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Altas–POV Ash graciously led Faye into the lavish quarters of the Manor. Mature and perceptive, Ash bore no jealousy despite our marriage being arranged to cement peace between the Red Night Pack and the Blue Wood Pack, the latter being the second largest and nearly rivaling our own. The arrangement was a brainchild of Ash Clarke's father, Alpha Mathew Clarke, a man for whom I harbor no respect because of his greed. Yet, when he proposed peace, I accepted, lacking a mate and with a slim chance of finding one at the age of thirty. Although Ash and I share no love, mutual respect underpins our relationship. After entrusting Faye to Ash's care, I went to my office to address some pack issues, anticipating a later meeting with my father. Morning memories flooded back en route, notably when Faye addressed me by my first name, a privilege I seldom extend, and her gentle presence enveloped me like a mist. I had to shake off such distractions; my duty as Ash's future spouse demanded it. Upon arriving at my office, Rex appeared, forgoing any rest. "What's happening, Atlas?" he asked with a heavy voice. Confused, I replied, "What do you mean?" "You took Faye Cooper into our pack without informing Oscar. He's particular about such matters. Not to forget, Faye is Alpha Oscar's rejected mate." Rex emphasizes the Alpha word. "Also, what is with you allowing Faye to call you by your first name? I mean, you never let Ash use your first name until some months pass by." "You seem to forget the reason behind my kindness to Faye. It's a tribute to her father's good deeds," I explained. "You're looking at it the wrong way. I allowed her to use my first name out of respect for her father, which extends to Faye as well." "Is there more to it, Atlas, or are you keeping something from me?" Rex inquired, his suspicion evident. "I've been completely open about my intentions," I responded, a hint of frustration in my voice. Rex sighed and exited my office. Once alone, I formalized Faye Cooper's membership in our pack within our system, ensuring the guards knew she would be treated respectfully and without hostility. I wanted to spare her any further discomfort. Reflecting on the moment I held Faye close in Oscar's office, I couldn't ignore my mysterious attraction to her. My wolf, Cain, was just as puzzled; there was no evident mate bond, yet the instinct to protect her was undeniable. It is because I can't see injustice or anything more. I pushed thoughts away to add more complexity to my life. With these turbulent emotions concealed, I prepared to meet my father, a man of few words since my mother's death. He prioritized politics and greed for wealth and power, with no place for showing any emotions at all. He could use anyone for his ambition. My father and I never had a bond except for me being his pupil, who trained to be an alpha and looked after his pack for more financial gains and power. "Father, you wanted to see me?" I entered, finding him lost in thought before my mother's portrait. "I've heard about the girl you brought to the Manor," he remarked, his voice a mix of curiosity and authority. "Is she your mate?" he asked. "Yes, Father, I did bring her here," I admitted. "No, she is not my mate, but you must understand that I did it in honor of Arnold Cooper, who suffered greatly. She was in a bad place with the Orion Pack, and bringing her here was my way of honoring Arnold's memory," I clarified. My father nodded, showing understanding and respect for Arnold Cooper’s memory, unlike Oscar, who held onto his resentment about losing his family in a plague outbreak—a tragedy wrongly attributed to Arnold Cooper’s aid to another pack. “I need clarity on your rationale. We have an arrangement with Ash’s father regarding your marriage. The union between the Bluewood and Red Night Packs promises wealth and business prospects,” my father detailed. I nodded, recognizing the strategic importance of this alliance. “Ensure Ash's happiness. This engagement is your chance to build a rapport,” he counseled. I acknowledged his advice with another nod. Departing from our discussion, I saw Faye in the gazebo, radiating happiness. Her presence held my gaze, captivated against my will. “She's indeed beautiful,” remarked my wolf, Cain, internally. “Cain, can you tell if she's our mate?” I inquired. “No, I’m still trying to detect a mate bond through my magic. Despite our strong attraction, there's nothing definitive yet,” Cain responded. “I hope we uncover what she truly means to us soon, so I can take action. I can't risk getting involved with Faye. To me, this arranged marriage and peace comes first,” I said to myself. My intrigue about Faye led me to join her swiftly in my pack, and I hoped my decision was rational. ****** Faye’s POV: One Week Later Comfort enveloped me in the gazebo, adorned in cozy attire. The food was tasty, and the maids were kind. Ash’s warmth was a refreshing change from my past. Sensing a gaze, I spotted Atlas in the distance. His brief nod, possibly coupled with a blush, intrigued me. However, I doubted a man of his stature could easily show such vulnerability. Curious, I later ventured to the Moon Goddess shrine to pray for my mother. There, an elderly man caught my attention during my prayers. “You must be Faye Cooper,” he interrupted. “Yes, sir,” I replied. “Do you know me?” he asked. “I don’t,” I confessed. “I am Rowan, Atlas's father. I respected your father greatly. My son took you in, knowing the hardships you faced in the Orion Pack,” he disclosed. “I appreciate Alpha Atlas for lending me shelter within the Red Night Pack,” I expressed. “So, Atlas was truthful. That’s the reason,” he muttered to himself.“You’re here because of your father's goodwill. Behave wisely and avoid rumors that could jeopardize my son's marriage to Ash from the Blue Wood Pack.” “I’ll remember that,” I assured him, bowing respectfully. After he left, I prayed for my mother’s soul and my future mate. Exiting the shrine, Oscar’s scent pulled at me—a reminder of what was and what could never be. Led by this nostalgia, I found myself outside his office. Entering unannounced, I interrupted a tense moment between him and Atlas. “Faye,” Oscar called out, his tone layered with unexpected emotion. I stood still, looking at him.
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