Book 2 Chapter 81 Dangerous Game

2227 Words

Dex had a protective arm around Rhea as he stared at the two men. He didn’t like the way they were looking at her. What could they do though? Weston could easily take both of them out at the same time. These men were no match for them. These men were not from his kingdom… what was odd was he couldn’t tell which kingdom they were from. He could smell the stench of demons on them but knew that they were dragons. Dragons from where? They did not have an aura of their king's claim. Nothing to say which kingdom they belonged to. Which meant one thing… rogue dragons. Rogue dragons that used the mating party as an opportunity to infiltrate without being noticed. This is why these men were not acting afraid. They had no clue that the two men in front of them were royalty. Dragon royalty was unmat

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