Chapter 1

1268 Words
(Lucas’s POV) Huff huff... Why? Why must this happen to me? I never asked for this... I whimpered, gripping my knees while I sobbed.  My body, although hot from the heat, my mind is cold, so cold I almost lost consciousness. My agony couldn't be masked with the cold rain, it only added the pain to the wound. My lips trembled when I remembered the earlier events. How his eyes widened when our pheromones mixed together, filling the entirety of the apartment where I lived. But now that he knew where I lived, I don't think I can live there anymore. I started hearing people’s chattering somewhere in the distance, probably because they've smelled my pheromones. I gathered the last bit of my strength and transferred it to my weak legs, urging it to move and drag me to a location, the only place that I think I could be safe from him. I don't know how I reached the place I aimed-- my one and only friend's house who knew my condition, Harry Nielsen. I banged on the door desperately and warily, hoping that he would answer the door even though the night was late. Fortunately he did, but fatigue took over me, and I passed out in the entryway.    ***   I woke up to see myself already cleaned and changed into a new set of clothes. For a few moments, I fell in a daze, trying to register where and what had happened before I came to a realization soon after that. That’s right, I ran away from him to come to Harry’s house. And based on the baggy clothes that I am wearing yet the absence of any pheromones stuck on it convinces me that the clothes belong to his partner. "You finally awake. Are you okay?" Harry entered the room while carrying a tray. Before sitting down on the side of the bed, he placed the tray on the bedside shelf. "Harry..." My face scrunched. Suddenly I felt like crying. "Lucas..." He showed me a sympathetic look and wiped the tears that was flowing down on my cheeks. "Did something happen?" Harry always knew if something unusual happened. Like when I got an Omega in my secondary gender test even though I was born from an Alpha pair, he was the first one who noticed my uneasiness. I sobbed. "Harry, what should I do? The man that I told you about before, he is my fated pair." Harry's eyes widen. He was about to open his mouth, but stopped halfway. Instead, he patted me on the back while showing a troubled expression. "What should we do?..." Everyone would be enthralled to meet their fated pair, but not me. Not in a condition like this. "I don't think I can meet him face to face after this..." I buried my face in my knees. I was torn, very torn by this sudden turn of events. If I didn't invite him that day, would all of this never happened?    *** It all started in a breezy spring evening. After my work in the company, I was sitting on one of the tables located in front of the cafe while sipping my latte when he exited from the main door. He looked lost, glancing towards the tables which was actually almost full, maybe because it was weekend, couples were scattered everywhere like flower petals.  "Hey." I called him. He turned to me and pointed at himself. "Me?" I nodded. I beckoned him to come near me. "You can seat here if you want. I am almost done." I pointed at the empty chair in front of me. His slightly plump lips curled into a sheepish grin, maybe was happy that I invited him. "Can I?" "Sure." Then, he took off his dark brown trench coat and adjusted himself on his seat. From his attire, I guessed he worked for a huge company—an expensive looking suit, a high end watch, and a neatly styled hair. He took off his worn black gloves and took a sip of the cup of cold Americano that he had bought. We both went on minding our business. Strangely enough, two strangers sitting together on a table doesn't felt as awkward as I thought. After what seems like to be a short forty-five minutes, he stood up and slipped back the coat onto his shoulders. "I gotta go. Thank you for lending me this seat." He smiled and waved. "No worries." I waved back. He then took his empty cup and threw it inside the trash bin before walking away. Unknowingly, I felt a small, almost tiny sense of loss when he left. I brushed it off and finished my latte before also leaving.   ***   After a few days, the same thing happened. The cafe was once again swarmed by customers and by chance, I somehow managed to get a table to myself. It was slightly colder so I decided to order some mushroom soup to warm my body up. Coincidentally, he again stepped out from the cafe while looking for a seat. This time he wore a classy looking dark blue suit that matched his dark blue long coat. He froze when our eyes met. He nodded for a few seconds at me as a form of greeting, before continuing his search. I chuckled. "Hey." He immediately turned to me. I don't know how he was able to hear my voice in the midst of these chattering people. Maybe he has a good hearing or something. I motioned towards the vacant seat in front of me. As if understanding me, he walked near my table. "We meet again." He said while positioning the chair across me and sat down after doing his usual routine, taking off his coat and gloves before sipping his coffee. The only difference was his Americano now turned into a latte. Hmm? My eyes glued down to the steamy drink. He who noticed me staring at his coffee quickly put up his hand and waved it a no. "I-It is not what you think! I was just feeling like drinking something sweet." "I see..." I slowly sipped on my latte that I ordered along with the soup. Latte did taste sweet, but did the barista mistakenly poured a lot of sugar in mine? It tasted sweeter than usual... Once again, we minded our own business. He was scrolling through something in his phone while I was drawing some sketches on my tablet. " that a cloth design?" He suddenly spoke, making me flinch. "Sorry. Did I surprise you?" "Ah, no. I'm fine. What did you say again?" His eyes pointed at the tablet. "Is that a cloth design?" "Yes, this is." He nodded understandingly. "So, are you working in a design company?" I nodded a yes. "I am. It was just a small company though." "Is it? What is it's name?" I raised an eyebrow. Why did he want to know the name of the company I am working at? "Pierre Ruvel's." His eyes widened slightly. "Hah, that is not a small company." He snickered. Suddenly, his phone vibrated. He picked up the phone and stayed still for a few minutes before turning it off. "Sorry, I have to go. Thanks again." He hurriedly wore his coat and waved at me before trotting towards a direction, completely forgetting his half drank latte. I stared at the cup and inadvertently imagined me sipping his leftover coffee. That caused me to gasp. "What was that?..." I muttered, eyes furrowed into a look of conflict. What was I thinking?
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