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After getting everything finished, Jason headed home as quickly as possible. His pleas went on and on, pressing the driver on the whole way. There was nothing he could do, but he found it humorous. That day, his supervisor had had enough and dismissed him from the job. It was the first time he had seen him in such haste. However, Francine showed up at the De la Cruz’s, and then it looked as if this kind of incident happened often.   She didn't know why she was there. Her uneasiness stemmed from not being able to identify anybody or to feel like she was in her comfortable surroundings.   Jason had never seen anything like that before, so when he opened the door, he was amazed. While Francine sat with her legs crossed in front of the French window, she smiled. As she glanced out the window, he was at a loss to determine what she was thinking.   This was a strange sight to see her in this condition. Jason wanted to go to her and make contact lightly, but he was worried that it could startle her. Knocking on the door was his only option. She was still astonished to hear his voice when he returned.   Jason instantly spoke to quell any possible concern: "There's no need for fear — I'm simply here." "It is physically impossible for you to have forgotten about me in such a short period of time, is it?"   Jason's heart was filled with anxiety for his family, while Francine's gaze had an element of concern for him.   "I returned it to you personally. When you woke up, you saw me as the first person you saw. There's no way you could have forgotten this, is there? I trust you, so you may put your confidence in me." Jason had a pleasant grin as he suggested, "Why don't we stop and have a cup of coffee?"   before answering, Francine stopped and thought for a bit before saying, "Who are you?"   Jason made his way over to Francine and sat down next to her. He did not, however, allow himself to get too close to her. He was worried that Francine wasn't accustomed to the level of physical intimacy that was now there. He was afraid of her at the moment and terrified that something was about to happen.   "We've already tied the knot. I want to know who you think I am." Jason made a comment to Francine, telling her with a grin.   The confidence that Francine had only a minute before was demolished when she heard Jason speaking to her.   A wedding is in the works? If only he had made even the slightest effect, he would have succeeded. That was quite a prank! What did I do? How could I have married a guy I didn't know?"   Even though Jason was a little shocked by Francine's response, he could not help but chuckle since it was so funny.   As Francine continued to gaze at Jason, she began to frown "Is it true that you're telling me the truth? What about getting married? I've completely forgotten everything. There was no possible way that I could have forgotten you if we were married, as you say."   Francine's thoughts were going at a million miles per hour. She understood that her memory had been obliterated, but that didn't mean she had to accept all this guy stated.   She was able to vividly recall her early memories. As to the reasons for Mom's suicide, I don't know." She left me here to die because she didn't want me in her world. Even though I knew this was my one and only chance to be with someone, I didn't want to imagine that one day I would accept to spend the rest of my life with someone else. It makes me happier than I can express to know of a suspicious connection. Tell me everything precisely that transpired."   He felt quite guilty when he realized how frank Francine was about their opinions.   'I lost a lot of time when I was away from Francine.'   "Despite the fact that you do not believe me at this moment, you will remember me one day. I am confident about that." Jason was full of self-assurance, his eyes sparkled. He was sure that he would be able to help bring Francine back to the fold, and he was positive that he would be able to finish the missing puzzle pieces between the two of them.   Looking in the direction of Jason, Francine furrowed her brow. She didn't know why she was now having a hard time with a heart-pounding beating. She felt as if she had felt it before, but she was unable to pinpoint where or when. While she was thinking, she came to the conclusion that the gentleman in front of her was speaking the truth and that there was a little similarity to him in her recollections.   "Are you hungry? Would you want anything to eat? Do you have any particular foods you wish to eat?" Jason was quite patient with Francine, and his tone was soothing.   Francine did a poor job with a gesture with his head. "To be honest, I'm not that hungry."   As Jason caressed her hair, the edges of her shadow began to envelop her eyes. "After that, cook a supper. Even when you're not feeling well, you should continue with your activities. Rather than doing nothing, it is better to eat something. Here's some to bring you. I'll be with you shortly."   Jason's actions put an end to Francine's fears and hence caused her to nod in surprise. Jason stood up to depart, revealing a smile on his face.   There was only one other person left in the room, and that was Francine.   Francine reached up to touch the top of her head as though the temperature of the person was still present.   'Was he really married to me?'   She went out of her way to avoid passing Francine's room. She had an absent-minded expression on her face as she ran her fingers through her hair.   On the inside, Grace was boiling with rage.   I can't figure out why this lady remains in place."   She thought about it and then decided to do it.   Grace saw that Francine's features were superb, and she called out to her, saying, "Good morning, gorgeous!" Francine!"   Francine started to glance about in a bewildered fashion until she saw a face she had never seen before.   This is the question we should be asking." Francine was in a state of disarray. She was aware that she had lost a portion of her memory, but the two of them reunited so they could reconnect with the other half of her.   Francine was about to make fun of Grace, but when she saw that the lady had turned her head back and totally ignored her, she refrained.   Although nothing had transpired, Francine acted as if nothing had transpired, and Grace could not believe what had transpired. It became clear to her thereafter that she understood everything about the debate.   Did she not want to communicate something?" Was it that she couldn't think of anything more to say, or was it just that she didn't know how to put her thoughts into words?   As Jason had just arrived back with the lunch, he had already returned by the time this took place.   I'd want to know why you are here. In a split second, Jason reflexively turned to look at Francine in the hopes of finding out what was wrong, only to discover that she was completely unresponsive. A weight lifted off his chest as a result.   Grace immediately tempered her tone, stating, "I came to visit Francine, but she didn't even acknowledge me." She stared daggers at Jason.   Her memory has been completely gone. Jason replied as he stepped forward Grace with the serving plate in hand.   The way Grace's mouth opened in astonishment shows how astonished she was.   When Grace greeted Francine, Jason turned his attention to Francine and told Grace, "Don't discuss the past in front of her."   Francine had the first chance to speak before Grace could ask her why.   "Who is she?" When she came in, she felt as if the lady she was about to meet had personal animosity against her.   He said "This is my sister." With a grin on his face.   When she heard it, Grace frowned and grunted with displeasure. She detested Francine so much that she hated all she represented.   what caused Francine to return? 'When am I finally going to play my own gig, Jason?'   Yes, Sister." From the outside, it seemed like Francine was staring fixedly at the two of them, but to Francine's own admission, the connection they had was far less defined than Jason had made it out to be. Frankly, Francine, on the other hand, didn't inquire more as she had no idea what was going on in her heart, and she had a very strong premonition concerning Grace. "Eat up and move faster." Jason presented Francine with the dish as he gave it to her. Jason's phone rang once again just as he was about to finish speaking. When he was so agitated that all he could do was signal Francine and go to the balcony to answer the phone, he began to cry. When she witnessed how kind and kind Jason was to Francine, Grace couldn't help but feel furious. She went ahead and deposed Francine with the expectation that she could do it in a timely manner. It became clear to Grace that she was losing control of her emotions, so she shut her eyes and took a deep breath. Francine bent her head, but it was clear that Grace was looking at her. Her attention was most certainly not enjoyable. Or is it just me, but doesn't this little lady seem to be interested in Jason? She's truly his sister, isn't she? Jason's comments were, indeed, completely implausible. Although on the phone, Jason often peered over in Francine's direction. Once he saw Francine's peaceful demeanor, his heart melted significantly. Upon entering the room, Jason noted that Francine was still concerned about the leftover food on the dish. "You don't like it?" he questioned. His smile broadened. Francine swiftly shook her head, indicating that she didn't agree. "No, no, don't worry about that." if you don't need anything, then get out!" I've still got a ways to go before I can contact your sister! Francine was whispering to herself. Jason could not understand Francine's behavior and was quite perplexed. He was sure she'd had some kind of memory loss and there was no way she could have understood him, so he didn't question her. Rather, he asserted that. "I am dealing with an emergency with my firm. It's entirely up to me to deal with it. It is imperative that you take a break right now. This time, I'll return after I've completed." Francine smiled as she saw Jason go on his way. Grace didn't have anything to say to Jason. The point where she cut her finger was almost going to puncture her flesh because she was angry. Some things she previously may have told Francine, now that Jason had departed, may have come to light. There were just the two sisters left in the room when grace and Francine entered. Francine was unable to tolerate the intense uneasiness. Jason has always been a great friend to you. Grace smiled serenely as though she was unaffected by it. the moment she heard Grace speak, Francine made a sound of astonishment. "It's a pity I can't remember the things that transpired between us. To be honest, I'm not sure whether he will blame me, but it doesn't seem like he will." Despite his strong dislike of the tense environment, because of his present circumstances, he was forced to be kind. Everything was so foreign to her. It will be difficult for her to avoid future harm if she does not hurry up and learn about the issue. Although she loathed debating with people, she could not bear to be defeated. Grace had concluded that Francine was boasting to her, based on the claims that she had heard. Deeply in her heart, she was even more outraged, but she didn't show it. She then on, "I was hastily adding, though, that." "Even though you and Jason recently signed a three-year contract, you will both leave after that period of time. My worst fears have been realized! Forgive me, forgive me, I'm going on and on!" When Grace was only halfway through her speech, it seemed as if she had made a horrible choice. She continued mumbling to herself. "I'm very sorry. How could I have possibly informed you? He had asked me not to tell you." Lifting her eyes, she looked across to Francine, who was attempting to remain inconspicuous while whispering. When Francine saw that others were astonished by her reply, she felt enormously delighted in her heart. "Eh, you wouldn't want me to assist you if you can't recall, would you?" Before she met Jason, Francine never could have predicted they would have such a strong bond. They're negotiating a three-year contract, right? It was, wasn't it? It does not make sense for Jason to say that I am his wife. It is astounding to me how little I knew about the world. Francine scowled and tried to recall anything, but she was still unable to think of anything. The poor woman was in a lot of agonies and was cradling her head with her hands. "Don't make things more difficult than they have to be, Francine. Even if you don't remember, you may think about it in a contemplative manner. I know Jason is a nice guy and he would never desert you." The anxiety that Grace felt as she glanced at Francine's unhappy face was apparent. Francine rolled her eyes and mouthed a whispered expletive. "Was this lady claiming Jason brought me back because he was kind and thoughtful?"He said we were married, but what about the contract?" She was brave enough to explore. Even though she had no intention of continuing, Grace was still silently mocking in her heart. After she finished speaking, it would be pointless to keep doing such things. She wanted to instill in Francine the idea that if she saw suspicion, then she should be concerned. The way Jason is feeling right now, he'd loathe her even more. Francine's ward, Grace, had been fooling about with her. Because Francine was not allowed to raise any questions about the contract, she had no option but to give up. She was determined not to speak with Grace any longer, and therefore just a quarter of the conversation was of duration. After she saw that Grace didn't seem interested, Grace immediately cut off the discussion and left the room. As she watched, she was filled with confusion as to whether or not Grace was really going. This Grace was fascinated by Jason, who definitely was paying attention to her. She did not know what transpired inside the amniotic fluid empty memory, but it should have caused her to suffer from a headache. It was very difficult for her to believe that competing with another woman for a male would be an experience so terrible since she wasn't sure what sensations she was experiencing at the time. By night's end, Jason had finished all of his assignments. He entered the room looking exhausted. She was so involved in a book that she was unaware of her surroundings. The notion that his wife was awaiting his homecoming is an example of Jason's mental illness. Regardless of what Francine was doing, the sight of this tableau had a strange, strange effect on his emotions. "Tell me what precisely you're looking at. Are you not getting enough rest?" Jason made a single step towards Francine. Francine set her head back down on the table and closed the book when she heard it. She lovingly caressed the book's cover. Jason had a look at it. The game was all about psychology. Jason didn't understand why she was reading a book that was so extensive. "Why have you come here? It has been an eventful day for you. Don't you need to rest? Will you be sleeping soon?" His statements seemed to have been jumbled and disjointed as though he didn't comprehend why Jason had turned here. Jason found himself close to her, wondering if he should remain or go. "Other alternatives are what other possibilities I have. That's how I told you we were married."
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