Book 2 Chapter 94 Olga

2211 Words

Just outside of the coral palace two armed guards were waiting for them. The had the upper body of a human but had a deep forest green tail fin. Their faces were blocky, and they wore golden helmets. In their webbed fingers they held silver tridents. Their eyes scanned over them maliciously until they fell on Rhea. She watched the white of their eyes grow as they sensed who she was. All fairies recognized who the fairy princess was. Rhea decided it was best to speak out openly and confidently. Showing her authority with the marine fairies. “I have come to seek an audience with your merrow queen.” Rhea wanted to half roll her eyes. Even the merrow having someone with the title of queen felt like a slap in the face. She could be their leader but the title queen? Not when they had a queen an

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