Alpha Xavier Black!!

1694 Words
Rose My breathing hasn't regulated yet. I couldn't understand the way my body reacted. It was like my body had a mind of its own or as if a spirit had invaded my body and was making me do things. I didn't want to feel like that, I wanted him to stop but I couldn't say anything, it was as if my body was under his spell. I stood up and looked in the mirror. “Bloody hell” whispering to myself, I touched the red bruises on my neck, jaw, and chest. Such a beast. Thankfully my hair was not that messy. Although it is a messy bun. I smiled at my joke. Why can I let that horny guy touch me? And why on earth did I like it? What does it make me? I have never been touched like that before, nor did I have any desire to. Then why now I want him to do it all again? I shouldn't be anywhere near him or any psychopath. My thoughts were interrupted as a red-haired girl entered the washroom. I quickly washed my face and wiped it with a tissue. But what should I do with these unwanted marks? I kicked the counter in frustration. A chuckle echoed through the washroom. Looking from the corner of my eye, the girl was already looking at me with an amused expression. “Had a great time huh?” She smirked looking me over from top to bottom. Now what should I say to miss 'poking her nose in other people's business' that I was harassed and moreover that I liked it? "You know...umm that ...hmm I" how do I explain this bizarre situation to her? *But she seemed to sense my embarrassment and held one hand in front of my face and another one on her hip and said. “It's ok. No need to be embarrassed. It happens. Here take this concealer, it'll help you hide them.” She took out a tube from her bag and passed it to me. “Thank you. Thank you so much. You saved me from a lot of embarrassment!” I don't know what came over me because I hugged her, real tight. “Oh, it's alright girl. Now you don't want me to die from lack of oxygen.” She muttered while patting my back. I just giggled at her comment. I backed away and started applying the miraculous substance when she suddenly said “Jennifer” I looked at her and smiled. “Rose” She was fixing her hair and asked me, but it sounded more like a statement “it seems like your boyfriend is really missing you and wow he must have masked his scent really well because I don't smell any male's fragrance in here." And the memory wafted back in my mind. I started feeling hot, just by thinking about it. And masked his scent? Really? Should I tell anyone about this? “Yeah” I softly muttered while looking at her through the mirror. After 5 minutes, I was done. She also gave me her lipstick and eyeliner. This girl saved my ass today. Thanking her again I exited the bathroom. I have no idea how much time I have spent there because everyone was settled down on their chairs. Luna, Sir Beta, and Madam Beta, with a lady in a black veil, were already standing on the stage. A table was placed in front with a bowl and an old rusted crown. I quickly spot my best friends. When I reached their table they were still arguing and Lake was glaring amusingly at them. “... Why do you always hit me with words?” says Sam with irritation clear as day in his voice. “Do you want me to start with rock instead?” Elena replied while rolling her eyes. “Guys, stop! ” I shush them while taking a chair next to Lake. "You look great, Rose!" Lake complimented me but before I could say anything both my friends exploded at me with questions. “Cupcake where were you?” “What took you so long? I was about to come to check on you Rose. The ceremony is about to start.” “I umm...there was a long queue so....” I replied hesitantly. “You know, your father was looking for you,” Sam commented while eating his chips. Oh, God! I almost forget about them. “Oh! Okay, I will find him after the rituals.” I replied with a nod. And for some reason, Elena was looking at me skeptically. Particularly, the spots where I'd applied the concealer. Just when she was about to say something Sir Beta cleared his throat and all the lights zoned in on him and others faded. Thank you, Sir Beta! “Good evening pack members. Thank you all for coming to the crowning ceremony. We all know it's high time for us to get a new alpha.” Everybody was listening to him sincerely. “I hope you all will accept your new alpha just the way you have accepted previous ones.” “Yes, we will,” everybody said in unison. “Now please welcome, Xavier and Christian” everybody howled and started clapping. “Finally, we get to see him. Can you imagine they kept his identity hidden!!” Elena whispered in my ear but for some unknown reason, I couldn't concentrate on her as I felt the same energy as before. The air sizzled again with electricity and every hair on my skin stood in attention. I was breathing faster. And then, it happened. My heart skipped a beat. Everything around me faded out as all my focus was drawn to him. He was so tall, and I could see his muscles bulging under his suit. His long black hair, long enough to touch his ears, was perfectly styled. His eyes were like clouds of rain holding many emotions. His features were so sharp as if carved by the Gods of sculpture and chiseled on stone. His aura was so powerful that it made me want to hide from him and yet at the same time submit to him. On his flawless skin, a deep scar was visible on his neck, going under his shirt and the sudden urge to touch it and graze it with my lips was overpowering me . He finally steps up on the stage in a dark black suit and shakes hands with the lady in the black veil and exchanges greetings with Sir Beta, Luna and Madam Stacy by kissing their hands as a sign of respect. I took a deep breath when his gray orbs looked directly in our direction. And somewhere I felt he was looking at me. His chiseled jawline twitched as he gritted his teeth. “God he is hot!” Lake whispered. And I managed to drag my eyes towards her. I frowned when Sam gritted his teeth at her comment. "Yeah, he does look great. Christian as well" Elena muttered, looking towards them. When I looked back, his eyes were looking everywhere but at us. And then I noticed, he was followed by a dirty blond haired guy, wearing a royal blue suit. Christian. “Now I request Miss Jonathan to start the ceremony” Sir Beta advised the lady. “Who is she?” I asked my friends without moving my eyes from them...Him. “She is the witch who will perform the rituals,” Sam answered, now drinking his coke. God. For a wolf, his appetite is like an elephant. I internally laughed at my joke. “Alpha Xavier, please come forward,” she asked him. He did and the way he walked like a lion, so powerful and scanned the crowd. And I could see people were shifting on their seats. This is when he is not alpha yet. After being an alpha his powers will surely intensify. “Now cut your hand a little and put some drops of your blood in the bowl” she instructed him. He took the knife from the table and with no expression, cut his palm and put a few drops in the vessel. The witch stirred it and started speaking inaudibly. Suddenly rays of lights started coming out of the potion, and she put some of it on the crown. The crown glowed and all the rust dissolved revealing it's new golden color. There were rubies and diamonds embedded on it. It was so beautiful. Mesmerizing. She smiled and gestured for him to sit. He knelt on one knee, and she placed the crown on his head, and she gave him the bowl to drink the rest of the potion .As soon as he drank it, everybody stood up and howled. “Aauu” Suddenly a wave of energy and connection flowed to each person except me. I am not a wolf so can't feel the connection but I can definitely see they all are connected to the new alpha. “Here, I announce Xavier as the alpha of the Redmoon pack. Alpha Xavier Black.” The witch announced, and everybody started cheering, hugging, and congratulating each other. We all also hugged. After a few minutes everyone started moving to meet others or for drinks. I spotted my family, when I reached to them, Steve scooped me up in his arms and complimented me. Pops, Bryan and Sophia said the same. We had our dinner. I must say dinner was fantastic. All the while, I could feel the heated gaze on my skin. When I looked back, it was none other than those gray orbs. Xavier. The way he looked, and observed, always made me flush. I couldn't drag my eyes away until my friends demanded my attention. I was on the front lawn with my group when someone pushed me and I landed straight in the mud. Great! Just fuckin' great! Only this was left! Poor Rose! I feel bad for her. What are your thoughts about this chappy? Do let me know in the comments!!!
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