I don't think that I really knew what real love was until I came out the closet. Thinking real love was just having s*x.

279 Words
I was thinking that real love was just two people having s*x with each other not having true feelings. Not knowing that real love is a feeling that we feel inside of our hearts and inner soul. I was thinking that if I am having s*x with you that were together and that's showing how much we really love each other by pleasuring one another. Finding out that love isn't just about s*x it's more than that. I am glad now that I have learned that just because we are having s*x doesn't mean that we both are loving each other. The way that love has came into my life over the years was beautiful. I have been shown that love is so good especially when both parties are feeling the same about each other. I could honestly say that I have found real love and wow its fantastic. Although I lost the one that really shown me how it feels to be loved unconditionally. I am so blessed to have it again but with someone else that has waited for years and years for me. I have been married twice one was with my daughter father and my late wife which god had wanted her last year so she's not physically here with us anymore. I have now been with my childhood crushed and omg I am really happy with Aisha Monique Williams. Shes been here with me since last year of December and I have been happy every since. I guess you could say that god had a plan for me and it was to be with my childhood crushed and one day make her my wife.
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