8. Barefooted and Crazy.

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KIKI. "Good morning, co workers, your little ray of sarcastic sunshine has arrived." I announced as I stepped into the large room that was empty since it was still early in the morning. Someone suddenly shoved me out of the way, I was about to cuss out the person but as soon as I realised who it was, I decided to just save my breathe, time and energy. I mean, why argue with a mad woman when people won't even know the difference and you'd end up getting called mad too for even giving a mad woman any response? "You're late." the mad woman, Sarah pointed out. "So are you." I simply replied. "The earlier you realise that there's a whole lot of difference between you and I, the better. I can be late, but you cannot be. Oh.. and are you finally crazy, you're now back in the 1200s? I've always told y'all that this b***h is crazy, see?" She said pointing downwards at my feet. "I may be crazy but crazy is better than stupid. Get the hell out of my face, Sarah, I absolutely do not have the energy to pretend to like you today." I shoved her out of my way and walked towards Sam's tiny office.. "You're late." He also pointed out. "Yes, and I'm sorry. I had some fashion crises that came up on my way to work. You know I'd never do that, I've never even been late to work so I hope you'd pardon me this morning?" I explained and then pleaded. "Oh, you're sorry, you hope you'd be pardoned just because it's a first time but if everything works that way then don't you think all a thief or murderer has to tell the police is sorry and he'd just be pardoned? So do you realize how ridiculous you absolutely sound now?" "But is it even the same thing sir? Sarah comes late to her shifts every damn time such that it affects my own days by making me work longer hours and her, shorter ones but you never do anything." I finally let out looking him straight in the eye. If I have to blackmail to keep my job, then I'll absolutely do that. "Kiki." He called my name as he got off his chair and walked towards me with that gross smile he always thinks is giving off the cocky vibes but isn't. He then sat on a part of his table right in front of me, totally invading my space such that I was forced to move back three steps. "Kiki, if you want to enjoy so much privileges like her, all you need is to give me a positive answer to the same proposal I've been throwing at you for years, but no, for some reasons, you think you're better than everyone." He said as his eyes darted down at my chest. "Sir, with all due respect, I'd like that you stop bringing that up because I have repeatedly told you that I am not in anyway interested, I may not be better than everyone but I know what I want and it ain't you sir, no offense." I replied sternly. "I gave you one last chance and you had to blow it. Anyways, come back in the next thirty minutes for your suspension letter, that's all. You can go." He stated dismissively. "What? Are you kidding me right now? Shouldn't a suspension come after issuing verbal warnings and written reprimands and I didn't listen? Sir, aren't you been unnecessarily unprofessional right now?" "Oh, how about you come teach me how to do my work then since you know so much than I do. You can only shout about it for as long as you want, I run this floor as I want and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. Get out of my office and wait for your suspension letter like I said, I do not condone rude and tardy employees." I stormed out of his office in annoyance, making sure to bang his door harder than usual. "How did it go?" Rose questioned as she walked towards me, her voice laced with utmost concern. "Oh, she got suspended." Sarah chipped in like she and her lover had it all planned out. "Oh dear, I'm returning your nose, I found it in my damn business! Learn to mind your business, would you?" "Not if you're part of my business... Your misery gives me so much joy." "Probably why nothing good ever happens to you, don't you think?" Rose replied her this time while I glared furiously. "I would mind the company I keep or who I side in this store if I were you, Rose. Nobody moves forward here if they're on my bad side." Sarah said as she finally left us alone. "I'm so sorry about the suspension, Kiki. You absolutely do not deserve that, you should be given a raise not a suspension, you work so damn hard for this brand." Rose consoled, looking all dejected. She knew how much this would affect me, if I'm suspended for even a week, I'd be short on money by a whole lot since I won't get the wages for those days. But as usual, I pretended like it won't, "oh, it's alright, Rose. I'll be fine, I'll have more time to myself, maybe I can even finally take Jojo out on a play date and all. And also have more time with Aiden, we haven't had time to hang out lately." Aiden was my boyfriend for the past six years, he was always an upcoming artist but his dream recently came to reality when he got signed by one of the popular record labels about two months ago. He had been so much busy since then, being a star sure isn't easy. "That's true though. We have to make good use of everything... she stressed to say only to be interrupted by one of our coworkers who barged in, all out of breathe like he was being chased. "Ugh, what the hell, Leo?" Sarah grunted. "We have a new big boss." He stated trying to catch his breath. "So? Most of them never care about this floor that much, it's not our business." Sarah replied again. "Well, it is our business now, he's coming to this floor right now and he's not just an employed one, he's the second son of the Callisto’s. He's here to refurbish the whole branch!" Leo finished as he rushed off again to God knows where. Everywhere was silent for a while before panics started to kick in, products on the shelf started to get more cleaning and rearrangement than normal, all the staffs started to readjust their outfits in order to give a good impression. "Of course, my life always get harder cos tell me why this had to happen on the same day I am literally barefooted and almost suspended." I murmured as I rushed towards the workers room to see if anyone had an extra pair to lend.
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