Book 2 Chapter 22 Curse

2048 Words

Rhea took bold strides towards the lone gentleman. He was staring off in the distance where the other dragons were dancing. When she approached the table, she could see that he didn’t even notice her there. “Excuse me for just one moment.” Rhea watched the man jump almost startled seeing her standing beside him. She bent down and saw the ball tucked behind his leg. She tapped on his leg with her hand. “Could you move this leg just a bit.” The moment he did she grabbed the ball and leaned back up with a smile on her face. She turned to the kids who cheered happily and then rolled it over to them. The moment they got the ball they took off running with it. “Sorry to disturb you. I just wanted to return the ball to the children.” Rhea watched the man staring at her like he had seen a ghost.

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