Chapter two

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I drag myself lazily to a seat, Nelly is staring at me. I am not sure what is in her mind so I just ignore her and wait for her to question what the call was about ‘’she is telling me that I will be working late again today’’, I say with a bored look. Nelly is looking at me with some pity but pretending to be strong for me. Thing is, it has been really hectic, the whole of this week I have been working past eleven pm each day. I am a receptionist in a big firm of over one fifty lawyers and more than 200 staff. Every time there’s a completion of matters, there has to be people everywhere it doesn’t matter what time. This particular month it has been very busy. The firm is making shitload of money but the employees are not happy. Is it a habit? I don’t know I just know that there are complains all over. I walk from the seat without sparing Nelly a look, I have people to feed my old forks depend on the money I make so no matter what, I have made up my mind that it doesn’t matter what time I leave the office I must work hard towards caring for my sickly mum. I go through my wardrobe and I settle for a V-neck red and black sleeveless designer body cone dress and golden heels. I won’t let what my boss said a while ago over the phone affect me .It’s been a while since I wore the dress and it gives me a very classy looks. I walk from my bedroom and Nell already has breakfast set on the table, I am not hungry but I am aware how much fighting that is going to earn. I pick an apple and tell her see you later but she reminds me breakfast is ready.’’ thank you sweetheart but I am late and not hungry’’. I say and turn on my heels. ‘’that was so cruel of you’’. My very polite subconscious reminds me and I decide there and then that I’ll send Nelly a text to tell her how sorry I am. When I finally get to the office and settle down I stumble on my boss and she’s really glaring at me. I can’t help but think to myself that I will be a boss someday. ’’I must chase my dreams’’ I say loudly more to myself. I deep my hand in my bag and pull out my phone. I am surprised to see twenty four thousand notifications from telegram. I make a decision there and then that I will peruse over the messages soon after people leave in the evening and I am left for late night shift. There’s a text message from Nelly though. ‘’That was so cruel of you’’ Just like my subconscious said…I roll my eyes to that forgetting Nesh can’t see me. ‘’I am fine too sweetie I am so sorry’’ ‘’Silly’’ ‘’Thanks for reminding me that.’’ I add the smiley emoji and hit the send button. She replies immediately saying ‘’you are welcome beautiful.’’ I smile despite myself I know I have a friend in Nesh. A real friend that who will never double cross me in anyway. She one of the most beautiful souls I know. Both inside and outside. The office is very quiet and not so much is going on. We are two at the reception area my colleague walked in after me and yes she looks gorgeous Milly is very beautiful. The rest of the day is quiet and when the clock hits six, Milly says bye as the rest of the office stream out mostly for those rushing to take the office bus. The clients who are supposed to sign the completion documents are also here. I might leave early today, I think about that. Once everyone has settled and is doing what brought them, I get my sleek mobile phone and do through the messages. I remember I had thousands of telegram messages and click on the App. I start reading the messages but with interruptions here and there, I get really tired in the middle of nowhere but a photo catches my eye. I look at the person on that picture but I can see I don't know him. He's a stranger. Four years ago The guy asks if we offer tape binding and Betty excuses herself to go. I am left with the guy. I do all the work he wanted done. By the time I am done, he is very pleased and happy. He told me that job was well done. Before he left he appreciated, gave me a pen and said and please apply for a job in that company. Have you ever had doubts? Thinking he wanna use you for something? I was in that state. I was staring at him but gained strength and asked him how my CV would get to the company but he. Offered to come the following day to pick up the CV. That made me even more nervous and confused. Would he really do that for me? He hadn't even asked for my name. I don't know his name either. Just like that, the guy left. Later on I shared that with Betty and she was quick to advise that we can Google the company and know if it really existed. We did that, and your guess is right. It was a big company in a serene estate in the city. I had no hopes of getting the job because apart from my form four certificate and those computer applications certificate, I didn't have any other. But with all that thinking I still went ahead and printed out my CV. I was gonna try my luck. After all my current employer at that moment was such an a*s jerk. I'm seated in my office the next day. Very small but despite the ranting of Mr Boss I loved what I did. Someone very familiar and friendly shows up. I try giving my head some food for thought and I seem not to remember where I saw him. “Remember me?” he asks but I shake my head. “You look familiar but I can't just remember where I saw you” I say feeling like crap. The confusion is written all over my face and the stranger is grinning lightly. He must be enjoying my situation right now “I am Alex nice meeting you again” he says and I'm lost further. “I was here yesterday and I promised to be back”. “Ooh sorry, my bad.” “You don't have to apologize. So what's this beautiful girl's name?” he asked “I am Emali” I said feeling so ashamed of myself. “Did you get your cv ready?” he asked. “Yeah” my voice was shaky and very low. “Please let me have it I will take it to our offices”. I murmured a thank you after giving it to him. After I left work the previous evening and having talked to Betty we decided I will try my luck. I was decided to keep my fingers crossed hopping to get the job. Alex became my very loyal client. He would come with several documents, I would do my work to satisfaction and he would be very happy. At the reception As I am looking at the picture, I don't know what happens when I accidentally punch the call button and I only realize that I'm calling someone when I hear the call (tuu). Ugrr! Why should I be calling someone? I feel really guilty so I send a message. Oops! I am really sorry about that. I leave the office at around 8 pm and completely forget about the strange call I made in the office. Over telegram. I get home and Nelly has already prepared dinner. I will eat because I don't wanna disappoint her but I'm really not hungry. My mum's health status is really eating me up and I really feel bad for her. She's suffering from numerous diseases and has been treated in many hospitals but the doctors have never discovered her illness. All the treatments she undergoes is guesswork.
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