Fateful Meetings and Final Dances

1660 Words
“Seriously Avyn, who brings a book to a party?” Adrissa asked. I had to stifle a laugh. My youngest sister looked almost grown up in her elegant green dress and her short hair in loose curls. Her masquerade mask spread over her face, the wings of a blue and green butterfly. Avyn rolled her eyes. She was only a year older than Adrissa but looked closer to my age. She wore a red dress, with her hair in a long dark brown braid. Her mask was elegant but plain, red with beaded flowers. “It’s not MY party.” she answered, from the other side of me. She pushed her glasses up on her nose and glared at Adie. “And I’m surprised you didn’t come with a cactus or something as your date.”  As the princesses of the court, the three of them had thrones just underneath their father’s thrones. At the moment, the kings were seeing to the preparations of the ballroom. They had spent almost an hour just talking to the musicians, and now they were overseeing the cuisine that was spread out amongst a dozen tables. “I haven’t even grown any cactuses!” Adrissa hissed, smacking the book out of Avyn’s hands. Avyn opened her mouth but I interrupted. “Please stop. You’re only fighting because you’re bored.” I wore a yellow dress, the soft color of buttercups. Instead of sleeves, it had lace that draped below my shoulders. My mask was a matching white lace and my light hair was in a braided loop at the back, with a few curls framing my face. My servants had pinned my hair back with little white flowers.  My two sisters looked at the ground, mumbling apologies. Adie picked up Avyn’s book and handed it back to her. “What are you reading?” “It’s a book about foreign trade and how it affects-” Avyn started, but cut herself off when I noticed Adie wasn’t paying attention. “Look! People are starting to come in!” Adrissa pointed at the great doors that led into the ballroom. Avyn put her book away and began to scan the guests with her gaze. “Are you looking for someone?” I asked, with a coy smile.  “I bet you’re looking for princes.” Adie grinned. “Speaking of, that’s the whole point of this party, right Aire? To find you your future king?” I sighed and looked away.  Adie’s expression fell, realizing she had misspoken. The youngest Calimore made a habit of finding her foot in her mouth. She changed the subject. “I haven’t seen Oberyn either. He normally doesn’t leave your side.” “I gave him the night off.” I lied. “He asked to visit his family. He left by horse this morning.” Adrissa had already stopped listening. At least I didn't have to worry about her seeing through the lie. Instead, my youngest sister's focus was across the ballroom. Amidst the crowd of guests were our fathers, escorting two young princes towards them. I could tell from the way they dressed and the way they walked- clearly royalty. It made my heart drop. The kings were laughing at something the oldest son had said when they approached the thrones. Both princes stopped talking and kneeled. King Omyr cleared his throat. “My loveliest daughters, this is Prince Elson and Prince Evrin of kingdom Therros. Therros is a coastal kingdom, to the east, that has become a major trade route for merchants from all kingdoms.” Prince Evrin smiled, bowing to them. He was about the same age as Avyn, and from the way his eyes met hers, I figured my fathers must have already told him that. Elson on the other hand approached me and grabbed my hand, laying his lips across my fingers. The prince had messy blonde hair and sea blue eyes. Yet something in his eyes was hungry, and it made me uneasy. “Your highness, I wish you the most pleasant of birthdays. Even though it is your special day, I selfishly must be the one to ask for a gift.” He kept ahold of my hand after kissing it. “Your company on the dance floor.” I hesitated, my eyes roving to my fathers, looking for some excuse to refuse. Instead, I found them nodding their heads in encouragement, and Elson was sweeping me onto my feet. No one else had found their way to the center of the ballroom yet and they were center stage for everyone to see. People milled around with plates of food, smiling at the handsome prince and the beautiful princess. I felt cold, like an icy hand was wrapped around my heart and squeezing. I hated being the center of attention. I hated all these eyes on me. Elson seemed to love it. He looked around, winking and smiling and waving as if this dance was more for them than for me.  Elson’s hand gripped mine firmly. His attention had been all on the audience before, but as soon as the music started, his focus was solely on me. He was so strong that he practically carried me through the waltz. The hand on my hip tightened possessively.  “My lady Aireynor,” He asked, staring into my eyes intensely. “May I have the honor of joining you tomorrow to enjoy more of your company, perhaps for lunch in your garden?” “It’s actually Adie’s garden,” I answered. “And I will be busy tomorrow with-” “Excellent, excellent. I will arrive in mid-morning for our date.” He said, clearly ignoring me. I frowned but said nothing more. Likely, my fathers had already arranged for him to visit to court me. The song was wrapping up, and he leaned in close. "Thank you for the dance. It would seem we fit very well together." My neck prickled with gooseflesh. He really was beautiful, the type of prince from a story book. Golden hair, and just a bit of stubble. Piercing eyes. He carried himself with strength and dominance. For a moment I pictured exactly what he saw in me. He wanted a wife. A mother. And if those weren't bad enough, he wanted a title. He wanted my kingdom.  It felt like years later when finally, the song ended. I thought I could escape back to my throne, but as Elson was bowing away with a wink, another noble came and took his place. I tried to enjoy myself. Not every partner I found was as intense as Elson. I danced with nobles, friends, and strangers. At one point, I even danced with Adie. She pointed out Avyn, who was dancing with Elson’s brother Evrin. She laughed as I spun her in a sloppy circle, her hair tousled.  Then, my eyes fell on familiar lavender skin and long black hair. The breath seemed to leave my lungs just looking at him. It was if I had never truly seen him before. He adjusted his cuffs, his eyes alight. He looked simply charming, as elegant as any king there. I watched as Oberyn made his way over to us, confidently parting the crowd as if he was totally at ease in the midst of all the dancing bodies. Adie smiled at me, smugly, then excused herself towards the snack table. My eyes met his, and I felt my heartbeat speed up. I felt nervous and excited and hot all at the same time. This was my best friend. My confidant, my counsel, my teacher. The one person who had always been there for me.  Oberyn took my hand, and I felt a smile tugging the corner of my lips. His mask was a grey leather skull with gold stitching. His jacket was black silk with matching gold stitched patterns.  One of his warm hands found the small of my back. The other took my hand, to guide me in a flowery waltz. I felt my dress twirl around me, and the heaviness seemed to bottom out of my heart. Oberyn moved me with an elegant ease that made me breathless. His eyes never left mine. He didn’t even say anything. He didn’t have to. Our bodies moved together with the chemistry of two people who truly knew each other. If people were staring when I danced with Elson, twice as many were staring now. The lights in the ballroom dimmed as a slow, sweet song carried them against each other. Oberyn and I floated like a leaf from a tree, softly towards the ground, back and forth on an invisible current. The room fell quiet.  I had never felt like this before. This serenity. I felt disappointed when his hand left my back to twirl me around, but he soon pulled me against him. I could smell him, clean and spicy and masculine. It made me shiver.  “Happy birthday, Dy’myl. It’s been my greatest honor to watch you blossom.” He whispered, his warm lips almost touching my ear. “You’ll be an incredible queen, and I envy the man who makes you his.” I was jostled from my reverie, where I was warmly enjoying Oberyn’s company. Right, I was to be queen soon. And that meant I had a promise to make good on. My faithful steward had earned his freedom. I felt hot liquid tears threaten to spill over my cheeks. Was this why he wanted to dance with me? As a goodbye? Did he truly plan to leave once I was the queen? I looked up at him, stilling my emotions. “And you will be a rich and free man, as I promised.” Oberyn grew tense. “You still plan to free me, my lady?” He asked, a bit confused. “Of course. You have upheld your end of the deal.” I answered, with borderline cold indifference. It hurt my heart to imagine him leaving, but I couldn’t let that show. I didn’t want him to know how much I selfishly wanted him to say. After all he had done for me, he didn’t deserve to feel guilty for pursuing his own life. I tried to keep my expression even. Oberyn stared at me for a moment, his eyes scanning mine for something, though I didn’t know what. Then, with an immense sadness playing behind his gold eyes, he nodded one curt nod. “Thank you, your highness.” ~~~
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