? "Terror Arising" ?Verse 2. ? "The KINGS' REBEL " ?

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.... But they hadn't the gift to see the future. With the background history of Lord Ethean, it is dangerous to trust Lord Ethean because he might just end up being like his fathers. (Back to the summoning of lord Ethean by His Grace.) "Apart from the Gotzonians which other planet has the image and form of the Creator?" King Ghrampp asked his sly servant. "Perhaps the Humans of the Earth I presume, they are the only powerless creature in the whole of the Multiverse" lord Ethean replied His Grace humbly. "Powerless, Humm!! They've got intelligence and great technology; so what of the Warlocks, Vampires, Dhampirs, Werewolves, Mutants, Druids and the HyBRiDs. I don't think they are in the classification of the Human species or are they?! " King Ghrampp asked quite inquisitive of his informat reactions. "I'm sorry my King I forgot to also mention the modifications of living species with the Creator's form as the Gotzonians," Lord Ethean spoke in a cold tone creating some quite exposure of discomfort in the presence of the King. My long time Lord of Information I know will not forget to complete a subject of informations I ask of him.. Something is bothering you and I want to know what it is and why! That was the greatest mistake of a gesture the great King of the Multiverse ever made at that moment. He should not have said it orally to his unknown ill-hearted servant, as he had created him a chance to open up to his evil intentions. King Ghrampp is a smart king that always figure out situations easily and now Lord Ethean doesn't seem firm in his mindset, it might be that he had already found out something or probably a conspiracy connived against him. What would Lord Ethean have to say to his Grace?! Of course he would not live if he exposed the truth of his intentions to the King. There was only one option for Lord Ethean... .... At that time of the conversation between the King and Lord Ethean, both were inside the chambers of the King who allowed lord Ethean into his chambers and offers him one of his glorious seat to rest upon as a honor of being his long time ally... "The time is now or never, I'll have to end the reign of his innocence to provide me a space for my mission," Fast treacherous thought kept on loading in the mind of Lord Ethean. King Ghrampp arose from his place on the golden chair made for him in his chamber room and on entering the inner chamber.... he felt some light force coming from behind but he had only his informat minister in his chamber. He was ignorant to sense the danger coming or else he would have made use of his powers to control the moment... 'Something pierce through something as a slimmy sound was made,'.... Arrrghhh... Blood dripping down the edge of a silver blade fixed on a scroll to the concrete floor closed to the Kings cabinet of informations by the door leading to the inner chamber..... A loud deep groaning from the King who was now slowly laying to the ground with the scroll sharp edge still mounted on the side at his back directed to his heart, having a horrible piercing as the King gave a look of unusual shock... ... "Hurggh.. Did you.. Just.. (He paused for a moment as blood gush out of his mouth).. No i.. Refuse to believe this..(Believing he was possessed).. No. It's.. Not.. True..... Why Ethean... Why did you do this treachery on me?... Have I ever done any evil to you for you to stab me your King?.... as his voice became so faint that he was too very close to accepting death companionship... Lord Ethean hands started shaking. He hadn't kill any being in his entire immortalic life but now he had done the greatest killing than an army killing a billion foe in his entire battle history... "I'm soo sorry your Grace but I felt this is my fate to the path I must take to avenge the death on my family, " Lord Ethean exclaimed in sobering as he knew in his heart that he has just started a cruelty and there is no going back as he has taking a drastic decision to betray his own master and King... ...".I.. thought.. you are a good.. friend of mine and a loyal servant to your course... Why would you do this evil to me?!".. In mutters King Ghrampp lips were shaking as the uttered his words with his heart filled with agony of death.... .".. It was not in my intentions to make my fate as horrible as it is but at some point I think I need to create a balance in the Multiverse which you are not capable of d'ing and that is why you need to go my King.. I'm very sorry from the depth of my heart.," Lord Ethean said as he stated his cruel reasons to keep him so confident that he wouldn't have to regret anything at all... ".. You have no heart.. Ethean, I could believe this could happen to me by the evil lords of the Multiverse, but no from you....," King Ghrampp said as he continues to groan in pain.. ..". Oh my supreme Creator; why didn't you inform my father about this day were his good deed of rescuing a poor little Gotzon child would be the doom of closing down our generations as the child has turned out to be the Nightmare that we hoped we never should have,".... King Ghrampp muttered as he shivers to his fading lif.. as he breath his last and his heart freezed as his body skin began to change into white. "Lord Ethean! What have you done?! Oh my Creator pardon us all" Lord Shamper walked in as he saw that the King's Chamber was slightly closed which was unusual in the great Palace of Pentera Kingdom Planet and he entered just to see the evil abomination committed by an evil fiendish and curse betraying Lord. ...." You are Evil and you are going to pay for this atrocity you have just..." .... "Shut Up Shamper, you have no idea on what offense you just committed," Lord Ethean roar in anger as he picks his small staff with sharp blades at the front, holding onto staff quietly after taking it off his robe from his back while coming soo close to Lord Shamper who was still in a terrible shock of the tragic death of His Grace... Lord Shamper ran to were King Ghrampp was stab and burst out in tears.. He had began to feel the forces of darkness around the palace and he became soo cold as he touched the hands of the dying King.. Then he summons courage and face Lord Ethean who was complicated and ready to kill Lord Shamper for intruding into the scene of the King's murder... .".. You demon of darkness, hath they sent you from Hell that you just committed an evil abomination by killing the Creator's crown King of the Multiverse and you speak treason of me. How have I committed an offense oh you Bastard?!" Lord Shamper exclaimed in an angry tone as he was preparing to leave the Chambers to get the other of the Council members informed of the treacherousness of the informat minister..."You are going to explain this evil of abomination to the Council of rankings before you will be punished by the great law of the Multiverse"... And do you think I would let you leave this place alive?! Lord Ethean grab lord Shamper on his neck as he held his staff to the head of Lord Shamper ready to strike him down... "Your offense you do not know is that you just caught me on an act of murder after I have sealed my heart to my quest and your punishment is you won't leave this chamber by yourself... You know what.. You will be taking out of hear after you have gone to meet your aged fathers in the second realm old Lord Shamper." "Well, good enough for me you weren't wise to stay mute and inform the others about what I just did instead you came hear to play judge and now your life is in my hands, Lord Ethean said." "You wicked bastaarrdd.... "Lord Shamper spoke shakingly as fresh blood runs out of his mouth like water pouring out of a pipe... The evil lord Ethean had just slitted the throat of the old innocent lord who has been loyal to his course for years. Not only did he slitted the throat open for him not to voice out the attentions of the others but he pierced the skull of Lord Shamper soo deep that one could be able to deep his hand into the skull and picks out the brain.. ** It was Lord Ethean second killing and it is the live of a ranking official of the Planet Kingdom that was being taking away the same moment. ** Now two dead bodies were laying down on the floor of the King's Chamber, there were no guards mounted at the door post of the chamber because he got it all planned out before he ignited his plan. "What is my next line of action?! Lord Ethean asked himself. "There is nothing to regret for. This is my fate and there is no turning back now that i have done all this abominable." It did not come to his notice that after he killed the King, he absorb the great powers of the King. He never knew of the powers that would create him a greater opportunity to be the competition to the place of the Throne... But he had never knew of it because he didn't have any feeling of the power inwards. . Unaware of the master plan of the evil Lords that he align with, they were about to come at him with an evil blackmail. He left the chambers unnoticed as he closed the doors, no guards, no servants were close to the chambers of the supreme King. ? At the Throne of the Pentera ? (All the lords and the servants of the palace gathered at the Throne) "What on the Worlds is going on hear?! What sought of a Bastard will betray and Kill the Mighty great King of the Multiverse?! This is a treachery beyond words... He must pay with his life for this.. " the great prime minister next to the King blurted out in detest. All the officials of the King summon themselves to the supreme palace. All other lords of the other planet worlds of the Multiverse were summoned also excluding the evil lord Beelium of the Kingdom Planet Nurne. How quick do the officials found out about the treachery! The Cloud of the earth is an instrument for revelation and concealation which the King uses as an instrument to communicate with the Lords of the different Kingdom Planet. One of the clouds was brought into the palace for the great King by the Druids as he was the only superior to gain access to the mysterious Lords of the Earth who are called the Earth protectors and they dwell in the Agatha of the Earth. The evil Lords made their enchantment on the Cloud in the Palace previously as they spy up one of the lords who disguised as a guard of the palace then enchanted the cloud on as they use it to reveal the treacherous activities of the unloyal Informat Minister. They evil Lords thought that if they do not screw Lord Ethean, he might screw them up or betray them as it is in his generational bloodline the same way he had diobolically betrayed His Graciousness and killed him with his conscience sealed for evil and vengeance. As Lord Ethean headed to the throne of the King, he never knew he was already in a big time...... ...... To be continued... _____________________________________________________________Written By : Victorex. __________
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