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Chapter 2 Alexander's demeanor was serious and cold as I entered the large office- Celeste was right. The entire space was in total disarray with pieces of paper scattered on the floor and catching a glimpse of my boss slightly losing the grip of the tie around his neck, made me bristle immediately and wondered what the hell happened here. The metallic grey look in his eyes turned icy as he glared my way, his mouth pressed into a thin line. "You're late Ms. Thorton" Fuck me for thinking he was going to at least care about the way I looked disheveled like Betty's first day in Mode, and at least offer me a seat. Instead, he swiveled his executive leather chair around to face the floor-to-ceiling glass, away from me. Rude ass. If he weren't my boss, I would have completely slapped him across the face, opened his mouth, and shove 'polite' down his throat so he can have an attitude change. The mere thought of it made me giggle much to my chagrin. "Something funny, Ms. Thorton?" His cold voice interrupted my little happy moment. I simply shook my head and started picking up the pieces of paper that littered the room. I caught a glimpse of what was written on a paper and figured it must have gone through his disapproval. I wonder how the design team is handling the chaos. The entire thing summed up to be an idea pitch for a new product from the design team. If only they'd given me a shot as tiny as an interview, they wouldn't be in this mess. After clearing up the mess, I walked to the closet behind him and caught my gaze in the full-length mirror. Jesus! I look worse than Betty. My hair was tangled, with stray strands everywhere, my cheeks flushed, and my top nearly soaked from sweat. I hurriedly used my palm to smoothen the little I could after hanging the clothes from the shopping bags into the closet. Extra shirts, blazers, slacks, ties, shoes, and casual clothing were neatly placed in their designated spot. Lastly, I placed the watch box inside before shutting the closet doors. I turned around to find his eyes staring right at me and it made my breath hitch for a second out of anxiety. "I am done. Is there anything else you want me to do?" Please say no, I still have a lot of other things to do before the end of work. "Yes." Great! " I need you to prepare the conference room for a meeting I have with the design team in the next hour," He said as he glanced at his desk and flipped through the stack of papers. That was my cue to leave. I hurried to the conference room to do the needful, stack up water bottles, and snacks, and set up the screen and the boss's system. By the end of the day, I knew I wouldn't have the energy to celebrate Christmas the next day and the resolution made me sad. "Hey, Diana," A couple of voices said in unison. Looking up from my computer monitor, I saw my work friends, Caroline and Celeste, standing in front of my desk. "Where the boss at?" Caroline said after a quick scan of Alex's office through the transparent glass. "He is in a meeting" I multi-tasked between talking and working. "We are celebrating Christmas Eve at my place, join us" Celeste offered as she cradled her seven-month-old baby bump. "I am sorry guys, you know I can't leave until the boss tells me to plus, things are quite chaotic at the moment but I can rain check till tomorrow and since it's Christmas, it's the perfect reason to celebrate." I shrugged with a smile. While they seemed happy about the latter, I could see the disappointment in their faces and it hurt me too. While some people said to my face that I won't last up to a month, others simply acted like I didn't exist. Celeste and Caroline were the only two who went out of their way when they weren't even obliged, to be kind to me. The fact that I didn't have a degree sort of made everyone stay away from me as if I were a plague. It felt like there was some sort of hierarchy and nobody wanted to mingle with the likes of me. Honestly, I am surprised that I was even hired in the first place. "How do you not have the willpower to just strangle him and get away with his murder? On behalf of the staff, we will be entirely grateful for your service" Celeste said It was a joke that earned a round of laughter from us three. "I have no idea. I think about doing that and more every damn day" Laughter bubbled out of me. "Well, I know what I would do to him if I had the chance" Caroline confessed. As sinful looking as our boss looks, he's her forbidden apple. Everything about him including his seriousness is appealing and enough to send her to sexville but at the same time, our boss is too hot for her to touch, too complicated to handle, and impossible for someone like her to have. Caroline is unapologetic and won't deny that she's had it hots for him since the first day she walked into his office but the fact remains that Alexander Stone is only as good as an imagination, nothing more. Chiseled? Check Caramel blond hair that somehow manages to look wavy and thick all the damn time? Double-check Sexy crooked smile? Triple check. Caroline needs to follow a "How to stop falling in love with someone I can not have" guide. "And don't even get me started on his body. He has a body made for sin. Not that I've seen him naked but with the way his shirts hug his skin, I can tell for a fact that he spends a dedicated time in the gym. How can that Sophia girl part ways with such a demi-god?" Caroline bit her tongue in confusion. She continued "She literally had paradise and just decided to walk away from it. Did you see her interview with The scoop? God, that crass lady has verbal diarrhea. I mean, it's been two years since she divorced him, so why is she still clingy like jelly?" "It's funny how one would think you're single not knowing that you actually have a boyfriend while being busy fantasizing about the boss behind closed doors" I switched looks from Celeste to Caroline. "Before you judge me, a girl can do no wrong if she's just admiring another man asides her boyfriend. It's just admiration and a bit of s****l fantasy and if that is a crime, then half of the ladies working here must be thrown in jail. Don't tell me he's not piqued your interest at least once, Diana" Caroline's eyes are fixed on me. "The fact that you think so, makes me believe you don't know me that well. Yeah he's all that but I have a boyfriend and he is more than that in my eyes" I said, with a shrug. "That beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder bullshit. Whether or not I have a boyfriend, I just want to..." "Wrap your mouth around his c**k, yeah we know" Celeste finished the sentence with a tease. "Girl! I would do more than mouth f**k him" Caroline confessed further My eyes bulged open with sudden awareness "Jesus! Ease off, he might hear you" I looked around to be sure Alex was not close by. Remind me why our topic of discussion is always centered around the boss again. Oh yes, I remember, Caroline. "You said he was in a meeting. Anyway, we will have all the fun today and see you tomorrow then" I got up to hug them as we said our goodbyes for the day before watching them walk out. I heaved a conquering sigh of relief after dismissing them, especially Caroline. She's quite a handful. To many, especially people who don't work closely with him, Alexander Stone might seem like a prince charming from a romance novel but he definitely didn't treat people like one. That Sophia girl must have gone through a lot and I do not blame her for walking away, also, if there was no prenup as she claimed, get all the bags, sis! I read somewhere that since his divorce, Mr. Stick up his butt had and still has a track record of keeping numerous girlfriends, none lasting more than a week. What exactly made his life so complicated? It's definitely not natural for someone to have all that attitude and moral problems. The only thing he has good is the company which by the way is the number one beauty company in the industry. If only consumers knew how he treats his workers. Phew! He definitely won't have good eyes at the ball tomorrow. My phone started to ring and it was then that it hit me. Gabriel! Jesus, I have been too carried away all day with work to reply to his message. "He's definitely going to be mad at you" My subconscious crept in. I can't be the only one in the entire world that communicates with her subconscious. "Shut up" I fire back as I picked the call. "I figured I should call since you didn't text me back. I wanted to know if you will be ready in the next thirty so I can pick you up on my way" It took me a few minutes to realize why he meant that. s**t. s**t. s**t I'd been too caught up since morning to remember that we were supposed to meet his parents today at seven and knowing him, it's best not to give them a bad first impression. Shit! It's nearly six. I rubbed my forehead after checking the time on my wristwatch. "Tell me you're on your way home to get dressed" I wish I could say that. "No, I'm not" A sick feeling settled in my stomach. "You forgot, didn't you?" My silence gave the answer away. "I can't do this anymore, Ana. I'm done with this" He bluntly said My eyes bulged open "Are you breaking up with me? Just like that?" "I don't know what else to do, but I know that I can't be in this relationship any longer. When you decide to prioritize me, I'll be here but I'm not sure how long I can wait for you to realize that" Ouch! Who could blame him? The past six months have taken a major hit on our relationship much to my work. There is certainly not enough romance or even s*x, to fuel what we have, compared to the beginning and I had promised it would change as soon as I got the opportunity to prove how I can add value to the company. The only painstaking truth is I have no idea when that will be and without knowing that, it seems like my life will pretty much be slaving for the CEO unless I work a plan B. Another sad truth is that plan B won't be in motion until after the competition next year. With that prize money, I can start producing the first batch of the facial masks, and get it through licensing and all other paperwork. With that start-up, the road is as good as tarred for a start in my career. I was hoping Gabriel would be a little more patient with me and understand me better. "I need you to be patient with me, Gabriel" My voice was failing me. I was on the brink of an emotional breakdown and this breakup would be the trigger to my ticking bomb, should it happen. "For how long, Ana? You told me to be patient and I have been... I have tried to understand and now it seems like you're taking advantage of the situation. It is not just tonight, Ana, it takes you days to text back, you always take a rain check on date nights, you have space for a lot of things in your life and I have concluded that there's none for me." His words hurt. They pierced through my heart like a pin. I had no idea he'd bottled all of this up, but what was I supposed to do? Be the prim and proper version of the girlfriend society wants me to be. I have a life, goals, and stuff to do. I grew up with nothing and no one and had to work my ass out for everything I own today. Even though he'd offered to help a bit by clearing a few loans, I am not one to owe people even if it is from a significant other. I hate feeling indebted to anyone. I wanted to work my life, my way. I had a plan and I wanted to stick to that plan first thing first. "Don't do that, Gabriel" Tears prickled out of the corners of my eyes. "Call me when you're ready to choose" And then he hung up. That was such a selfish thing to ask me to do. "Maybe it's a good thing. Now you have the free will to become a certified workaholic without feeling guilty" my subconscious crept in again. Now is not a good time. Who am I kidding? I love Gabriel, but, I don't have the luxury of allowing a relationship to dictate my life. If losing him will give me the time and concentration to accomplish my goals, it's a worthy sacrifice without any compromise. A worthy sacrifice yet, I can't stop myself from the tears that somehow managed to creep down the corners of my eyes.
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