Chapter 20

2163 Words

As Ari clicked through channels on the TV, the giggling sounds of her roommates seeped through the bathroom door as the two of them preened for their Friday night outing. Of course, she was invited to tag along, with the promise of ‘plenty of liquor and hot guys to make her forget about Adrian f*****g Nicolet’ since they planned on meeting up with some college friends and go clubbing. But after the whole elevator episode with Mr. Asshole—the nickname her roommates had been referring to him as-- she just wasn’t in the mood. Her trip to SecureTech had basically soured the past few days, though outwardly she managed to be the pleasant barista for Sweet Tooth. It was exhausting to pretend to be happy when all she wanted to do was cry, but it wasn’t the customer’s fault that her heart had been

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