12. First snap

1034 Words

CHAPTER TWELVE Nothing feels better than the warmth from the afternoon sun lapping every inch of my bikini-dressed skin. After hours of swimming, I had chosen to actually take a nap beside the pool. With my eyes closed, I was slowly drifting into a world of slumber filled with peace. It was moments like these that made me wish my life could remain this perfect forever. No pressure from anyone and utterly no stress at all.   “So you make it clear that you don’t want me f*****g you but then I see you like this? Damn! It is going to be so hard keeping my hands off you,” My eyes quickly snapped open at the sound of the familiar voice.   “I’m not going to sleep with you Mason and how the hell did you even getting in?” I questioned, sitting up.   He was dressed in casual jeans and a white

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