dog and she does not want to lose that dog after that my way of seeing her getting so changed, so was a nice hearted person who can not see anyone hurt, it does not matter if they are human or animals, her care for them was real and that made me attracted towards her so deeply, I was liking the way she was looking to her dog and talking to him and kissing him between her talks, I do not think that these types of girls exist in this fake world, where girls are changing them in makeup queens, she is so different and she is so pricious, coz right now the way she is making me feel, no one ever did that to me.
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