15. Large Offices and Promotions.

1008 Words
KIKI. I stepped into the office and shut the door quietly. I felt myself looking around the space I had just stepped into. The room was large and spacious. It was thrice my room and the entire house I lived in. I gulped, awestruck at the beautiful sea color that made the room stand out, up to the set of couches at one corner of the room, centered by a top-notch glass table facing a flat-screen TV. My eyes moved to the boss's seat. Right from the big brown mahogany table down to the things neatly arranged on it to the man seated behind the table. I glanced up to find a gift from the gods staring at me. Gorgeous, delicious, eye candy. Dark hair, dressed in a button down that is designed to look normal but probably cost two of my paycheck. Broad shoulders, tall. Total dreamboat. I let myself look, staring at his arms, the fabric of his shirt is clinging to them and his chest in a way that tells me I'm going to like what's underneath it. His face was an odd mixture of angles that come together in just the right way to make him fit for one of those way-too-sexy perfume ads. Damn. He was staring at me, waiting for me patiently stop staring around and at him like he knew how important it was for me to simp over the interior of the office and the exterior of him. I gulped and looked away from him before looking back at him. Maintaining eye contact. “Good morning sir. You sent for me.” I acknowledged him, curtseying a little. A little politeness would help in this dire state. “I apologize for the incidents of the other day regarding the bracelets sir. I'm very sorry to get caught in that situation. It's just that, the man was persistent in going out with me. I wasn't having it and was just trying to tell him off when you interrupted. You were only trying to help me and I should have understood that when the bracelet cut.- The thing is that the bracelet was given to me by my father. That was the last thing he gave to me so I got angry when I saw the damage that day. On behalf of me and my friend, I'm also sorry for billing you. I didn't mean to. I'm sure Claire didn't mean to do that either. Sir, I'm sorry for telling you about my boss too. It was unprofessional of me. I shouldn't have done...” I was still rambling when he raised his hand signaling for me to stop. “Have a seat, Kiki.” He told me pointing to the chair before him. I exhaled, watching the smile on his face widen. He found my rambling amusing, while I found his voice, literally heavenly. It was deep, concentrated masculine, a sort of gritty, slow drawl dripping molasses and smoke. The type of voice that’s made for throaty, heart-stomping songs strummed to acoustic guitars under low lights that turn the audience into shadows of themselves. At this point, I knew I was getting way too attracted to this man for someone who was in a very serious relationship, it suddenly felt so much like cheating. “I didn't call you for that and I'm not offended about that. You should calm down and have a seat.” He told me. I smiled in relief, walked over to the chair, and took my seat, right before him. Seriously. I don’t think I’ve ever sat in a chair this comfortable in my entire life. The deep leather seat felt as soft and smooth as butter. I’ve heard people say that before, but I never took it to heart when leather is supposed to be a tight, slick hide with a hint of texture, hardness, and too much tension in the cushion. But until today, I’ve never had my butt kissed by fine leather in such an extravagant environment. It seemed like walking into a whole new environment. “I didn't ask you to come to my office from the grand floor for that. You are here because I want to promote you.” He told me, leaning back in his seat so casually. I froze. Literally. He wants to promote me? That was one question I had in my head as I stared at the big boss. To what level? He could promote me to the second level. I'm sure it's the second level, I was finally getting what I deserved in this company and I'm very excited. "A promotion? Really sir? I'm getting promoted?" “Yes, you deserve it so I'm promoting you to the position of a EA, Kiki. More like a second Personal assistant since I still have one for now.” He said. I was dumbfounded. For a moment, I just stared at this man in shock not able to find my tongue. Was this man serious? Was the big boss out of his damn mind? Is this one of those stupid dreams I have frequently? But this isn't a promotion. You promote people to the second or third level from where they are at. That was the promotion I know. This wasn't a promotion. This was not a promotion. This is a straight up throwing, a throw from the lowest level to one of the highest level. I averted my gaze and looked down at myself. I started to smile as I stared down at myself. It was probably because of this. He wants something. He wants something from me. Something I wouldn't be able to offer him because I wasn't Sarah, neither am I Claire. I would never give him what he probably wanted since the bracelet issue. If he thinks offering me such a high position was going to get him this, he is definitely about to get the biggest shock of his life. He wants my body. And it was off-limit for any man except Julian.
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