Chapter 33: Nem

1324 Words
“Miss Nem, can you come out, please!” Leui called as he and Mhir reached the road where the merchants disappeared. “Nem!” Mhir also called towards the empty road before them. She turned to see wagon driver along with the other merchants looking at them. A frightened look was on their face and some were pale in fear as they looked at her and Leui and the empty road in front of them two. “Nem!” she called out to the empty space again. “Please come out! We need to ask you something!” she said. However, no matter how many times she and Leui called, there was no reply. “Nem…” she muttered under her breath when she didn’t see the woman spider. She turned to Leui who has a worried look on his face. “Seems like I have to be caught, too.” Leui said. “Leui!” Mhir called. “You can’t!” she said. “Then, will you go?” he asked. Mhir fell silent. “The Dream Weaver were originally humans. When there were wars before, the Giant Blue Spiders attacked a human village. Then, the humans started to offer beautiful women to those Giant Blue Spiders and later had born cross-breeds.” He explained. “Later, the men cross-breeds became evil and started abducted women for reproduction while the women cross-bred were being hunted down for breeding. This stopped after the Great War ended. Only the women cross-breeds were left. In order to protect themselves, they contracted a powerful sorcerer to gain power to protect themselves. The sorcerer agreed in the condition that they should not harm people. Or else, they will pay a terrible price.” He looked at the empty road ahead of them. “The wives of the men who were still after the Dream Weavers loathed the Dream Weavers. The Dream Weavers wanted to get back to them, but they cannot harm the people. Thus, they started to hate their fellow women.” He looked at Mhir. “Now, do you dare to go?” he asked her. Mhir’s lips were pressed into a thin line. “Then, you go.” She said. “Be careful.” She added. Leui nodded. Dream Weavers hates the women more than men. But, they couldn’t fight back. They could only wait for their prey to fall into their trap. And Leui is now walking into the trap. Just as he was about to step another step, he felt the scythe on his back teetered. He paused and reached for the scythe. Then, he looked at the empty space before him, and the scythe that was trembling in his hands. He raised the scythe and then slashed it down! Suddenly, a dark space appeared! Everyone was shocked. There’s really a hidden space! And it looked so dark, darker than the night! There were countless webs hanging above and webs spread below! “Leui – “ Mhir uttered and took a step forward. Leui turned to her. “Wait for me here. I’ll bring everyone back.” He told her. Then, he used the scythe to part the webs on the ground so that he could avoid them so as to not be affected by the Dream Weaver’s power. Just after a few steps and the space behind him closed. Darkness surrounded him. He can only see the white webs all around him. He took another step after clearing the webs on the ground with the scythe’s blade. Heiruche Kingdom. “Your Majesty.” Fedrey called and knelt. “Another town was attacked by the dragons.” He reported. Khander felt like another hair on his head is turning white. The barrier protecting the human kingdom is thinning. More and more monsters now dare to attack the humans, venting their resentment after Loheiruchel subdued them 500 years ago. Some powerful monsters broke through the barrier and attacked the humans. “Which town?” he asked. “On the west – the Meadow Town.” Fedrey answered. The Meadow Town is the farthest town in the west side of the Heiruche Kingdom. Khander pinched the space between his brows. He tiredly sighed. “You do as you see fit. Just feed the starving and shelter the homeless.” He told Fedrey. “Yes, Your Majesty!” Fedrey answered and bowed. Then, he left. Khander looked to the west direction and saw the thunderclouds afar. He hopes nothing worse will come. On the Rainbow Village, Mhir worriedly look at the empty road ahead of them. “There is really a spider!” one of the people exclaimed. “That place is full of webs… will my husband be alright?” “I hope my husband didn’t die – “ Mhir listened to their worries, but she can’t do anything about it. She sat beneath the tree and leaned her back on it. Hugging her knees, she pinned her gaze on the place where Leui disappeared. Leui… quickly come back… Leui removed the webs in front of him by cutting them with the scythe. He doesn’t know how fare has he travelled, since it’s just all darkness he can see before him. However, the webs are getting thicker and thicker. This meant he’s near where Nem is. “Nem!” he called out to the darkness and seemed to hear his voice echoed. “Nem!” he called again and his ears popped, his head turning to the direction where his voice echoed the loudest and then faded. Left! He thought and immediately turned left. It seems like it was the right direction since the webs are even thicker. The darkness around him was replaced by brightness. “Nem!” he called as he cut down the webs and grazed the ones on the ground for him to pass the tunnel made of webs. “Nem! Come out! it’s me, Leui!” he called. “Leui?” finally, a voice answered. It was a female voice, and she seemed to be crying. “Nem! It’s me!” Leui answered. “Mhir is also waiting outside!” he added. Even though the Dream Weavers hate women the most, but Nem is kind in nature. When Leui and Mhir hanged out once during his day off, they found Nem was being chased and they helped her. She is afraid to harm humans, and is even more afraid to use her webs since she cannot control its power. Thus, Leui and Mhir shook off her pursuers. Nem never has used her power. So why did she do it now? Has she encountered something very dangerous? Leui thought as he finally saw the end of the web tunnel and then he came out. There, in the middle of the web cave, he saw Nem was sitting on the ground, silently crying. “L-Leui… you came.” Nem said when she saw him. “How did you get here?” she asked. Leui didn’t answer. Nem noticed his silence and then she realized. “You were tried to harm?” she asked. Leui shook his head. “No.” he finally said. “I… decided to leave on my own. I want to see the humans’ land.” He explained. “Oh.” Nem just said. “I thought you were also chased.” She said. “Nem.” Leui called. “Why did you use your power? Did something happen to you?” he asked, his voice and eyes filled with concern. “I was like you.” Nem said. “But, I’m not also like you.” She said. “What do you mean?” Leui asked. 
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