Book 2 Chapter 26 Oubliette

1983 Words

Rhea quietly followed behind Titus down the long hall. The clacking of her shoes echoed down the quiet hallway. She was being led to an area where she had never been before. He opened the door and ushered her through. She walked in and was staring up at a very steep stairway leading upwards. It was so high that the stairs seemed to get lost in the ceiling and darkness as it spiraled around the wall. The area was poorly lit and reminded her of what a dungeon would probably look like. Rhea raised an eye as she looked at this seemingly abandoned area of the castle. This looked like a place you took someone on a one way walk. She felt the gentle pressure on her back as Titus encouraged her to walk up the stairs. Alright… she didn’t know why they had to go here to talk but there was probably

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