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Secretary Jason Rodriguez vowed to the De la Cruz family that he will integrate them to the end of his life. He took his decision when he was fourteen years old. He always had his pride to his pledge and defend the family's reputation now that he is the same age as Haim and despite what happened to Grace and her parents. “Sir Haim, you must rise and attend the funeral.” After entering Haim's room in the safe house, Secretary Jason stated. “And why would I do anything like that?” I've had enough in deep despair.” Haim who first reacted. “Sir, please accept my apologies, but your emotions are unimportant right now. I understand how difficult it is to move on because of what has happened, but please, sir, consider doing so for the sake of Grace and your child. If you neglect the funeral and just screw your life, you have just messed up Ms. Grace's image as well. Do you want to die with an embarrassment of a wife and child?” Jason said it clearly. “What could I really do? Is it true that turning up at the funeral changed everything? Maybe it'll only make things more difficult if I reveal that I was aware that the perpetrator was aiming for me.” Haim was skeptical. “There is nothing to be concerned for. Sir Haim, I have prepared it. I knew everybody and was well-versed in the De la Cruz's business dealings. I know how they will speak and run, so I am here to make sure everything is in order. I have been working with this family for years, and I am still very well trained.” Jason responded confidently. “All right.” Haim let out such a sigh. “So then, in the car, I'll explain everything that about get us moving. In addition, the wardrobe has already been packed. You should also change in the car.” Jason remarked. Then, they settled in and began their trip to the funeral. Secretary Jason briefed Haim on what to plan and do at the funeral while they were in the car. “As soon as you enter the venue, there is nothing you can do. And though and regardless of what happens, you will never say such things. You will actually publicize yourself to the crowd. You should whine a little, but not too much. They need to know that you cared for more than just your family; they need to see that you cared for the people who died that night, and that you would not tolerate whatever they did to you. Finally, keep a courteous attitude. That is the only thing there is about it.” Jason spoke to Haim.   The funeral was a major occurrence due to the scandalous intentions of the De la Cruz family's affairs. Haim and Jason were finally got to the funeral. Since there was such a large audience, their vehicle was bolstered. The press and newscasters were among them. The protesters and the bereaved families of the murder victims were among the tropes. Some of them were just interested. The funeral was very crowded, but none of them were even cared for the De la Cruz family. The people who at the funeral have their own malicious intentions against the family. Haim and Secretary Jason, together with their guards passed through the noisy crowd. While at the funeral, Haim did what Secretary told him to do while in public. Then, Secretary Jason made a statement to the crowd. “The De la Cruz family had their very cruel fate together with the people who served them. I am Jason Rodriguez, the secretary of the De la Cruz family who served them for four years and I must say that the family did not deserve their tragedy, especially their people. The family I served; I knew them well. They were very kind and humble despite of having much of wealth. They were very helpful and generous. They even served the people who in need with their own hands. They gave them jobs and at least an opportunity to ascend from being inadequate. Unfortunately, the man behind all of the tragedy that happened was a big assassin and rebel who have a rubbish reason and gone mad against the family. Again, I am here to testify that everything that happened is not the fault Mr. Haim, but the murderer and there is no any connections between them. If you wanted an evidence, then we will publicize any information about Mr. Haim that will prove his innocence. It is not Mr. Haim to be mad of, but to the murderer himself. Mr. Haim is also mourning to his own family, so please give him some spare time to unwind. Lastly, we promised that we will work hard on the investigation to bring justice to everyone that become that a victim to the tragic event of the De la Cruz and we will pay everything that matters about the funeral of the victims, because that will the De la Cruz family do also.” Secretary Jason gave his statement to the public thoroughly and clearly. The crowd then again murmuring after the statement of Secretary Jason, yet everyone forbids to comment and to ask any question for the sake of the privacy of the funeral of the De la Cruz. After the time have passed the funeral became quiet. The crowd finally left, and Secretary Jason ordered the guards to forbid anyone to enter the room for the mean time for Haim’s privacy. Haim on the other hand was emotionless. It was like he was dead and speechless. He sat at the long chair at the front being miserable. He was dying inside. He was suffering in silence. Secretary Jason on the other hand came and sat next to Haim. Haim had his small miserable laugh and said, “All you have said was true huh? The family and their people did not deserve any of the incident, but you should not have to protect my image. Just let them hate me. I have nothing left. There is nothing but sorrow.” While Jason contradicted Haim by saying, “No! Technically speaking I must protect your image at all costs. You are the only one that is a relative of the De la Cruz and as I pledge my whole life to serve the family, so, I must serve you well whether you will let me or not. You are the heir of the wealth of the family. They have no one but you. So, you must work and thrive to continue their legacy. Please, I know that it does not make sense for now but continue to live on for the sake of your wife and child.” Haim do not know what to react anymore, so he kept his silence. Jason gives Haim some spare time and also for himself. He left the room and goes into the corner of the pillar outside. He was also mourning because of what happened. He himself could not also accept the fact that Victor De la Cruz who treated him as his own child, died from a terrible event. He was also furious about the deeds of the culprit and he wanted to avenge Victor. He was grieving. Laura on the other hand saw Jason at the corner. She was looking for Haim, but she was concerned why is Jason also mourning. “What happened, are you okay? Laura asked Jason as she approach him. “I am not as you can see. I am still mad about what happened to Victor. He was a nice man and a father figure to me. He does not do anything wrong. He was kind-hearted and there is no reason why he deserves his tragic death. I see myself in the shoe of Mr. Haim, in fact, worse than that. I have been through such a nightmare during my childhood and now I have nothing because Victor was dead. How could such a man have done those terrible acts?” Jason expressed his sorrowful feelings. “All has nightmares of their own. They currently exist on it in some cases. Some nightmares are difficult to recover, while others are manageable. But one thing is certain: nightmares are nothing more than shadows, and wherever there is a shadow, there is always light. A ray of light that we can depend on. A light that allows one to breathe deeply and comfortably. So, while you were on the nightmare remember to breathe and thrive for light, yet do not push yourself. It is not required to escape darkness just to experience the light. Sometimes, the light is within us, so that, we could experience it during the days of the shadow. Life is simply complicated.” Laura gave her best shot to encourage Jason. Laura and Jason sighed heavily, thinking about how difficult and complex life is and how to navigate while living on it.
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