Chapter 05: Mother's Compensation

1650 Words
Seeing me lost in thought, my mother's butler came over and said gently, "Master, you don't need to worry. Just do your best." "I understand." "What do you plan to do next?" "I wanted to stop by my old company. No need to send me there. I'll take a taxi." "Very well. If there is an emergency, call this number. I, Victor, will come to your aid as soon as possible." "Thank you. It means a lot!" I wanted to stop by the company to get back the things I'd left there, and among them was my dignity! After I arrived at the company, I took the elevator to the tenth floor. When I got to the office, I saw Zack throwing around his weight and lecturing the people of the finance department. I had no idea who had given him the right to do so. He acted as if he did not see me and continued with his lecture. It seemed he was promoted while I was away. Otherwise, there was no way he could be so arrogant. "You have to always put the company's interest first. Your personal interest comes after, got it? Don't be like those people who make mistakes in bookkeeping, bringing harm to themselves and others!" "Yessir!" whispered his subordinates. I was busy tidying the mess on the desk, so I paid him no mind. I was the kind that put great importance on details, so my desk was always tidy. Yet, it was a mess now. As I was enduring my anger, Zack swaggered my way. "Oh, it's an old colleague of ours. David, did you find a new job?" I knew he was up to no good. I replied coldly, "I'm still looking." "Yeah, it's not easy to make a living nowadays. However, you don't need to worry. If you need help, just give me a call. After all, I'm now the assistant manager of the finance department!" He did not forget to emphasize the "assistant manager". He was a petty person who loved power. "Then I must congratulate you, Mr. Reddick. I hope this will be the beginning of a great career!" I said sarcastically. "David, David, if you had said such pleasant words earlier, there was no way you would've been fired. In the future, remember to be smart and say pretty words often, okay?" Someone who relied on stepping on others to rise in power was now giving me advice. Wonderful! I wanted to get rid of the "loser" tag, and I had to handle my resignation procedure properly to do that. Half an hour later, I was done with the formalities. Now, I only needed the signature of the department's manager to receive the remainder of this month's salary. I gave the form to Zack, but he didn't seem willing to sign it. He frowned, a disgruntled look appearing on his face. "David, I can't sign this form!" "Why?" "Because people that are fired due to dereliction of duties aren't eligible for this procedure." "Where does this rule come from? How come I didn't know about it?" I was furious because there never was such a rule in the past! "Hehe, actually... this rule is pretty recent. In the capacity of assistant manager, I have the power to make new rules." "I'll go find the manager." I took the form back. "The manager is out on a business trip. At the moment, I'm in charge of all matters related to the finance department." I clenched my teeth so hard that my gums started to hurt. But the more Zack saw me like this, the happier he became. He was of the kind that takes pleasure in other people's misfortune. "You'll sign it one way or the other." "Very well, I'll wait here for you!" As I left the finance department, Zack's grin kept flashing in my mind. I knew that there would come a day when he would cry bitterly. The company was in a tight spot and was forced to lay off several employees, the reason being a shortage of liquidity. Due to a failed project that resulted in a breach of contract, the company ended up paying a huge fine, giving rise to this crisis. I was clear about the situation as I was one of the company's accountants. The company would need at least five million dollars to get through this turbulent period, and I planned to do something about that! I arrived at the production department and knocked on the door to the department manager's office. The department manager was worried sick, unsure as to how to proceed with the production. The ground was littered with prospectuses, and it was clearly not the right time to visit him. "Sir, I'm David Wayne, the company's accountant. I'm here because—" Before I could finish, the department manager said with a sneer, "Now it's the accountant's turn to come here and urge me to work faster? But without money, how am I supposed to produce anything?" I knew that the department manager was treating me as an outlet for his anger, but I did not care. I had my plans, and more importantly, I had money. "Sir, perhaps I can help you." When I went straight to the point, his sarcastic smile became even wider. "Hehe, help me? How? Are you going to turn screws or unload the raw materials?" "I can provide funding for the production line. This way, you can complete the order if you already have the raw materials." "How much funds are you going to provide exactly? Five hundred bucks? One thousand?" He covered his forehead with one hand and didn't feel like arguing with me anymore. He pointed at me and barked, "Just get out of here and stop wasting my time!" With a finger pointed to my nose and an invitation to leave, I could only force a smile. I sighed and called Victor. "Victor, it's me." "Master, tell me everything." "I need five million dollars in cash. Can you send them to my company on Kernel Street, tenth floor?" "Sure, just wait a bit. We'll set out immediately." While waiting for Victor, I headed to the research and investment department. The section chief was busy raising funds, and her humble tone did not seem to suit her status. The section chief was a capable woman, and we knew each other. She was a good person. She wore a pencil skirt and a matching black suit, giving off a solemn aura that made people respect her. I knocked on the door and got in the room. The section chief, Jane Sullivan, put down the files in her hand and smiled at me. I used to come here with the financial report, and she would use it as a reference to raise funds. "David, you're here. You're a bit late this time. Where is the report?" asked Jane. "Ma'am, I... I was fired," I said in embarrassment. Jane frowned. She then got up and said, "I'll talk with your manager. The company is going through a crisis, and instead of cutting off excessive expenses, they fired you? That's absurd." I hurried to stop her, but I felt warmth in my heart at her words. There was someone in this company who cared about me! When our hands touched, it seemed to spark something in both of us. We both looked at each other in silence. For some reason, I did not feel awkward but pretty good instead. "Ma'am, don't be in a rush. I don't plan to continue working here. The reason I came here today is—" Before I could finish, the CEO barged into the room, looking furious. A huge pile of documents landed on the desk with a loud bang. Jane was scared. She lowered her head and got ready to be reprimanded. For the next minute, she was scolded for her inability to raise funds. I had always felt that Jane was short-tempered, but she did not make a sound this time, quietly listening to her superior's caustic tirade. "If you fail to raise enough funds by the end of this month, you'll be replaced. I've had enough of all this waste of resources!" "Yessir." "Moreover, I've got the contact details of several clients here. Go meet them this evening and try your best to meet their demands. Take your time if you need." Jane did not speak. She hated to discuss business over dinner, but as the section chief of the research and investment department, she often had to toe the line even if reluctantly. A few minutes later, the CEO finally left us alone. Jane looked at me and forced a smile. Suddenly, I felt that there was no one in this world that had it easy. Everybody was carrying a burden of some sort. "Did you see that? Perhaps we'll both end up fired, hehe." "Ma'am, are you having a business dinner this evening?" "Ah, I guess I am. Sometimes, I can't do anything about it." "In that case, can you bring me along? I think I can help you." "Brat, how do you plan to help me? By drinking my share of alcohol? Is your alcohol tolerance even acceptable?" she teased. "Of course!" "Good. In that case, let's go to your department to talk to your manager. We have to reinstate you so that you can keep working here." I was moved by her concern. Suddenly, my phone rang. It was Victor. He was downstairs with the money I had asked for. "Ma'am, you have to believe in me. We'll get through this. Anyway, I need to go now." "Where are you going?" "I need to make a trip to the CEO's office. See you!" Jane looked at me in puzzlement, but I did not stop to explain and left the room.
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