Chapter 1

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I am sitting in a chair in my room doing my makeup for a party I'm going to with my best friend Zaria. We haven't been out in a while so we got free tickets to a party all the celebrities will be. I'm excited to go meet all my favorite celebrities. We live in the town where most of them live but have never really seen them around. "Hurry your ass up!" Zaria yells from the kitchen. She's been waiting on me for a while but this hair takes time to perfect. "Girl be patient! This makeup takes time." I laughed, curling up the last piece of an eyelash. Once I'm done, I quickly put on my lip gloss and run downstairs tripping on my heel on the way down. I see an impatient Zari standing by the door tapping her watch as I walk towards her. "Damn girl, who you trying to look good for?" Zaria asks "Nobody" I giggled rolling my eyes. I haven't been out with a guy in two months! That doesn't mean I can't look good. We get in the car and Zaria gives the keys to me. "Why am I always the one driving?" I say, rolling my eyes as we pull off. "Because you're the only one who never gets drunk at these parties!" she exclaims texting on her phone. "Why do you even want to go to Darrell's party, anyway?" I say, rolling my eyes. "Girl do you not have eyes! That boy is a fine ass piece of chocolate," she says, licking her lips. Gosh, my virgin mind! "Ima get in his bed tonight girl. You should try to get laid tonight too," she says smirking at me. "Yuck, like I would ever let a guy touch me. It's not like I'm saving myself and all that other bullshit. I just don't want to sleep with anyone. When we pull up to the party, there are a bunch of cars. The music is loud enough to be heard all the way down the street. We both get out looking like supermodels and head up to the door. "Tickets and ID's, please." The guard says holding out his hand. I get my ticket and ID and hand it to him. He shakes his head and lets me and my friend inside after giving us back our stuff. Damn, this party is nice. The house looked small on the outside, but on the inside it was huge! There were people dancing, drinking , smoking. I saw two of my favorite celebrities and I had to try not to go all fan girl on them. All the other celebrities I had no clue who they were. "I will go get a drink," Zaria says disappearing into the crowd leaving me standing there alone. "Hey, you look lost." A cute guy says. He is three inches taller than me and has light blue eyes that could make a person mesmerized just by staring at them. He had a very contagious smile and dark brown hair. "No. I'm not lost." I giggled and he smirked at me. "Then how about you come dance with me." He says as my friend walks back with a drink in her hand. "Yeah sure." I smiled and she winked at me as she realized what was going on. I was about to dance with a hot guy! Maybe even get laid tonight. He grabs my hand and led me to the dance floor. Both of his hands wrap around my waist as I move my hips against his body while dancing. 2 hours later I was drunk. The guy who I was dancing with named Zane said he had to leave for the night, so I danced with someone else. The guy wasn't as cute as Zane, but it will have to work for the rest of the night. He had dragged me to the kitchen and gave me a drink, which messed me up more than it's supposed to. Now I was being pulled up the stairs, clueless about what was happening. That was until a guy with the most intense presence grabbed me from out of the other guy's grip. I don't know why since he doesn't know me. He might have just saved me from someone I don't want to have my first time with. "Why are you taking a drugged girl up to one room?" The guy asks, his voice firm. "I-I'm sorry! If you want her she's all yours." The other guy says frightened. "Hey, you okay?" The guy with messy black hair and a loose black dress shirt says. "I-I think so," I say feeling over my body just in case. "You're pretty messed up do you need help getting upstairs?" He breathes. I could barely understand what he was saying since I was most likely drugged. "Yeah sure." I stumbled, but he caught me with his strong arms. "Here." He says lifting me up bridal style. I bite my lip as he takes me to a room. Once we get into a room, he sets me down onto the bed and tucks me in. "I'm gonna leave now, he says." walking back towards the door. I was so drunk I don't even remember what I did to get up so fast. All I know is I pulled him into the bed. We ended up naked, and we made love. Not only did we make love once, but 6 times was a little too much. He was definitely a beast in bed. (I'll give you guys a little sneak peek!") "Ahh" I moaned as he thrusts into me for the second time tonight. The first time hurt a bit, but it was amazing. He was so gentle with me and didn't rush things. He wanted it to feel good for me. He kissed all over my soft areas. Once he found them, he would spend two minutes teasing me there. He kept it slow and steady. He didn't rush things, almost as if he knew I was a virgin. I enjoyed every ounce of what he gave me. He stuck his tongue inside me and then his fingers and when he was finally ready he went inside. I didn't know his name at all and I was being intimate with him like I've done this with him forever. He made me feel good with just one touch. I traced my fingers over the many tattoos he has on his body as he continues to thrust. "Ahh this feels amazing," I say pulling him closer. "Got to make the best of tonight with a girl that only comes around once in a lifetime." He teases. Gosh, the way those sexy green eyes are inspecting my body makes me feel like I'm on cloud 9. He kisses my neck as I feel myself tighten up. "You're so tight!" he moans which was the sexiest thing ever. "Your so big." I teased as we both came together. "Huh haha," I panted from being exhausted. "The nights not over yet," he smirked taking a quick break. "Oh trust me I know," I said biting my lip. That's how the rest of my night went. f*****g a stranger until I couldn't anymore! ~~~~~~~~~~ Hey everyone! So this is a story I've been working on for a month. It won't be published until after I'm finished with Bodyguard for The Rich. Here is a sample of chapter 1. Enjoy!

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