The beginning

1120 Words
Rebecca's POV I was tossing in bed and sleep was miles away. I could barely feel safe somehow this was taking a toll on me. It was 2 am and I decided to stand by the window. The fresh cool breeze washed my face erasing all my concerns. I looked out to see the moon light and felt at peace. I decided to get back in bed that's when my phone buzzed and this time it was a call. I was puzzled as I never got calls at this odd time. I picked up my phone and saw the same private number flashing on my screen. I was petrified. Am I supposed to answer this? I decided not to! This is insane. Why would anyone do something like this for the sake of a prank, I cut the call and decided to report this to police the first thing in the morning. ------------------------------The next Morning------------------------------------ It was the morning of Saturday which happened to be my day off at the advertising firm as well as the day when Mr and Mrs Hoffman were going to meet their investor. I was busy preparing the breakfast while, Uncle Sam was watering the plants in the garden and aunt Lily was at the counter. I could see the peaceful smile on the couple's face. I decided to keep the stalking and weird texts that I received in the past two days a secret from them. I already owed them a lot I didn't want them to worry about me. Anyway, it will all be sorted after this day. Or so I thought... It was around 9 in the morning when an extravagant Rolls Royce Phantom parking before the cafe. Woah! That's amazing! I thought and the man who walked out was nothing less than a feast to eyes. The man was about 6'4" and had a well built body and a geek god like features with his age in late twenties to early thirties. He emitted this dominating aura around him and had a fierce gaze that somehow followed me. I walked out with breakfast to serve the customers and join Uncle Sam and aunt Lily but, somehow our new guest seemed to have taken a liking to aunt Lily as he smiled at her and asked all of us to join him for the breakfast while we discussed about the deal. I must say, I have never seen a high profile man enter the lane of our community, let alone invest in a local cafe. Something was off about this man! After having the breakfast our rich, young billionaire investor signed a check of 1 million and gave it to Uncle Sam. I mean seriously? "Sir, I would like you to work and keep the homely environment alive", Said the guy with a curt smile. I was away from them for most of their discussions as I was attending other customers. So, I couldn't get to hear much about our billionaire investor. Once I saw them get up Uncle Sam gestured me to come over. I walked to them as he tried to introduce us. "So, this is our lovely Rebecca, she's like our grand daughter", said uncle Sam. I smiled back with a curt nod. "Hello, I'm Aaron, Aaron Miles", said the man offering his hand. He was a billionaire!!!! what has he got to do here!!! I couldn't silence my curiosity and blurted out something that may have been mean. "Why would a billionaire who owns a large chain of hotels be interested in a home styled cafe in a not-so-popular community?", I shot the words right at him. I must say, I'm quite straightforward but, his presence here made no sense to me. "Well, I've set my eyes on something which intrigues my senses and tempts my urges", he said in a husky tone. "I only wish to make that mine", his gaze sent darts of aggression hitting me as he slowly took my hand to kiss the back of it. I was totally taken aback by his gesture and moved a step back. How could he do that? Uncle Sam patted my back trying to calm my obvious anxiety. "She's just curious, please forgive her remarks", said Uncle Sam to the filthy rich man. He only smirked at me, "Well, you have great assets here Mr. Hoffman, Please take care of them as they are now going to carry my name", he said as he continued to stab me with his gaze. "Sure, good sir, May I show you the way out", said Uncle Sam. I don't understand the need for all of this, I didn't like the meeting and it all made no sense. I walked in to ask aunt Lily as to how all of this happened to which she only said that the man had come in out of the blue to offer a deal that was too good to be true. Since, the deal was in best interests for the couple they agreed to it thinking it to be a humble gesture. This was not true at all... I didn't know that the whole purpose of this deal would force me to trade my life for theirs The following morning I decided to walk to the police station where I planed on getting a complain registered against this Mr. Private-Number. I walked in the station and was greeted by none other than uncle Pete. Yes, I have known him since I was born for he was the one to help mom with many paper works for my school. He was like the only father figure I've known after Uncle Sam. I really must be lucky to have such great people in my life... "Hey girl, what are you doing here?", he asked "Uncle, I mean, Sir, I wish to file a complain against a man who has been sending me weird text messages through a private number. I tried to block the number but somehow he finds a way to send me texts despite that", I explained. I trusted Uncle Pete and was sure he wouldn't reveal the matter to Hoffman couple. "Well, this might take 2 days to get the record and track this private number, I'll take your statement and leave the matter to me now", he said as he smiled. "Thank you sir", I replied. I was walking out of the police station when I heard an explosion and in seconds the whole building was in smoke. I screamed out in fear when I received another text, it read... "I'm watching you girl, it won't be long before you will be tied to my bed" what the hell did that mean?
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