A New World

2122 Words
Abigail slowly opens her eyes. As her vision clears, she looks around her surrounding. Everything seems so dim. Everything seems different also. She slowly rises on the bed. She felt the softness of the bed that she’s on. It’s the hardest bed she ever slept on. She looks at it, there’s a layer of mattress that she was laying on earlier. But, it’s not soft or thick enough for her to feel the hard frame of the bed. It was made of bamboo. She squeezed the mattress and felt a crumpled feeling inside. She looks at her surroundings again, “Where am I?” She stands and sets aside the blanket that is just vines woven together. The walls are made of fabric and wood. Basically basic building things for a wall. Every wall either has some hanging plants, dried-out flowers on frames, and more flowers. The bedroom has several drawers made out of white wood or painted white. It has some flowers on it, again. There’s a window just beside the cabinet across her. It looks out at grassy plains. She approached the window as she was welcomed by a peaceful view of flowers swaying on the fields. She turns her head as she caught the sight of herself in the mirror. She was wearing much different clothing. She turns her body to get a better look at herself. She was wearing a purple robe with some gold border at the edges of the fabric. It was joined by a ribbon on her neck. The end of the robe reaches the floor. Under the robe is was a black dress. The skirt reaches her knees. The bodice of her dress was tightened up with laces and has a deep straight collar that shows most of her chest. Even her hair was changed and her whole appearance. Her complexion turned into a warm beige from her original tan color. Her half-dyed hair became a full-dyed one with her classic pastel purple dye. She was speechless. She doesn’t know how to react to this. She took a deep breath. “It’s just a dream.” She muttered to herself as she decided to look around the place. She approached the door which has some ivy vines on it. She opens it as she was welcomed by a cozy main room. At her left was a living room and at the far right was a kitchen with a four-people dining table. She walks out of the bedroom as she wanders around the main room. There’s a lot of open windows in the place. Flowers are a recurring theme in the rooms and even the decorations. Abigail looks at the main door of the house and approaches it. She opens it as she saw a beautiful front yard. The outside was a big meadow field with few trees here and there. She closes the door and opens it again, it was the same scenery. “Such a straight-up dream. Not weird…” She said as she steps outside. She looks around. The front yard was yet full of flowers in flower beds or the fences. She looks at her arms. She suddenly pinches herself. She squirms a bit. “I felt that.” Her eyes went wide as she realizes something. “No…” She turns around and looks at the house. It was still consistent. It didn’t change either way. She embraced herself as she goes inside the house. She leans on the door and took a deep breath. “I’m so screwed. I don’t know where am I…” She opens her eyes as she looks around again. “I am not in a dream…” She slowly slides down against the door. “But, how did I got here? This is not my home. I don’t even like this aesthetics that much. Besides, the house is a hut. This is not my house at all.” She sits on the wooden floor as she leans her head on the door. “I don’t know what to do… I don’t know where I am. I don’t know how I got here.” She caresses her cheek in frustration. “My chubby cheek… It’s even gone.” She looks at her arms, “Why am I skinny!?” She said as she squeezed her arms. “Bones.” She sighs in frustration. “I don’t know…” She shakes her head in frustration, “What is happening to me?” She stared at the floor. “What has happened to me?” She stopped muttering as she heard a knock on the door. She slowly turns her head on it. Another knock was heard as she slowly crawled back. “Hello?” A voice said at the other side. “Miss Crocus?” “Miss Crocus?” Abigail muttered to herself. She became more confused than she ever was. She looks around, “This is someone’s house…” She was startled as the next knock was heard, “Is Miss Crocus here?” She looks back at the door. She slowly stands, not making any noise. “I swear I saw her went out of the door just seconds ago.” The voice sighed. “Is Miss Crocus here or available? An answer will be good. Just a yes or no.” Abigail has no choice, she’s the only one in the house. She doesn’t even know who Miss Crocus is. She’s not ready with the conversation that this encounter will bring to her. She took a deep breath and she holds on to the door. She slowly opens it, “Y-yes?” She stuttered. In front of her was a familiar face. It was a 6-foot tall man with a frayed suit on. He also has some armor on some of the parts of his fancy suit. It’s funny to see. It was eerily familiar. She shudders the thought. “Oh, greetings! I thought I was just hallucinating earlier. You were really in here.” Abigail gulps, “M-me? I am not the one that you are finding. If you are finding Miss Crocus or whatever she is, she’s not here.” The man laughs. Even the laugh, was so familiar. “You can’t fool me, Miss Crocus. You are one of the famous heroes in these lands. Anyone would recognize your face.” Abigail was frozen into place. A lot of question was in her mind but none of it was answered. “M-my face? Famous heroes?” She looks around as she took a deep breath. It was a strange reaction for the man in front of her. She shakes her head. Everything was still the same. She looks back at the man. She sighed, “I don’t know what you are talking about. I am not the one you are finding. Maybe the lady you are searching for is somewhere else. I might be someone that she captured or something.” The man insisted, “Please show yourself. Your whole being.” She hesitated at first but things must get answered. She opens the door wide open. Her whole self was presented to him. From the top of her head to the end of her robe. “It is you, the fabled witch! You are joking to me.” She looks at him with visible confusion, “I am not the one you are talking about.” “But the iconic robe, the facial features that they told us, and you look very witch-like. You even look so purple-y! Just like how they told us what you look like. A woman with short purple hair and she likes flowers. It explains why you are a Floral Witch, not just a witch. Don’t bluff me, you are the witch that will save our lives! Or at least, save our sorry asses from what happened back at the end of the town.” Abigail sighs, “I don’t even know why I am in these stupid witch robes. My hair is like that before already. And, I like purple. But, I am not Crocus and will never be.” Her voice slowly fades as she slowly realizes something. “Does the fabled witch have amnesia or something alike?” He received no response. Abigail just stared on the ground, speechless and immobile. “Did I said something bad—” She raises her hand and her index finger, shushing him. “Oh, I am sorry.” The man became quiet as she slowly looks at him. “Do I really look like the Miss Crocus that you are saying?” “Well, they only described you and your location. They said you live in these hilly parts of the continent. Hills full of flowers. Once I found some trees that fade into a purple-y color, that’s when I know I was near to your abode. Then, I found the beautiful hut that they say where the witch is. And you resemble what they have described to me.” Abigail was speechless, “I am… Miss Crocus.” The man nods, “I am sure you know yourself already. But based on how you acted, you seem to have trouble with who you are. Did something happened to you?” She glared at him as he shuts up. She sighs, “Come in and take a seat.” She set aside herself. “Oh, thank you! A nice rest from a long journey.” He said as he trots to the living room and takes a seat on the bamboo chairs with some ivies going around the shafts. “They aren’t wrong, everything here is so flowery. I am not going to ask where you get your title as a Floral Witch.” However, Abigail went to the kitchen immediately. She took a deep breath as she leans on the countertops. “Oh, this is such chaos. I doubt this is a dream and I even doubt more that this is a reality. Crocus? Witch? Flowers? Hero? Where did I end up?” She sighs in frustration, “I am not Crocus, I am Abigail. I am not a witch, I am a perfectly sane normal human. I am not living in a hut in the middle of flower fields. No, no…” “Are you okay there, Miss Crocus?” She slowly turns her head to her guest. She took a deep breath and sighs. She fixed herself and calmed her nerves. She looks back at the wall of the kitchen. “Tell me why are you here.” “I am… well, we need your help.” She looks at her guest, “You are the only person here. Are there any invisible people in this hut? Is this situation of mine is getting any crazier?” The man shakes his head, “I and my friends need your help. They were left back in the forest to camp there. All of us are weak and in need of some of your potion. Catrina can’t make any healing medicine for us since she’s wounded as well. You are our only hope. And if you will, you can go with us to help the chaos that ensues on the western side of the continent. You are magical enough to help us go through whatever has happened there.” “Who are you?” She crossed her arms, “Oh, I am sorry. I forgot to introduce myself. I am Gallant, at your service.” Abigail’s eyes widen, “Prince… Gallant?” He shrugs, “If you still want to call me a prince. I already dumped that title. But, yes, I was the former Prince Gallant. Just Gallant now.” “N-no… No way.” Abigail muttered as her mind starts to get more confused. “Say sike right now.” He shakes his head, “It’s the truth. Why would I lie for my name? It’s the only identity I have in this world.” She closes her eyes, “Catrina the Alchemist… Gallant the Warrior… No, I am just dreaming all of this.” “You know our title?” She looks at him as she walks up to him and grabbed his arms. She looks deeply at his eyes, “You can’t be someone that is a character in a game. You can’t be fictional. This is all a dream. All a dream!” She drops his arms as she turns around. She buries her face as her eyes got widen for the nth time. “I remembered it… I remembered everything.” 
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