Chapter 4 – His Queen

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Prince Samuel walked around and the ladies fluttered around him. Still, he couldn’t see the ribbon on anyone. Did she wear it? What would he do if she didn’t? His face became grim. He hadn’t thought of that. Could he possibly postpone the selection of his queen and consorts? Well, he could begin with selecting consorts, right? He looked around again and spotted the beautiful lady in a pale, yellow dress. The plain gown didn’t take away her beauty. He made his way towards her. She’s definitely going to be one of his women, he’s sure of that. He’s not gonna let a pretty face be someone else’s. The crowd parted to give him a path leading to her. Some of the women whispered among themselves. They knew it. Laura’s going to be chosen. Those who have only seen her once knew that her beauty is incomparable and it’s also unforgettable. Many admired her. Many envied her. Cristina’s face darkened at seeing this. How could that girl get the prince’s attention? Does she really think she would become the queen? Her thoughts are convoluted. Laura never wanted to be chosen anyway. Her heart thudded as she realized what’s going on. Please, not this way! Go somewhere else. When she looked at him, his gaze is clearly on her. She caught her breath. Please, no. She doesn’t want a life in the palace. She tried taking a step sideways but the prince frowned at her action. She didn’t dare move after that and waited for him to get to where she is. When it’s clear it was his intention to speak with her, she curtsied when he’s a couple of steps away. “Good evening, my lord.” She politely greeted. Samuel paused for a second. He thought she sounds familiar. Tilting his head, he acknowledged her greeting. “What is your name, my lady?” “Lady Laura, of Thistle.” “Everyone seems to agree that you are beautiful.” At his statement, her cheeks burned red. A compliment from him is unexpected. “Thank you, sir.” “May I invite you to a dance?” He offered his hand and Laura took a deep breath before reaching out. She couldn’t turn him down when there’s so many eyes on them. As their hands touched, Prince Samuel smiled. She barely looks at him, only glancing every now and then. He guided her through the center of the dance floor and they bowed at each other. He didn’t forget to check her clothing and accessories for the tell-tale signs of his ribbon. Nothing. In a way, he felt a little disappointed. Such a beauty… but she’s not his queen. He held her waist and her hand whereas she settled her left hand on his shoulder. Her hands are soft, but roughened. She smells like roses. Her steps are firm as they moved with the music. “You seem very adept at dancing.” He noted and it made her smile. “My father and I used to dance a lot.” She replied, thinking he must have said it to elicit a response. “Used to?” His question made her grimace. She looks cute even with such an expression. “My parents have passed away.” Ah. He paused mid-step and they lightly stumbled. Her eyes widened at how she bumped into his body.   “I’m so sorry to hear that.” She merely smiled at his consolation. As the years go by, she misses them less and less. Maybe she’s getting used to their absence. Samuel doesn’t know what else to say but they continued the dance. After a while, he thought of asking if someone like her has someone she admires. Why does he want to know, anyway? But he did. The question surprised her and the widening of her eyes also looked adorable. All of the expressions he’d seen so far are beautiful. But others won’t be able to pull it off. She pursed her lips before replying to him. “I don’t have anyone.” “Really? What would impress you, then?” “A man like my father. He loved my mother so much. They cared for each other and their marriage is full of love. I want something like that for myself, with a man who would treasure me. And only me.” She’s treading on thin ice here. She’s basically insinuating her desires already, and she meant she doesn’t want to be selected as one of the prince’s women. Samuel isn’t dense. He understood her implication perfectly. But no. He’s selfish. He won’t give her thoughts any consideration when he declares her as one of his consorts. She’s not his queen so her words don’t matter. Laura remained nervous as he didn’t say anything after that. He seemed to have a determined look in his face and she didn’t like it. Bastard. She cursed him in her head. They finished the dance in silence. They bowed at each other again, but before they could part, someone tightly grabbed her arm. It was Cristina. Her grip is causing her a little pain. She’s here for revenge, isn’t she? Laura’s sure she doesn’t have good intentions. She’s here to have her chance to be with the prince. “Laura, father’s been looking for you. I’m so sorry to interrupt, my lord.” She curtsied and Samuel caught his breath. When she bowed, he noticed the ribbon on her head. The one that was his. He didn’t dare show his surprise. He schooled his expressions well before asking for her name. “Lady Cristina, of Thistle, my lord.” “You two are related?” “Cousins, my lord.” Cristina pinched Laura on her arm and she winced. She knew her cousin wants her to leave now. Create an excuse or something. “I’ll excuse myself, prince. My uncle seems to be looking for me.” She quickly made her exit and left the two of them alone. She let out a huge breath as she navigated away from the dance floor. It is quite huge, allowing tens and tens of couples to enjoy dancing to the music at the same time.  Could she dare hope that the prince would forget about her? Samuel studied her appearance. She seemed to have the same height and build as Laura, but not as beautiful. Her hair is pulled into a bun and strands of it framed the sides of her face. He realized he liked the curly golden hair of Laura better. Internally, he shook his head. Why is he still thinking of someone else when his queen is already in front of her? He stared at it, clipped at the side of her head. Cristina waited for an invitation but he seemed uninterested. The silence stretched and she couldn’t stay here any longer. She was about to believe that she failed in getting his attention and bowed to leave when he spoke. “Will you dance with me?” The offer made her heart burst with gladness. She beamed and accepted his outstretched hand. They smiled at each other. She didn’t think he would smile at her. It seemed like a dream come true. Her sweetest dreams when she sleeps at night are here now. She was nervous and excited. Her happiness couldn’t be concealed. She may be second, but she had her chance and it doesn’t look like she’s failing. His expression tells her she succeeded. Even if she doesn’t become queen, becoming a consort is more than enough to her. All she needed to do is become the first of his women to give him an heir. That’s the most important thing. Samuel struggled to come up with questions. Her appearance is good enough, but there’s something unpleasant to the eyes. He couldn’t place what it is. Many of the women are wearing the colors of the kingdom, but her dress seemed overdone. The red is a bit… glaring. He tried to stop staring at the color and focused on her face. Cristina decided to take initiative. She needs to make him interested in her. That won’t happen if they don’t talk. His hands on her feels nice and he smells like pine trees. Somewhat refreshing. “Have you thought of a way to get to know every lady present tonight, my lord?” Samuel blinked at her. It took a few seconds before he smiled and formulated an answer. “I don’t intend to do such a thing. And there are two more days before I announce my decision. I believe that’s plenty of time to see the best ladies in attendance, no?” Cristina tilted her head. “That’s true. You don’t need to meet everyone. I’m sure you have a certain type, the kind of women you like… isn’t that right?” “It would seem so.” Samuel casts his eyes around, trying to get a glimpse of the other women. He does like a certain type of woman. And he’d seen plenty of them tonight. There are enough choices for him to select his consorts. The thing is… The woman in front of him… he feels nothing for her. Not even a shred of attraction. Since she spoke of having a certain type, she’s not exactly one of his. What is he supposed to do now? Is this a test? A kind of challenge? That night, he couldn’t sleep properly. His expectations were far from reality. Before tonight, he swore he’s going to properly care for his queen. He would love her and treasure her. She would be his equal and they would rule the kingdom together. Since she is wise, he would have to listen to her words and take into account her own suggestions. He didn’t think part of the process would be choosing to like her. 
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