Chapter 13: Somebody Is Getting Married

1504 Words

"Wait, what? What wedding?" "Ours, of course!" "But I just met you! I just met him!" Fred pointed at Callius while shaking her head. Did he just tell her Alpha they were getting hitched? No way! "Love, you agreed. You made a bond with me, remember?" Callius' voice seemed to drop an octave and she watched horrified as he licked the middle finger of his right hand. She immediately felt heat rise to her cheeks. He wouldn't! "Callius!" She wasn't sure if the others noticed, but if she were being honest, they probably did. Ugh, Werewolves! Her Alpha smiled and put on his coat as his Guard continued to flank him. "Well, Callius, I tell you what, if Fred here says yes, then I would be honored to attend. My wife loves weddings, especially now, in her condition." "Oh yeah! I heard about that!

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