Book 2 Chapter 33 Sacrifices

2203 Words

Rhea opened the door to the library and was happy to see Grandpa Sage sitting at his desk. She knew that this area was private for the Sage, so she motioned for Cody and Kelsie to wait for her. She gently knocked as she peaked at him through the open door. She watched him glance up and smile immediately seeing her. “Rhea, my dear girl, come in child.” Rhea walked in and closed the door behind her. She then proceeded up to his desk and took a seat across from him. She suddenly felt like a child sitting across from the teacher in school. “I have been wanting to speak with you. Now more than ever after yesterday’s events.” His eyes twinkled a bit as he smiled at her knowingly. Rhea reached up and rubbed the mark on her neck. “I have been wanting to speak with you as well. Over a couple t

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