
1076 Words
Rose Words sometimes aren't enough to let others know what you feel, and sometimes you don't even have to say anything at all, your expressions are enough. When Mr. Jonathan said about rogue's nobody said anything for about 10 seconds straight. I knew, just like me, everybody else was also in shock. However, then the boys and some of the girls in our class were urging and arguing with him, about letting them go and help their pack members irrespective of the Alpha's orders to stay in the school's auditorium. Another quality of the Redmoon pack, they can't just sit idly by and see the other person mistreating their pack, or its people. Unity is our greatest strength. Although many of them do not consider me as part of this pack, including the current Luna, but I do. I don't have much fighting experience, nor do I have any powers, but I was always willing to help them. While everyone was thinking about the rogues and ways to kill them if they saw one, my thoughts were stuck on the safety of my family. I have already lost one, and I will never be ready to face that again. I do not possess that strength. No. My hands started shaking thinking about my Pops, my brothers, and my baby sister Sophia. When nobody is at home, Mrs. Diana, our sweet neighbor, who's probably in her 50s, babysits Sophia. I looked at my watch, it was 11 am. It's her playtime at the park. God! What if they attacked the park?! The perilous thoughts kept invading my mind when soft hands squeezed my sweaty ones. I looked to my right to see the worried look on Lake's face. As if she had heard my unspoken words and said in a hushed voice using a reassuring tone “They are fine. Don't worry. I am with you”. Her hazelnut eyes were convincing, and I found myself nodding, looking at her. Right now we are in the school auditorium as our class was first to reach here, then Sam and Elena's class entered. I exhaled a breath of relief when I saw my friends entering safe and sound. The attack happened near our school. Maybe they wanted to hurt or kidnap children, so they could blackmail Xavier. I couldn't help it, but there was a part of my heart that was afraid for him as well. Constantly beating hard worrying about him and I don't even understand why. Elena and Sam found us and came to where we stood. Sam's blue eyes assessed Lake, making sure there were no injuries, while she kept staring at him. Elena stood beside me. There were some chattering noises when out of nowhere our Accounting teacher Mr. Dean shouted with panic prominent in his voice “Close the door! They are here! In school!” Some students started screaming, and a couple of teachers ran to close the doors. Sam stood in front of us in a protective manner and both Elena and Lake clutched my hands tightly. Just when the doors were about to close, they burst open again and those who were standing directly in front of the doors were thrown and landed straight on the ground. Multiple growls erupted through the air and all the teachers shifted to their wolf forms. The smell of rotten eggs filled the air, and we all knew who that rancid scent belonged to. Rogues If I say I was afraid right then, it would be the understatement of the century. I was f*****g terrified not because there were 10 rouges in their wolf forms, with red-brownish, or pure brown fur, but because they were looking murderously at us while baring and licking their sharp and yellow long canines. Our teachers stood in front of us, trying to protect us, and gave them a warning growl. And the same action was followed by one of the rogues but with a different objective, I guess, as he shifted right in front of us. A man maybe 7 foot tall stood without a stitch of clothing, a heavy beard, and long waist length hair, and deep cuts all over his torso. His dark black eyes roamed over the whole room and landed in one direction. Ours. An ugly, evil smirk formed on his face, my stomach twisted with fear, and turmoil filled my whole body. “We want someone.” Chills went down my spine when he said that with his awful smile showing his black squalid teeth, scratching his beard. Sam and Elena growled at the same time, but the rogue just chuckled, and then instantly his expression changed and he gritted his teeth. “Easy there pups, you wouldn't like the consequences” He was looking straight in our direction or rather I should say mine. At this point, the other rogues also shifted and assessed the room with their dark eyes. I noticed the cuts on their eyebrows and frowned. I have seen these types of marks before, but where? Likewise, I kept stressing my mind, when I noticed something. The rogues were staring into everyone's eyes and their bodies started relaxing. I didn't click until I noticed it happened with our teachers and my friends. My teachers were growling but then they seemed to lose their consciousness and fall into a trance-like state. Jesus Christ, they are hypnotizing them!!! “Elena, Elena!! Lake!! Sam!!” I shouted and shook my friends but there was no response. What the hell is happening?? How is this even possible? A loud chuckle echoed around the room. When I looked back their leader was laughing at me. My breathing accelerated and my hands turned cold. I gulped hard and voiced out my thoughts. “W...wh...what's h..happening?” I asked in a jittery voice to which he replied, “I put a spell on their wolf and hypnotized them” while he started eating up the distance between us. He again smirked and I just wanted to puke all over his face. My eyes filled with fear and my tongue felt too thick to speak, but I still managed to ask whilst moving away from him, “What d..do y..you want?” My lips quivered and my body started shaking as his words registered, “You” he bit out while licking his lips. To be continued Please support guys and do comment. I need them!
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