Chapter 80

1481 Words

They were almost back home. They all traveled together up to where they had left the trucks. It was a short trip back to the fairy kingdom from there since they brought the hippogryph’s with them. Alice and Ethan promised they would visit soon. Cedric returned with them to be with his mate until she could come. Tristan was joking with Tyler and Lilly how he would be bunking up in their room. “You can, but you better prepared for an x rated show.” Tyler smirked. “Keep it in your pants while I am around.” Tristan teased back. “Everything is fair game if its in my room.” Tyler grinned, as Tristan forced a fake gulp. “On second thought, I’ll stay in my own room. I don’t need you ravaging my virtue.” They all laughed at Tristan as they were in good spirits. Kade was driving the other vehic

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