The Assassin Agency

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2 MONTHS LATER Sian's phone screen lit up as he was going through important documents affecting both his business and mafia. There has been some strange activities going on. Strange creatures sightings. Sian hummed deep in thoughts , looking over at his phone. We found a lead. ~ Alberto It's been 2 months since Sian took over the mafia throne and his father's business. It's been 2 months since he has seen him alive. Time couldn't move more slower for him. Since he couldn't be away for too long he had Alberto and some trusted men out to find his father's killer. Sian looked at the message with wide eyes and felt an indescribable feeling inside him. Was it excitement that he finally found his father's killer or was it anxiousness....nervousness perhaps. He didn't want to reach a dead end. Since what's all he seemed to be coming up with when it's related to his loved ones. Sian sent a message to Alberto to keep him updated. It's better to not have high hopes. WITH ALBERTO Alberto rolled his eyes, dramatically reading his friend's aloof reply. "ancora non si romperà." A man grumbled slamming the door open. (He still won't break.) "Cosa ha detto il capo?" He asked taking a seat near Alberto, unscrewing a water bottle. (What did the boss man say?) Alberto looked stuffed the phone in his pocket and glanced at the 50 something man- Dean, before looking at the double sided mirror in front of him. A muscular man was tied to chair, one of his front teeth missing, and another one was plucked out while he was unconscious as it contained cyanide, and blood was dripping down his chin. "Fingendosi disinteressato." Alberto answered rolling his eyes. (Pretending to be uninteresteded.) "hai già trovato qualcosa su di lui ?" Dean asked giving a side glance to the tech guy. (Did you find out anything about him yet?) "No." Angelo muttered. "Ma ho trovato qualcosa di interessante." He continued sounding a little scared. (But I found something interesting.) "Si?" Alberto asked. (Yes?) "di cui fa parte 'The Assassin Agency'" He took a deep breath and said nervously. (He is part of 'The Assassin Agency') "Grande. Proprio quello di cui avevamo bisogno ." Alberto said sarcastically, standing up from his chair. (Great. Just what we needed.) (Che cos'è?) Dean asked. (What's that?) "'chi è quello' più simile. fidati di me non vuoi saperlo." Alberto said in a passive aggressive tone feeling anger coarse through his veins. He fisted his short hair and tried to think of a good plan. If he is alive then they won't leave them be and if he is dead they won't stop till they are dead. Gosh what a messy situation. It's totally a lose-lose situation. ('Who's that' more like. Trust me you don't want to know.) "Sono state le notizie della città da quando hanno abbattuto l'enorme cartello della droga l'anno scorso. e fidati, sono brutali." Angelo explained. (They have been the news of the town since they took down the huge drug cartel last year. and trust me, they are brutal.) "Cazzo." Dean muttered, rubbing his face. "poteva conoscere la persona che ha ucciso il capo italiano. non combatteranno per lui. E se è la guerra che vogliono, è la guerra che ottengono." Alberto stated looking confident after formulating a plan. They just need one more thing to make the plan complete. (He could know the person who killed the italien mafia boss. They won't fight for him. And if it's war they want, it's war they get.) "è solo una pista." Anglo said scratching his arm. (It's only a lead.) "Mi attengo alla mia precedente affermazione." Alberto stated crossing his arms over his chest and raised his eyebrow as if to say 'you wanna fight me on this'. (I stick to my previous statement.) Just in time the computer-Angelo was working on- pinged, easing the tension in the room a little bit. The three men stepped forward to see what the computer came up with. Alberto fist bumped his air in victory. This is exactly what he needed. A leverage. His family. He immediately rushed out of the room and into the torture cell where they were keeping him. He dismissed the two people that were torturing him. "What is your name." He asked emphasizing each word in his italien accent. Though he knew it know. The man tried to spit on his instead he spit on the ground instead. "Gross." Alberto commented looking at the saliva covered in blood. Alberto sat on the chair in front of him and looked at him. No. Analyzed him. "You look like your were quite the looker in high school. You got a lot of girls didn't you." Alberto spoke thoughtfully trying to bite back a smirk. The man- George- looked quite smug and scoffed but nodded his head nonetheless. "Well I was thinking of seeing this rather beautiful girl. Would you mind giving me some tips." He asked slyly. George laughed and asked him 'what he was getting at', coughing. "Her name is Sofia MacWall. Ever heard of her." He asked more like stated, giving him a wink when George paled hearing that name. "Leave her out of it." He choked out. "She's innocent." He continued. He went limp, almost like he gave up on life. "Give me the address and you can leave your 'happily ever after' with her and your upcoming child." He said sternly and air quoted happily ever after. "I can't they will kill me." He said looking distraught. Alberto thought about it for a while before he said his next words carefully. "You can leave to some other country and we will make sure they won't kill you and you, and your family, will be safe there." That was all it took for George to spill the address. When Alberto turned around George called out to him. "Why are you doing this." He asked suspiciously. "You're lucky the new capo doesn't like to hurt people with family if it can be avoided."
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