The Fall of Aurore

1007 Words
I was still drained of power because of the blood loss. A desert in me that had again missed its rain. The newly crowned king of Grockhaven was alongside a horrifying creature I had never seen my entire life until that day. "Kirstine!" Mother. Thimony yanked her hair and held onto it very tight. He looked at me and I saw in his green eyes the satisfaction he amassed from the brutal murders Grockhaven did to the people of Aurore. But my mother did not mind the hurting she experienced. Only desired for my safety. The bastard Thimony placed my mother's arms in front of her. Her lips quietly muttered, "Leave." "Sentinels are helpless without their hands," so he said. He raised his sword to gather further momentum, just enough to chop my mother's arms off. I remembered how I used to hunt in the woods and see blood flowing from the animal killed by my arrow. Mother's blood streamed rapidly and almost just the same. She screamed even before it slashed. And I couldn't watch my mother suffer in pain. How could I watch her bleed to death? Finally, Ser Ashton with 4 of his armies arrived fast. Yet what they saw in Thimony is the face of their king, my father. He hoped it would distract the soldiers. His eyes never changed. A portal developed itself. A Gen's portal. The mage of Grockhaven leaped off of it. "Send this woman to the Batydor's sons", Thimony instructed the Gen as he gave Queen Nera away. The mage dragged the queen to the portal and teleported elsewhere. I hoped my mother would be safe. I prayed that the gods show mercy and deliver her from evil. Ser Ashton ran to me and helped me stand up. I tried to use my magic to protect my mother but it was impossible to do so. It was worthless. The 4 Kingshield soldiers went to slay the imposter of a king. All of them carried their best swords and hoped to kill Thimony. "Raymore," Thimony signaled the creature. I guessed it was the creature's name. Raymore bashed a soldier's head. Next, he opened another's chest and wrenched his heart. As another soldier swung hard his sword, the creature took it through his teeth. With the soldier weaponless, Raymore then clawed his stomach and his guts fell out. It was Thimony who murdered the last one by slicing his helmeted head off. He morphed to his former appearance. Both Thimony and his pet walked slowly toward us. Their smiles and eyes, so malicious. Ser Ashton made a single human barricade. He placed himself there and hoped he could protect me, at the least. His sword was ready to battle. "You see, the world is cruel. It always has been," Thimony said. "Stained by the sins of humanity", he added, "this realm needs a cleansing. Redemption". The two continued to bring themselves closer to us. Closer. "I know you understand, Kirstine. Sinful men rule every land and what does that bring? A world of chaos. What should one do if a chance to change it all exists?" "You murdered your own family", I mocked his ideology. "Those are the price we have to pay. A small cost", he responded. "You know what?" I paused. "Go to hell!" I cursed him. He chuckled a different one and replied still with a smile, "Hell will come." They stopped when an unusual event occurred. A Warlock's magic invaded our midst and Thimony did not expect that. Veronica arose and blew Raymore away with the shadows of her power. And enclosed him with her trance of dusk. She held the beast with her hands. Thimony attacked his side. He lunged toward Ser Ashton and he blocked the attack. His counterattack was to thrust. Thimony parried. Just as when Ser Ashton released his sword for another attack, Thimony escaped by lowering his body beneath Ashton's weapon, setting his free hand on the floor for support and equilibrium. As Ser Ashton hovered over him, Thimony straightened his sword arm and stabbed the Kingshield Commander's chest. He then revoked his sword. Ser Ashton plummeted. He was gasping for air. I couldn't stop the bleeding. What should I have done? I cradled our most loyal servant with my arms. My palm pressed against his wound. He was shivering. He clutched onto my lower arm. His pupils rolled up until there was only white. He clutched tighter and still shaking. His last words were: "The bride of havoc with the gods' veil, immunity. Amongst the birthed protectors chased by the dark lords underneath." I closed my eyes for I understood the end. That Thimony would collect me. Thimony walked closer. Veronica arrived just in time, she dived and flew on top of the mad king facing above. She landed on her feet, face to face with Thimony. Quickly, when he still couldn't respond, she placed two fingers on his forehead. She recited fast, "Kii na meden ei linwe na den." Thimony vanished and through the shadows he left, Raymore galloped. Flinging Veronica out of the way, he tried to claw me. But as soon as his claws went near me, they fell off his fingers. He growled aloud and Veronica went by my side. She said, "Thimony had been transported to the Earthbreeds' lair. They can kill him anytime." He was still badly in pain and he watched our responses. He growled again and scrammed out of the kingdom with their armies. Veronica looked at me and queried for my next move. I said, "We should find my mother". Suddenly. I woke up from deep slumber. I dreamt of it again. What repeatedly haunted me each time I close my eyes. The fall of Aurore. A memory tragic as f**k. The dawn made its display and the sun was beginning to appear, I got out slowly from his arms and stood without waking Ethan up. Wake up from this sweet dream and face reality's nightmare. I needed to find my mother.
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