Chapter Five

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My body was sweaty and my breathing labored. I opened my eyes and saw Blair looking at me questioningly. "What?" I asked groggily as I rubbed my eyes with my hands to clear my vision.  "Sorry, I was just debating on whether or not I should wake you. I wasn't sure if you were having a nightmare or not," she said uncomfortably.  I shook my head, "I don't remember. I am not supposed to feel more exhausted after sleeping and yet, I am tired."  "Have you noticed that you've been having more nightmares recently? Since we came back. Or at least the times I've woken up before you I've seen you tossing and turning and mumbling to yourself," Blair said, she was eyeing me with a concerned expression and I could see her fidgeting.  "I haven't paid much attention to it since I don't usually remember the nightmares," I said with a shrug as I pulled myself out of bed. It felt harder than it normally did. I walked past Blair and grabbed my uniform for the day before heading over to the bathroom.  When I was brushing my teeth, I heard a knock on the door before Blair's head popped in. She still looked worried and I knew she wouldn't feel at ease until she was sure I was alright. "Do you think it's a side effect of messing with your bond?" she asked suddenly and my eyes widened.  I spit out the toothpaste and began to rinse, after I was done, I turned to look at Blair as I opened the door to walk out. "No, I don't think it has anything to do with the bond. The symptoms should've appeared at the beginning." "Not necessarily, no one actually knows how the bonds between mates, beloveds or in general, soulmates, work. There's no guide and specially not a way to know there aren't consequences to severing the bond," she persisted.  "I'm sure nightmares aren't a side effect. In fact, if it makes you feel any better, I'll go get a check-up at the infirmary," I said in defeat, it would be the only way to get her off my back. Sometimes Blair worried too much about everything, only with the people she cared about but it got on my nerves because I preferred to let things happen.  "Fine. I'll come with you," she responded as she got her weapons and things for the day.  I rolled my eyes, "no need. You head over to the cafeteria and meet with the others while I go to the infirmary. If it makes you feel any better I'll get you a written letter of my status," I urged.  After a couple of seconds, she thought about it and finally gave up. We walked out of the cabin together up until we had to go separate ways. I told her I would meet her as soon as I was out of the check-up and I walked with my head down to the infirmary. The light coming from the sun was hurting my eyes and walking with my head down made the pain subside greatly.  I reached the infirmary, it was a small building next to the hospital, they were attached to one another on one side but the hospital was a five-story building whereas the infirmary had only one floor for quick check-ups and diagnosis.   A sight escaped my mouth before I walked inside the building. It was practically deserted, the only people there were a couple of Trainees cleaning and resupplying the closets and halls. "Can I help you?" the receptionist asked me as she eyed me from head to toe. If she was looking for an injury she wouldn't find one.  Either way, I walked up to her desk and spoke, "my roommate insisted I get a check-up, I haven't been sleeping very good lately and I have nightmares almost every night." The receptionist raised an eyebrow at me, she was clearly thinking the same thing I had thought minutes before, I am fine. "She's very insistent, she even wants a written note of my diagnosis."  The older woman nodded and typed in her computer before getting up while looking at me. "Very well, follow me. There's a doctor that can see you right now." I nodded my head and followed after her towards where the consulting rooms were. "The doctor is waiting," the receptionist said nonchalantly as she opened the door for me and waited for me to go inside.  I thanked the Huntress and walked inside the small room. She shut her door behind while my eyes widened as I saw the man who was sitting at his desk in front of me. He was looking down at some papers as he scribbled quickly My body stiffened instantly and all I wanted to do was walk out of the room, Blair's frustration could be ignored.  Silently, I started to step back towards the door to leave but his voice made me freeze. "Miss Chase, it's a surprise to see you here." I clenched my lips together tightly as he raised his head to look at me. His expression was guarded but I still felt as if he were analyzing me as if I were a hard to figure out puzzle.  I didn't say anything and after a couple of moments, the doctor stood up and walked towards me. Our eyes were still locked. "What can I help you with?" he asked as he crossed his arms in front of his chest. "My partner wanted me to come and get checked. Everyday I have nightmares and I am constantly tired, it's like my body isn't getting any sleep," I explained and I started to sit on the examination bed.  The doctor nodded, "at first I thought you were here trying to get me to grant you access to see your sister. instead you've come to waste my time," he snapped.  My eyes widened and then I gave him a glare, "I was forced to come here by my partner. She wants a written diagnosis of what is going on with me. She's not going to let this go." The doctor raised and eyebrow before sighing, "yes, I am familiar with Blair Swift. She's a handful. Very well, I'll ask you a few questions and try to recall your answers to make sure I give you a proper diagnosis." I nodded and waited for him to start.  ... The doctor was cutting out a piece of paper where he indicated his diagnosis. He handed it to me and I quickly folded it and placed it in my pocket. I gave the doctor a thankful look and started to make my way to the door. My hand was on the doorknob when he spoke, "hold on, Skylar. You should take these as well, I think they'll help you sleep well." He took out a glass bottle filled with pink, transparent-looking pills. I raised an eyebrow at him in confusion. I couldn't read his face and he was avoiding eye contact with me which made me suspicious as to what he was giving me, there was not even label on the bottle. "What is this?" I asked, it sounded colder than I had expected it. "It's just some medicine that's relaxes you, like I said, it will help you sleep," he said smugly.  I still wasn't convinced, but I let it go. The last thing I wanted was to argue with the man and I already got what I wanted, a written letter that was proof to Blair that I was fine. Without another thought, I grabbed the bottle and rushed out the room without another word.  I was fast-walking to the cafeteria when I thought it would be best to leave the pills in the cabin, secure and hidden away from Blair. It would be best not to worry her.  After a couple of minutes, I was at the cafeteria with my plate and I was looking for my friends around the room. "Hey Sky, we're over here." I heard a voice call and I turned to find the source of the voice. To my surprise, the person who had spoken had been Melissa and she was sitting at the same table as Blair, Mark and even Gideon.  I smiled at them as I walked towards them and sat down next to her. "Hey, have you been here long?" I asked as I looked around the table. Everyone shook their heads.  "Nah, we just got here. Blair told us you were at the infirmary. Is everything okay?" Mark asked warily as he eyed me closely. He was probably thinking that something from our date had made me sick.  "I'm fine, the doctor said I was fine. See?" I said casually as I took out the paper in my pocket and handed it to Blair. She read it and then turned back to me and raised her hands in defeat.  "Okay, I'm sorry. It's just unusual for me to see you tired and with daily night terrors," she said with a shrug and everyone turned to look at me. Mark's face color had been drained and I could see he was going through his throughs in his head.  "That's odd, is there something troubling you Sky?" Melissa asked as she took a bite of her meal.  Mark, Blair and I shared a look and then turned to Gideon and Melissa whom were sitting next to each other. "There's actually something we wanted to talk to you about," I began and I saw as Gideon and Melissa shared a look, she looked more confused than him.  "We'd like to tell you tonight, out of camp," Mark intervened quickly.  Melissa's eyes widened in surprise, this would be her first time out of camp since she first arrived. She was probably looking forward to it and at the same time, dreadful for it. I put an arm on her shoulder, trying to be supportive and she game me a sly smile.  "Where are we going?" she asked. She had probably guessed that Gideon wasn't to speak up or ask anything. He had been sitting on his seat, stiff, with a blank expression on his face.  "We're going to a restaurant. I'll tell you when we head over there. We will meet just before dusk at the gate. I've already reserved a van that we can use and the camp's curfew has been extended to midnight today," Mark explained and everyone nodded in approval.  Gideon was still silent but at least he hadn't objected. "Fine, but now that we're here, there's something I've been meaning to tell you Skylar." I didn't like the tone in his voice, I looked at him and waited for him to continued.  "Elda mentioned something yesterday that I think you should know. Your sister is being transferred tomorrow," he finished hesitantly and my eyes widened.  "What do you mean she's being transferred tomorrow? When? Why? Why didn't you tell me before?" I demanded, it wasn't Gideon's fault but he had just dropped a bomb on me.  Gideon remained calm but he was still sitting tense, "I did try to contact you last night but I couldn't find you. It actually surprised me you weren't with Blair nor with Melissa." I turned away and my body stiffened slightly, "I was on a walk in the forest and I didn't return until later at night."  Gideon didn't press the subject and I was glad. "Elda told me yesterday afternoon. She said she's going to transfer her to run more test on her. She'll be in a safe, secret facility and has asked me to accompany them on the ride. I'll make sure she's alright, Sky, I promise. My mother also asked me to talk to you and to reassure you she's in good hands." Doubt it, I whispered in my mind. If Elda wanted her far away there must be a reason bigger than just wanting to run test on her. Elda knew something or wanted something from my sister.  "Can I see her? Before she is taken to the facility," I asked Gideon as I looked into his eyes. He must know how much that meant to me, I was sure if her were in the same position as me and Blair was being taken away, he'd want to be there to say goodbye.  "I'll see what I can do. I will talk to my mother when I see her in a couple of hours," he said, his voice was soft as he tried to reassure me. I nodded at him and gave him a thankful look.  "I have to get to class but I'll see you at the gate later today," Melissa said quickly as she rushed from the table and out of the room.  Gideon and Mark left a couple of minutes later so it was just my partner and me. I looked at Blair, she was quieter than normal and I could only guess she was nervous for what was going to happen tonight.  "Don't worry, everything will be fine," I said confidently. Blair jumped when she heard my voice but didn't say anything. After a couple of minutes of silence I sighed and got up. Blair watched me silently. "Come on, you need to distract yourself and it's always good to blow off some steam. Let's go to the training room," I suggested and Blair looked relieved. She instantly got up and threw out her trash.  "I like that idea. Let's go. I'll race you," she said with a wink. I chuckled and ran after Blair who had rushed out of the cafeteria before I could say another word.
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