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TRIPLETS POV We heard what happened to our mate and we were going crazy not knowing what to do, we went to where she was beat up and we saw allot of blood on the ground we looked at each other and ran out of the school shifting into our wolfs. We were going to go in but we saw our parents coming out and we just went up to them, mom was crying so hard my dad was holding her so she wouldn't fall. "What are you guys doing here?" our father asked "We heard what happened and then were told you guys came here so we came as well" Apolo said "How is she?" Ares asked "She has stitches on the back of her head, two broken ribs, broses and a few scratches other than that she is stable" our mother said "Is she awake?" Alastor asked "No she might not wake up until probably with in the next two days" our father said "What? Why?" Ares asked "It seems her wolf is rejecting to heal her for some unknown reason" our father said We looked at each other once more before looking at our parents and saying if there is anything we can do, to which they answered no not at the moment. We went back to find out who had done this to our mate but no one wanted to talk maybe because they didn't know or they didn't want to have problems with the person or people who did this to Isis but we will not stop until we find out who did this to her. RIVERA BROTHERS POV We were told that our sister had gotten beat up once again which we didn't care until they said that she was laying in a pool of her own blood, that made us run to where we were told she was and as we got near the smell of blood got stronger and stronger. When we got were she was laying Manuel the pack doctor and school nurse was by her side already, we all looked at her not knowing what to say or what to do to help her. She looked at us and we looked back at her, we wanted to do something, anything but didn't know what. We just stayed there standing and when the ambulance took off with her we went to the bleachers and cried for what felt for hours, when we were composed we started to talk and we decided that if she survived we were going to stop treating her bad, we would ask her to forgive us and start showing her how much we loved her. We had already lost our parents we weren't going to lose our sister if she made it through this, we were going to protect her like how we should have done since the day that our parents died. EROS POV We went to visit Isis but we were told that she had been let go home, so we headed to the pack house we told the boys the good news and they sounded happy to hear it, we agreed to meet at the pack house to check on her together. When we got there the boys were already there and they had big smiles on there faces just like we did, as we walked into the house making our way to Iris's room the phone in my office started to ring. We all went in there and as we entered we saw an enveloped with Iris's and my name on it, I sat on my chair while Iris sat on my lap and the boys sat on the couch that was on the side of my office while I opened the envelope and started reading the letter out loud. Dear Eros and Iris, I cant continue staying here and be beat up every time your not around, I want to thankyou for being there for me when I needed some one to talk to or to hold me. I will always have you in my heart and will try and keep you updated of my where abouts for know all I know is that I need to go away for my safety and that of my baby, yes you read it right im pregnant. You see the day of my birthday I met my mates, and we mated which ended with me getting pregnant. They ask me to keep it a secret until we graduated from high school and i agreed, but when i woke up in the hospital and asked who had visited me during the two days that i was out, the only people that had gone to see me were just you two. My mates didn't go to make sure if i was okay, i feel used and i don't want my baby to be in danger. With Love, Iris Rivera By the time I was done reading the letter my mate was crying and my sons were in shock to what they heard, I calmed down my made to the point that she was able to talk. "Why would they do that to her?" she said "I don't know baby" I said as I turn to see my boys with their heads down "What is wrong with you three?" I asked "We are her mates" they said at the same time My wife and I looked at each other and then at them in shock of what they had just said, we look back at them and we could see them crying. "You three better go and find her and my grand baby and bring her back now" my mate told them They get up and leave my office and out the front door hope they do find her for the sack of my wife and for the packs future, they need to come back, my sons have to find her fast before we lose her for who knows how long. TRIPLETS POV When our father was reading the letter we were paying attention to everything he was saying but when we heard that she was pregnant all three of us turned to see each other we didn't know she was pregnant, she could have lost the baby due to the beating but she didn't our baby was strong and didn't give up on its first battle. That's why Isis's wolf wasn't healing her because she was protecting our pup, and since we never went to see her she now feels used by us and unloved, God we really screwed up big time. When father was done reading the letter our mother was in tears and we were on the brink of crying ourselves, but didn't start until our mother said "WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT TO HER" that was the sentence that made us start crying. Our father asked "WHATS WRONG WITH YOU THREE" and we all said the same thing at the same time "WE ARE HER MATES" after that sinked in on them our mother told us to go and find her and her grand baby and bring them back using her luna voice and when she uses her luna voice we know not to go against her wishes. We get up and leave our fathers office we mind link Isis's brothers and ask them to meet us at the front of the pack house, that it was urgent. By the time we got there we told them what had happened and you can tell they were mad at us, but they still helped to track her scent to the airport where we found her black ford mustang. The security guard came up to us and asked if we were locking for the owner of the car, we said yes and gave us the keys to the car and a piece of paper where she says to take care of her baby incase she came back one day. We went inside the airport and found out she took a direct flight to Italy, so we drove her car back to the house told our parents what we found out and told them that the seven of us were going to go to Italy and bring Isis and the baby back.
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