Chapter 4

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    I made sure Damien didn't follow me all the way to my house, I didn't want my mom gawking at how I brought a boy home for the first time ever.  I couldn't count the number of times she asked me about a boy that I might like.  But this particular boy was not someone I wanted to bring home anyway.  Yes, he id charming and handsome but there was also something else about him I couldn't put my finger on.  I wasn't sure what it was but I'm not fond of even trying to find out.  But the walk home was interestingly quiet, he probed me about my life and I didn't say much of anything because I'm not ready to open up to anyone in this town.  For all I know we could be moving again before the holidays the way my mom was set up with fleeing anything that involved any level of uncertainty.     I picked up the mail from the porch and I could see a letter from the dance audition I did, I was hoping it was good news but if I start to pass out like I did in the library I wouldn't be doing anything.  I remember when I was little my mom had said I had a few moments of fainting, although I don't remember what I was doing before it al happened.  But today I was able to get some peace of mind because my mother wasn't there to ask questions about me being home early.  This was not like her though, she was always home.  I walked up to her room, the house was eerily quiet and I looked around her room at all of her paintings.  This one painting in particular I remember being obsessed with it when I was younger.  My mother had painted a lake and dead center was a willow tree.     It was magical to me, I could remember the emotion she had around the time she painted this.  I was around six years old and I told her a story, in my story I talked about a huge tree that almost looked like it was crying.  She told me it was called a weeping willow.  It was the day she took me and Skylar to the zoo and we saw all the animals.  At some point I had got lost and the only thing I talked about when they found me was this tree.  She hugged me so tight and the only thing I could think about was a large tree.  But still that was one of the best memories I have of my mother's affection.  She was happy then.  But this painting was not of happiness or sorrow, but mystery.  She for months tried to figure out where I was and who I was with that it almost drove her mad.     I looed closer to the painting and I thought I saw a hand reaching out of the hole in the tree. It was almost as if it was trying to reach out and touch the small but of sunshine that was peering through the thick trees.  The only other light was radiating off of the still water.  I started to feel tired and decided to lie on my mom's bed and catch some zzz's while I wait for her to come home. *     I opened my eyes to see that once again, I was in the forest behind my house but this area was different.  I was at the lake again and this time there was a willow tree in the middle of the lake.  I had to be dreaming, it was as if I walked right into my mom's painting.  but to be there in the flesh is a sight.  The air was still, not a ripple on top of the water.  I felt a little drowsy and somewhat afraid of the silence.  It was too quiet like something was about to happen.  I hope this wasn't turning into a nightmare because I don't do well with those.     From behind me I could hear a twig snap that mad it seem so much louder than it should, almost like a tree falling.  But as I looked through the trees I could see two eyes peering back at me, "are you alright," the small voice asked.  She stepped from behind the tree and looked up at me.  She looked to be no more than seven or eight years old.  Her skin was the color of bark but glistened when she moved.  She tip toed towards me looking up at me with such large doe eyes that had a hint of emerald around the irises.     "What're you doing here?" I asked her as she tip toed around me looking me up and down.  I should be analyzing her that was, she was in my dream after all.     "I came here to see my friends.  They're waiting for me.  I haven't seen them in so long.  I always come here when I want to see them."     I looked around, I didn't want to shatter her dreams.  This place was empty, "Well maybe they're on their way."     "Yeah, maybe," she started to dance around doing some spins on the balls of her feet.  Her short hair flowed like water pouring out of a vase.  She smelled like fresh cut grass, "so what're you doing here?  That's probably why they're not here.  My friends are shy from people they don't know."     "Oh yeah, well hopefully I will be leaving soon."     "How?  How did you even get in here anyway?"     "I don't know.  I think I'm sleeping. this must be a dream."     She tilted her head up at me with curiosity, "This is a dream then?  Well that would make you a dream walker.  I used to know how to do that.  I don't remember how though," suddenly she stopped talking and looked out onto the water.  Something was catching her attention.  Her face went from wild and playful to a blank stare, almost serene.  She didn't move or anything she just kept staring at something that I couldn't see.     "Hey," I was afraid to touch her, she might be going into some sort of shock, "are you okay?"  I kept trying to find what it was she was looking at but still there was nothing.  After  a few minutes she started to walk towards the water and the more I tried to get her attention my voice seemed to be getting lower and lower.  The little girl stepped on top of the water and started to walk slowly across without even sinking.  I couldn't believe what I was seeing as she walked up to the large willow tree and disappeared into the large hole with only part of her arm sticking out trying to grab onto something.  I waited until her entire body was gone and the next thing that happened was two red eyes peering back at me that filled me with so much dread I screamed. *     "RAVEN!!"  I woke to my mom shaking me furiously as my voice traveled from my mouth.  Apparently I was still screaming when she woke me up, "RAVEN ARE YOU OKAY?  TALK TO ME SWEETHEART!"  I looked around to see that I was still in my mom's room only it was dark now.  My face was soaked from my own sweat.  I could feel my mom trying to wipe some of it away.  That dream I had seemed all too real, "Raven," she finally calmed down as she pulled my face towards hers, "are you okay?"     "Bad dream," I mumbled.     "It's been awhile since you had a night terror.  Maybe it's the new place.  I'm sure you will get used to it.  Everything will work out."     "Yeah," I gently pushed past her and went to my room.  The window was wide opened and this time I closed it and put the lock on it.  I would rather burn in the summer heat then keep my window open tonight.  But still I could hear my mom's creeping footsteps outside my door, pressing her ear to the door to listen out to see if I was crying or something.  I opened my letter from the dance school and to my surprise they accepted me.  I was sure that Anya was going to try and fight tooth and nails to keep me from being accepted, I guess she didn't call all the shots.  i sat on my bed and pulled my knees close to my chest.  I don't think sleep will be coming to me tonight.  Those red eyes scared me so much I could barely close my eyes just o blink.     There was a knock at my door and in walked in Ms. Angie with a cup of something steaming.  I wasn't up for company at the moment but she has put a smile on my face since we ad been here, "brought you something to drink.  I think it will help you sleep."     "Thanks but I'm not up for sleeping right now."     "That's fine drink it when you're ready.  I heard you got accepted to the dance school.  That's good.  The season starts next month.  All you have to do is dance your heart out."     "Yeah...I guess.  I hope that I could dance for some type of scholarship.  I wouldn't mind taking life into my own hands and choose where I get to go next."     "Oh yes...allowing someone else to drive the car is a child's job am I right?"     "But what if the person driving doesn't know where to stop," I was surprised at how much I was talking to her still.  But I was also glad I didn't have to be literal, "what if they're driving so much that eventually they drive off a cliff and everyone who is in the car has no choice but to find something to hold onto?"  I looked over at the dance barre.  I could feel my eyes stinging a little bit but I refuse to let the tears fall.    Ms. Angie looked down at the tea she made for me.  It smelled so sweet that I had to take it took a sip.  It surprised me that it was cold.  I thought the steam was from hot tea, not the heat from my room.  But it was refreshing going down my throat, "well, the ones who are in the car does have a choice.  They could either say to hell with it I'm going off the cliff with them.  Or they could unlock the doors and jump out.  Either way everyone has a choice, even followers.  They choose to follow, where as a leader chooses to lead.  But sometimes the right leaders makes the choice to follow."  Her words made sense and then they didn't make sense.  All I know was I was finding myself become a bit drowsy.  Not the I'm afraid type of drossiness but the calm just got finished accomplishing a marathon and I'm proud drowsy.  Before I could say anything else Ms. Angie laid me back in my bed and the only thing I remember was her smile before I closed my eyes. *     I could feel the morning sun on my face as my alarm was going off to let me know it was time to get ready for school. I was glad today was Friday, next week I start my practices for the dance studio.  I could smell breakfast as I was throwing some clothes on and putting my hair into a ponytail.  The kitchen was full this morning, Ms. Angie was placing plates and Megan had her head  in another book and my mom was busy working on another painting.  I figured Megan and I was going to walk to school together and nobody seems to be talking about my little episode from last night as the morning carried on.  It was nice to have normal conversations with everyone.  Ms. Angie seemed like she was already a part of the family.     The walk to school wasn't so silent either.  Surprisingly Megan was talking way more than she normally has since I met her.  I learned more about her for once instead of her around my problems and my weird family dynamics.  But it was refreshing to hear that she actually loves to read and the types of books she likes to read.  I figured that though since she has her head in a book all the time now.  As we walked up the path to the building I could see Damien outside speaking with a few people.  He looked up and smiled at me and there hovering close to his nose hairs was Anya.  She gave both of us a death stare.  Someone had to tell her that possessiveness was not attractive.     "Well, look who survived the night?" he joked as he walked me inside.  He smelled nice, like bubblelicious bubble gum.  He was trying to whisper to me as the crowd moved down the hallway, "If you ever need more assistance from me, I would gladly come help."     "I'm fine," I could feel the awkward smile creep across my face, "I made it out okay."     "Good, congratulations on getting accepted into the school to.  I heard you gave the performance of the lifetime."     I looked at him suspiciously as I was trying to open my locker.  I could feel Anya hovering not too far off digging her snake eyes into me, "How did you find that out?"     "I'm not stalking you if that's what you think.  It's a small town," I gave him a look hoping it read b.s all over my face, "fine Anya was complaining about it all yesterday and this morning.  I think she likes you."     "Yeah right...she likes you."     "No...she loves me," he said with a straight face.     "But?"     "Let's not get too personal.  I just wanted to make sure you were okay.  I kept our meeting a secret by the way."     "Am I you're new toy?  I mean what are you getting out of following me around all day?"     "You're the most interesting thing that walked into this town for years.  You and your lovely sister."     "You know Skylar?"     "Yeah, she was here a year before you and your mom came and she would talk about you to everyone.  I heard you guys got into a huge argument--"     "Please stop," I slam my locker ending the conversation, "Look I don't know who you are but I would appreciate it if you just stay the hell out of my business."  Damien bowed his head and moved out of my walking path.  Anya gave me a smirk as I turned the corner.  I could tell that this was just going to be another long day.  Megan popped up beside me.  I swear whenever he is around she tends to disappear like a ghost as if he doesn't or anyone for that matter realizes she is there.     "You know you could speak up sometimes," I barked at her.  I didn't mean to snap at her but I had to release my annoyance on someone and my barre was too far away from me at the moment, "I mean where do you go when he decides to stick his nose where it doesn't belong?  He's your neighbor."     "Sorry...people tend to forget I'm there.  And I tend to stay out of Damien's way if I could.  It's not good getting those high school cliques against me.  I suffered years of torture from Anya then finally she stopped seeing me.  I guess I became so low that people decided to ignore me...pretend I'm not even there.  It's a trick of mine."     I instantly felt bad for snapping at her.  I took out this nice bookmark I found while cleaning my room one day.  There was a small fairy in a dancing position hanging  from the tassel, "Here...I found this a few days ago and I thought of you.  I knew you loved to read considering you're always reading a book."  Megan gave me a small smile then her smile turned to an uncomfortable expression while looking at the small figure.  She grabs the bookmark making sure not to touch the fairy and placed it in the book she was carrying.     "Thank you."  I brushed it off for that moment.  It wasn't weird at the time, I thought she didn't know how to take a gift at first until a few periods later I saw her again but this time she had the bookmark but the small fairy that was on it was gone.
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