Living and loving yourself and not having any worries about anything in your life. I have zero tolerance for bullshit and people

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Have you ever wonder how people can say s**t to you but don't have the right to really say nothing cause their situation isn't no better than yours. I am kinda trying to figured my life out right now cause it's all over the place and I'm not knowing rather or not if I am coming or going. I am hoping that things would get much better cause this s**t is really for the birds. Sometimes I be hoping that this is a very bad dream and I am going to wake up from it. I know that's just wishful thinking right cause everything is so real right now. God got me and he's not going to let me fall deeper into my depression. He knows my worth and how I am gonna come up from this deep hole looking happy with smiles on my face forever. I am not going backwards in my life just moving forward at all times. When my life began to spiral I was needing to stop and take a look at myself and say Sparkle this too shall pass and everything is going to be alright. Life is really showing me how to deal with anything that comes my way I am strong black woman.
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