Chapter 24

2737 Words

    Ari rushed around the small space of her room as she frantically threw on clothes, shuffling into a pair of shoes, and hastily combing her hair before shoving it up into a messy bun. Even though she estimated the people from Adrian’s company to be at the apartment in maybe another twenty-ish minutes, it wasn’t the prime reason she was moving so fast.     Adrian was the reason.     Because whenever she strayed too far away from him, his breathing, his thrashing, his pain, would seem to get a million times worse. If anything, she tried to keep her hand clutched in his as she moved around to let him know she was still there, and when she had to let go, Ari made sure it was only for a few seconds. Because seeing his twisted, anguished face, because listening to him bawl, ripped at her he

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