1. Wild and crazy

2597 Words
Nyala My eyes were tightly shut, my mind fully focused, fingers coiled around my lap. "Nniyi yala," I chanted as the breeze swayed my hair in every direction. "Nniyi yala," I whispered once more. The darkness surrounding me seemed to bathe in the familiar turquoise light forming between my fingers. "Nniyi yala," I said a bit louder this time, praying that it would work, that my efforts wouldn't be in vain. My eyes slowly fluttered open as I twisted my fingers, forming circles with my magical powers. Please work, I silently prayed for success. The familiar turquoise mixed with white flames began to materialize. The tightness in my chest grew with each passing second, hoping for the desired results. However, that hope was soon disrupted when I felt a sharp strike to my lower stomach. The small ball I had formed splashed onto the floor. It didn't work. "Nyala, where have you been?" the door was suddenly kicked open, Elsa hot on her tail. The room, once shrouded in darkness, lit up as Elsa switched on the lights. A hiss escaped me as I pushed my body off the floor. I had been sitting for over an hour, trying to practice my magical powers. I had less than a day before the event, and Teagan certainly knew what he was doing when he challenged me by putting Rostledam on the line. I removed the hairband from my wrist, hauling my hair up into a bun. I usually let my hair flow when practicing. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I exclaimed, making my way to my small desk. Yes, I have a room of my own, separate from the main Celestine family area, which is just a short walk away from Glowing Hearts. I would say Glowing Hearts is like an office to me, where all magical practices are carried out. From air bending to fire and water, I specialize in forming water out of my turquoise magic. It had always been cold water, but a few days ago, I discovered that I could create both cold and warm water. That's what I've been trying to perfect for the past two days. The end of the year festival event is approaching, and Teagan has invited the wolves over to celebrate, including trading Rostledam. I've gathered enough evidence regarding them. Alpha Ezekiel, leader of the Darkmoon pack, the most powerful pack in the country. They've taken over all the weak packs in the city and other parts of the world. It's said that Alpha Ezekiel, along with his two sons, Alpha Alastair and Alpha Warren, are the backbone of the Darkmoon pack, showing no mercy in their business dealings. All this information should make me anxious about what's to come for our kingdom, but instead, I'm looking forward to it. "Are you still trying to balance the cold and hot magic simultaneously?" Elsa asked, occupying the visitor's seat in front of me, pushing her arms forward. The crease in her brows suggests she thinks I'm in deep trouble for not mastering my magical skills yet. Elsa is new to the system, having started cultivating her smoke bending just a few days ago. But the way she's rejoicing, you'd think she had already perfected her skills. The whole of Glowing Hearts knows about Elsa's magical powers. "What if you seek help from Corv--" Elsa's words were cut short as I shot her a glare. Corvin is the last person I'd seek help from; I'd rather beg Teagan than turn to Corvin. His magic might be similar and more powerful than mine – Corvin can freeze things and form storms – but I can't do that. I can only form a moderate amount of water, which is close to nothing compared to Corvin's abilities. However, I can form hot water, which Corvin can't do. "I can do it. I still have the rest of the day and night to practice more. How are the preparations going at the Celestine chamber?" I asked, shifting the topic. I need to take my mind off things for a while. I haven't left my room since last night, busy practicing my powers. Teagan hasn't looked for me; he knows what I'd be up to. "It's progressing normally. Molly is busy creating a storm in the kitchen. I wonder what type of bread she wants to showcase this time," Elsa said. Speaking of the devil, the door burst open, and an out-of-place Molly stormed in, covered in flour. Elsa and I exchanged knowing looks. "You guys are talking behind my back, right!" she exclaimed, dropping a basket of burnt bread on the counter. "Hey! Take that out. This isn't your room," I scolded, but Molly seemed not to pay any attention. "I'm done trying to make it perfect. At this stage, I'll just give up. Anne will definitely win this time," she said, bitterness in her voice as she pouted. I couldn't help but smile at the expression on her face. Funny enough, just like how I've been trying hard to perfect my powers, Elsa and Molly are also playing their parts. "Maybe if you cut yourself some slack and learn from the skilled, you won't have to complain," Elsa suggested, earning a glare from Molly in return. Elsa and Molly are twin sisters, with Elsa being born an hour after Molly. We grew up together. They were raised by their paternal grandmother, who passed away after a short illness. Since then, Teagan took them in, and we all manage Glowing Hearts together. The two can be stubborn, but I don't blame them. I'm stubborn myself, and I think that's what brought us together. I watched as the two argued about why Molly needs to learn from Anne and why Elsa needs to calm down, showcasing her magical powers to everyone. "Enough, guys!" I banged my fist on the desk, getting their attention. "You guys should leave my room. I have better things to do than sit and watch you argue like twins." "Of course, we are twins!" They spat back at the same time. My eyes darted left to right. Yes, they are twins. "Molly, get back to the kitchen, and Elsa, go and continue practicing your magical powers somewhere," I dismissed them, giving them no room for explanations. I still need to practice more. I have to master the hot water powers at all costs. I spent the rest of the evening in my room practicing and tuning, but all my efforts were in vain. The moment it began forming, I would get dragged back, as if something was pulling me away. But Nyala isn't someone who gives up easily. Molly later came back to check up on me. "Cut yourself some slack, Nyala," she said the moment she entered the room and found me still on the floor with my fingers crossed. "You won't understand, Molly. I have to do this no matter what. Teagan can't just throw Rostledam into the hands of the werewolves. Rostledam is the backbone of the Celestine family. Our people rely on it," I voiced out. Maybe, just maybe, Molly will understand why I was so hell-bent on putting Rostledam before anything else. "You're right. But I'm sure Master Teagan has his reasons for involving the wolves." "His reasons are clear enough for us to see. He wants power from them. The Darkmoon pack isn't just any pack. I'm sure they will require more than us giving them Rostledam." I'm very sure Alpha Ezekiel won't settle for just Rostledam. Teagan isn't telling me the whole story. He has more up his sleeve. "What do you intend to do now? Your powers aren't tuning in the way you want, and the event is tomorrow." A smile curved up at my lips when a thought graced my mind. I inhaled deeply, got off the floor, and aimed for the door. "I know what to do," and with that, I sauntered away into the night. The weather was scorching hot as the fighting ring was filled with the sounds of two men battling. It's part of the tradition for the event to take place in the open and under the sun. Teagan was seated on his usual high table, watching whatever was unfolding before his eyes. By his side was Corvin, wearing his customary cowardly smile, while Bruno sat absentmindedly. I'm sure he wouldn't be able to tell what was happening. And then, our guest of the day, Alpha Ezekiel, and his two sons seated side by side. It was my first time seeing the man in full, and I must say he has a strong aura around him. As for the two sons, I don't know who's who. There was barely an ounce of calmness on their faces, but that's not my concern. Whether they smile or not is up to them. "Why do I feel like Alpha Ezekiel is the carbon copy of his son? I can't even differentiate," Elsa said beside me. "You should have your eyes fixed on other things," I answered. The match had come to an end, and it was time for me to appear on the stage. "It's time, Nyala!" Molly almost turned my ears deaf with her whisper-yelling. "All the best!" "You go, girl!" they cheered. Funny as it was, as I stood bravely and walked up the stage, I knew things might not go according to plan. Heck, I had no backup plan. I couldn't tune my magical powers. I didn't know how to win Teagan's challenge, but I knew what to do to mess it up. I searched for Teagan's eyes through the crowd. There wasn't much expression on his face. I couldn't care less. He didn't want to listen to me, so he was bound to deal with what followed. I made a slight bow of my head before proceeding towards where Alpha Ezekiel and his son were seated. I caught sight of Corvin whispering something to Teagan. "Allow me to reveal my powers in front of our guest, Alpha Ezekiel," I called out, my voice rising with each word. My eyes went to Teagan once again. This time, I saw fear in his eyes. He knew what I was capable of doing. I was determined to save Rostledam at all costs. "Excellent. Please," Alpha Ezekiel uttered after a while. "Thank you, Alpha Ezekiel." With that, I marched back, slipped the hairband from my hair, and let the wind play with it from different directions before closing my eyes. Let's do this, Nyala. I could feel my body reverberate as the familiar lights began forming between my fingers. I knew all eyes would be on me. I could feel their gaze. I chanted in a low tone, lifting my fingers up. Just when I was about to release, I spared a quick worried glance back at Teagan, then shifted my attention to the attentive man in front of me. I rolled my hand twice, and the water I formed splashed over one of Alpha Ezekiel's sons. Gasps followed. "What the hell!" He jolted up angrily. "I'm sorry," I quickly crouched down to my knees, my head cast down. Under that display was a smile curving up on my lips. I had done it. I'm sure Teagan wasn't expecting me to behave this way. I splashed the water on his face on purpose, aiming to intimidate both Teagan and Alpha Ezekiel, and it was a success. I heard the voices of Alpha Ezekiel and Teagan as they approached each other. I excused myself from the crowd, leaving Teagan to deal with the commotion I had caused. Before disappearing, I noticed the look Corvin threw at me. A murderous look, at that. As foolish as he is, he thought I would succumb to Teagan. He thought his little plan will work. Now I'll see how Teagan will calm Alpha Ezekiel's mind and that of his sons. A victorious smile danced on my lips as I pushed the door open. It happened so fast that before I could react, my body was hauled against the walls of my room, with large hands covering my mouth. Dark pupils. Thick eyebrows. Long lashes that attacked my senses. It took an ounce of my brain to process his features. Alpha Ezekiel's son. Soon enough, my mind jolted back to reality, and I pushed myself away. "What the hell are you doing?" I had thought the distance between us was enough, but the moment he took a step forward, his tall frame towering over mine, my heart sank. Not at anything in particular, but the way his heat was penetrating through my skull. "I must say you're quite a spitfire back there," he hushed out. Damn! I could swear my heart did a tumble flip at his voice. A damn deep voice. "You had the audacity to embarrass me." It was then I noticed he was the one I had splashed my magical waters on. Was it Alastair or Warren? I remembered using my powers on both of them. I said nothing and still proceeded to move when my body was being hauled back and another pair of eyes attacked me. Both the two sons were now staring right back at me with a dangerous or much to say murderous looks. My body was pinned more to the wall, his hand rounding over my face. He trailed his fingers over my cheeks before they stopped on my lips. Damn! My legs recoiled at how much heat I felt down there. "You have kissable lips.” One of them said his eyes clouding with nothing but lust. “I want to have a taste too Alastair.” The other chirped in his hand lowering down to my belly. I felt something pull in my heart at the way their eyes were raking my body and the way Warren’s hand was caressing my waist. Something strong charged in my body. What the hell! Even with the way my body was reacting to their touch, I didn't shut my mouth. "Too bad we don't entertain horny wolves in our kingdom," I spat, my voice slightly disappointing me. "I advise you to keep your distances if you want to save yourself," I added. I might be a human with only magical powers, but I know when to defend myself. And I think the best thing I should do to myself before the strangers in front of me was to stay away. Yes, the heat from their bodies was doing all sorts of things to my body, which I shouldn't be having, not at that moment. I wanted to pull away immediately but my body wasn’t agreeing with me. The corner of Alastair lips creased into a smile, or rather, much to say, a smirk. His fingers were then back on my lips. "You're already in danger by allowing me to set my eyes on you, angel." And then I felt his lips on mine. My mind went blank for a minute as I felt a burning sensation between my legs. The kiss lasted for barely a minute before Warren took over, he nibbled on my lower lip for a while. When he pulled away, he moved back giving a way for Alastair to take charge once again but I didn't allow that to happen.I knew I had to do something. And when I did, I flew from the room. Far away from the dangerous Alpha brothers. Little did I know I had gotten myself into a big trouble.
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