Episode 1 : it happens today

1269 Words
"OMG ! OMG! I overslept on my first day of the internship! No f*****g way ! "cried Lily while stumbling out of her bed and looking for her phone. She found the damn thing between the sheets, but she couldn’t find her AirPods … no time. Gotta hurry. Good thing that she was always prepared, she quickly ran to the bathroom, took a shower, used her new Chanel set that she was saving for this important day, dried her hair in a hurry, did her skincare and makeup in no time. "Time to dress to impress Lily! " she mumbled to herself while sipping her coffee after her little cardio in the bathroom. She made up her mind days ago about what she would be wearing today and always had a backup outfit if the apartment was haunted by fashion loving demons and snatched her destined outfit !!! that’s how her brain works! Always expect the unexpected. Hurriedly she put on her YSL button down , and her Mango jeans, threw her GANT blazer over her shoulders, slid in her Chanel slingbacks and wore her tank Cartier watch her mom left her. Lily has a classy simple taste, her parents were always Elite, gave her expensive gifts, clothes and jewelry … as she was their eldest daughter! They even sent her to study abroad in a boarding school in Switzerland and her straight As through her school years offered her the opportunity to save a place in the internship offered by the most prestigious company in the business and development world: James Hugh Company. She looked at her mom’s watch and reminded herself why she was here doing this: although she was raised privileged she and her brother Louis, they never took advantage of their parent's wealth or positions! They wanted to experience life on their own! So here she is the daughter of a well known businessman in Germany, leaves her country to live in New York , works in a coffee shop around the corner, lives paycheck to paycheck to pay rent, eats in the local deli with her Chanel bag beside her and her Louis Vuitton wallet that only has 20 dollars! She may look rich, but in fact, Lily has just a few nice things that her parents left her before they passed away! Now her uncle runs the company, her brother left Germany to live in England and pursue his medical career and she ended up in New York. Her English is fluent as her German, so no one notices that she’s a foreigner. She has had no friends till now. She was applying for jobs to keep her tiny apartment. Her Uncle took control over the company and when she didn’t want to live in Germany to run the company with him, he denied her… gave her some money to start her new life, froze her accounts, her share in the company till she gets back to her senses and runs her parents emptier beside him… as a family! But what does her uncle Marvin know about family ?! He was the first competitor of her father in the market, he never visited them, he was constantly annoying his brother about his life choices: his middle eastern wife, his ungrateful children, his marriage, his way of raising his kids… everything! So now after her parent's death, he even didn’t attend their funeral, only showed up in the attorney’s office to read her father’s will! Poor Father gave his brother control over everything thinking that he’ll protect Lily and Louis like his own children! Only to deny them their inheritance and take control of Everything! Lily found herself lost in her thoughts in front of her mirror, staring at her mom’s watch and remembering how her life had turned upside down in the past couple of months and she had to deal with her grief over her parents, losing her little brother to another country, learning about her uncle’s harsh nature, moving to a new country, living all alone, managing her life without family or friends company, start a new career path today! What an overwhelming journey she had! Now it’s all up to her and her qualifications, she has to prove herself on her first day! She sprayed her favorite perfume in moderation, wore her pearl earrings, and looked at herself one last time before heading out. Lily was self confident when it came to her upbringing, education, hardworking but never when it comes to her looks! She never had a boyfriend! She always was occupied with her studies. Some of her male friends and colleagues acknowledged her beauty, but she never believed any of their compliments cause she thought they were lying just to get into her pants. She feels that she never had a genuine compliment on her looks. Little did she know that she charmed every man who ever saw her. She had a magical charm that overruled any room once she walked in. She always thought that there was something wrong with her looks or walk, so people needed to stare … she never bothered to know why they looked at her so intensively. She was always calm and minded her own business. She is not a trouble seeker. She wants peace, calmness, success in her career and earn a living … perhaps life bestows on her the blessing of visiting her brother in England and spending the holidays with him this year after stabilizing her financial state. "6 months, Lily! 6 months! And your simple dreams will come true !" murmured Lily to herself before closing the apartment door behind her. On her way down the stairs, she met the neighbor’s dog … she’s good friends with animals. The golden retriever moved his tail announcing his will to play with Lily. " Not today Bud! Gotta hurry … big day today! Maybe when I get back ?!” Said Lily with a soft voice. The dog whimpered in disagreement and sat still on the doorstep. Lily headed out of the building with her phone in her hand looking for her Uber. The driver was waiting in front of her building. She hopped in and wished for the best. ——————————————————————- James hated September 1st, he could pay billions, trillions of dollars to avoid this day! It’s the day his company receives 100 interns every year in all departments in his headquarters in Times Square. 100 naive, terrified, inexperienced human beings and as the company’s CEO, he has to greet them himself and give a little speech in the company’s conference room. Some of them have really brilliant minds and his company had her fair share of keeping the top candidates to work for him … but in some other years it was a miss. His company has branches all over the world and sponsors the most prestigious universities and schools all over the world to get exclusive access to what James likes to call “La crème de la crème” from A1 candidates and students and he saves the best for his company. So actually, 100 interns are nothing for his empire! He can hire all of them, but he keeps his quota as agreed with the universities: he can only hire 10 of the 100! At first he was bothered to have to settle to this, but with time he liked the competitive ambiance this little number provides! He wants the best, only the best.
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