The Demon And The Succubus

1945 Words
A shrill voice can be heard, begging for her life through the tall modern doors made of mahogany wood. The entire top floor of the elegant skyscraper is echoing with her last pleas. Among the crying is the sound of designer high heels clicking on the marble floor. The beautiful and curvy red headed woman with a knockout body and perfect hair is making her way towards the mahogany double doors. In her arms that are held tight against her bosom is a folder containing a series of the latest contracts. Her boss has asked her to bring them to him or else she would already be at his side. She sighs and rolls her eyes at the witch’s crying as she opens the door and is blasted by the unpleasant noise. She is the only one affected by the annoying sound. The eleven men in the room all turn their attention to her and run their eyes down the length of her seductive body. She smirks at them as they mentally undress her while she walks to the head of the table. Being a succubus, she is used to this and never gets tired of being lusted after. The cream colored file in her hand lays flat on the long shiny table in front of her boss, the CEO of the Contracts District. Mr. Grant Roberts. He barely looks at her even though she wore his favorite dress. It’s a skin tight black mini dress with little red polka dots and black sheer sleeves. The succubus takes her usual position, standing at his side with her elbow placed casually on the back of his black leather chair. Grant runs his strong hand through his thick dark brown hair, long on the top and short on the sides. He knows what the contents of the folder are, but is hesitant to open the damn thing. He buys himself another moment by adjusting his dark red tie to lie flat on his black button up shirt. His hand moves to open the folder, all the while he is ignoring the wailing witch standing at the other end of the table. When the folder opens there are several sets of eyes trying to see the contents even though they are too far away. Each member at the table waiting eagerly to hear who will receive the newest contracts. One of the contracts will determine who gets the witch’s power. Shared power that is, or more like the leftovers. Any demon could just kill a witch and take her powers for themselves, but then demons would be competing with each other. Naturally that would lead to them killing each other and reducing themselves to ruleless barbarians. It would get quite messy without rules and order, without the contracts. Of course if there are contracts being drawn out and evenly distributed, there must be someone in charge of such a task. This person is Grant Roberts. His family’s bloodline has held this responsibility for generations. The contract in front of him was drawn up quickly when this witch was caught and brought in earlier. There was no contract on her or set for any of the demons currently in the room, so it was necessary to have one made. Grant shuffles papers from one hand to another. Let’s see, who is due for a contract? These things need to be done in an orderly fashion to keep all the hot headed demons in line. Out of the corner of his eye he can see nervous fingers fidgeting on the table and can almost feel the tension growing in the room. Each demon sitting at the table is awaiting his decision. Grant holds his hand out to his side and his sexy assistant instantly places a pen on his palm. Everyone holds their breath as the ink marks the page with his signature. Suddenly, the witch who’s hands are tied behind her back raises her foot up and kicks a hot cup of coffee off of the table. The steamy liquid lands in the lap of the closest demon to her, a young man with dragon tattoos on his bald head. He stands up forcefully causing his chair to roll back on its wheels and hit the wall behind him. The demon growls as he whips the empty cup at the witch. She laughs and tries to kick at him. He shimmers from in front of her and appears out of nowhere at her side. His hand grabs at her long black hair and yanks it backwards. The witch lets out a whimper before spitting into his face. A ceremonial demon knife with a long black blade is thrust into her gut. The demon stares into her eyes as the life leaves her. The room is silent as the witch’s power essence swirls from her body in a dark purple cloud and is absorbed into her killer. Every set of eyes at the table then quickly move from them to the gentleman sitting at the other end of the table. Grant clenches his jaw tightly, the muscles rippling across his jawline and down into his neck. He slams the folder shut as he slowly stands up. The succubus at his side takes a step back and crosses her arms underneath her showy bosom. The demon at the front of the room lets the witch’s body fall from his grasp and land on the floor lifeless. After he cracks his neck from side to side and puts his blade away, his attention shifts towards Grant. He licks his lips with an eyebrow raised accompanied by a cocky attitude. “What? You all saw what happened. The stupid b***h was asking for it.” His bold and youthful statement is met with silence. “There are rules, you i***t!” Hisses the rich man sitting to Grant’s left. “Right, right. Well just write up the contract then. What’s done is done.” The young demon shrugs his shoulders in his leather coat and begins to return to his seat, but is instantly surrounded by a ring of fire. “You’re right.” Grants says cooly, staring at the man intently with his dark blue eyes. “What’s done is done and you have broken a rule. A very simple rule. Nobody kills without a contract.” The circle of fire around the demon grows to nearly three feet high. Panic is evident on his once arrogant face. Grant slowly stands and looks at each member sitting at the table, as if making sure they understand what is about to happen. The demon in the circle begins to beg for his life, the same as the witch before him did. “Enough.” Grant states as he casts a fireball into the chest of the disobedient demon, causing him and the fire to disappear from the room. A dark red stream of energy manifests where the demon was destroyed and then quickly floats over to Grant. He closes his eyes as the energy is absorbed into his body. The sound of him exhaling is the only sound in the room. All eyes are on him. “The meeting is over. Everyone out. Except for you, Sophia.” His voice as deep and calm as ever. As the well dressed demons, all business men, exit the room he leans forward and presses his fingertips onto the table. Two white hands with long dark red fingernails slide up over the backs of his broad shoulders. They squeeze him gently before gliding around to his side. Without looking at her, he pulls her to the front of him with one strong arm. Sophia, the succubus is now placed between his arms with her bottom pressing onto the table. She grabs him by the tie and places sultry little kisses up and down his jaw. His mouth remains closed as she explores his lips with her own. His hands move to her thighs and gives them firm gentle squeezes before pulling them apart roughly. She gasps and holds tightly to his tie with one hand, the other hand behind her propping her up. His hand slides further down her thigh to her center. “Not wearing any underwear, again?” He growls with an eyebrow raised. “You know that I never do, especially around you..” The succubus purrs. A moment later his belt is undone, revealing himself to her. She looks down with a pleasant expression before his member disappears under the edge of her dress. Sophia moans with delight as he enters her wetness. Her arms wrap around his neck as he takes her by her back and hip. Several angry thrusts lead to his release inside of her. She appears satisfied with his pleasure, while he himself seems almost unaffected. He stands up straight and tall to readjust his clothing and fix his hair. “Thank you, Sophia.” Grant says as he gently holds her chin and stares at her big red lips. “You don’t have to thank me. I know what you need and I desire to please you. Always.” Her words are heavy with seduction, sending a shiver of ecstasy up her own spine just recalling the pleasure he gives her. “I know. You’re too good to me. I’m lucky to have you at my side.” He tells her as he gathers his folder and the papers that have spilt out. “Take the rest of the day off and tomorrow too. I’ll be in my office handling some different things. I will call you if I need anything.” She hopes he does as he makes his way down the length of the table and out of the conference room. Sophia is left standing there, still feeling his pleasure wet between her thighs. It is rare for a succubus to choose only one man to be hers, when it so easy for her to bend creatures to her will and desires. There is something about Grant that fills her needs and leaves her satisfied and wanting more. Perhaps it’s the perfect combination of his wealth and success mixed with his calm and powerful attitude, all wrapped up in one sexy package. A smile lights her face just thinking about him, about having him all to herself and being in his bed every night. She wants nothing more than this, but he still seems so guarded even after all these years. He has his dark secrets just the same as all of them, but she has to find a way to make him want her like she wants him. There is so much that she has done for him over the past three years and so much more she would love to do. Her mind wanders through the possibilities and then stops on an odd thought. Grant may be a demon, but he is still a man. She can please him sexually in a thousand and one ways, but even she has to admit that she is far from being “wife” material. Perhaps there is an option for her to provide this service to him in an unconventional sort of way. She has just the idea.. “Hmm..” She hums out loud as she straightens her dress down around her thighs and strides towards the double doors, one red heeled foot in front of the other. Since she has the day off tomorrow, maybe she will take a little trip out of town and bring her lover back something special. A wicked smile plays on red lips as she exits the room.
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