Born in Fire

1375 Words
Ogregious roared and hissed as its reptilian tongue flared between its razor-sharp teeth. Slashing and clawing at the ground, it showed its' intensity that he had written about. This beast was a Demon that embodied the Dark World of Demonic spirits. It devoured Incubi and Succubae as if they were snacks and had summoned to destroy the human race. The General stood firm and brushed his concerns aside. Thinking about why he was there was enough to get him ready for the next task ahead of him. He had to get this done as soon as he could and save the Goddess. I have to get through this…for her. The roar of the Demon Ogregious was deafening and Sir Damon gripped his swords in anger. His brow furrowed and the cameras zoomed in on his expression. Anne was clearly aware of his micro expressions as she had studied them to better anticipate what he needed. “His heart rate is through the roof,” said the middle engineer. The Goddess was standing with her arms folded watching the main screen. His eyes were ablaze and she felt so proud of him having made it this far. She was also uneasy about deceiving him by being in this room making him think that she was in danger. It was necessary to bring out the true potential in him. That was what Anne said when she cornered the Goddess in the villa one day. She thought back to that moment when Anne spoke to her in private and asked her to cooperate in her own “k********g” and play along with the ruse that she was in danger. “Saving you will take him to a place even he never thought he would reach. Of this I am sure,” said Anne. She knew that the General was in the Dungeon since she was in control of that too as she spoke to Goddess Luna. She crossed her arms and reluctantly agreed and stood in silence the same way she was doing now. Staring at the screen, she yearned to hold him and let him get some rest. As much as she wanted him to succeed, she wanted him to be okay. Just then, the General raised his sword and pointed it at the Demons’ head. “I created you Ogregious. And now, I will be destroying you,” he bellowed. The crowd erupted just as the Demon raised its head and screeched, clawing at the ground. Taking the fighting stance, the Red Dragon extended his left sword to the Demon and the right was c****d backwards and ready to swing at a moment’s notice. “Play Linkin Park, In the End,” said the Goddess softly. The middle engineer complied immediately and hit start button. The piano began to play and anyone who could hear it because to cheer and scream in delight. “It’s on now suckers.”  “It’s over for that beast.”  “This is so done. The General’s gonna destroy that thing.” As the beat dropped the General charged the beast and began slashing. The HP gauge did not flinch at his onslaught as its scales were as hard as diamonds. Impenetrable… The General swung just to get it to react and s***h at him. Dodging the razor like claws, he did what he had the Hero in his stories did to defeat this Demon. As Ogregious swung at him, the General ducked and drove his sword into the back of the Demons’ arms. The angle allowed him to get between the scales and Ogregious roared in agony. Anger flashed in the Demons’ eyes and it slashed violently at its’ enemy. Trying to leap backwards, he stumbled and landed ribs first into a nearby boulder. The pain was excruciating and on top of all that, his HP was sliced in half. Rolling out of the way he saw the Demon charge at him and struggled to get to his feet. The music was ending and even though he had made a small dent in the beast life span, Ogregious was coming for the rest of his. Stumbling again he watched as the other claw that he’d stabbed come down and he slid his legs out of the way just in time. Noticing that he was able to, the General saw the weak point. Standing now, he gripped the swords once again. Knowing the commands that came with his new title he decided to use them. “Activate, BURN,” he boomed, his voice deep and strong. His arms set ablaze and seemed like he was on fire. Ogregious seemed confused and stepped back then charged again and brought down another slashing blow on his head. Fearing the worst, many closed their eyes. The Red Dragon raised both of his swords crossing them above his head and placed his right leg back to steady his stance. The system recognized his stance and with his power level, it was as if Ogregious slashed into a concrete barrier. Unable to cut the warrior before him, the Demon pulled back and glared at him. His arms still engulfed in fire this tiny opponent had wounded him. The Demon seemed afraid. The General could see it. The audience could see it. The Goddess could see it as she found herself leaning on the control panel to get a better view. The engineers shifted to get out of her way. “You can do this, I know you can,” she said softly glaring at his eyes, reflecting the fire that surrounded him. Swinging his swords, the Red Dragon took position, then charged head on as Ogregious stumbled backwards. He swung at the Demon with everything he had using the same sword techniques he used on the Minotaur in the beginning. His precision was flawless and he strength was ferocious. The story had the Hero only succeed by sliding his blade between the scales. However, the Hero in his story did not have the power of the Red Dragon. Each slice chipped away at the Demons’ HP. Slowly it began to wane and slashed at him to retaliate. Sir Damon kept the fight in front knowing that a kick from its hind legs would end him and the challenge. His arms were so drained as the damage though effective, just was not enough to get through the task unharmed. Seeing the boulder to his left in his peripheral vision, Sir Damon used the last s***h of the Demon to duck out of the way. This opponent was not like the others so he had to be quick. Hiding behind the boulder he dug into his pouch and got out a blue potion and replenished his HP. Creeping behind the boulder the Demon saw him and lunged at him. He dove out of the way but the tips of the Demons claws sliced at his back, shaving off more of his HP. He got to his feet and made his way around another boulder. Ogregious appeared again and slashed at his torso and grazed him but still cut into his HP some more. The audience gasped as they watching him lose more power in 3 minutes than he’d lost in the entire trial. But that was the plan, he lured in the Demon of the Dark world and got it to s***h at him one last time. As it did so, he slid under the Demon and with his fiery swords buried them deep into it. “INCREASE!” he screamed and the flames of his Dragon power consumed his frame and swords, burning its way into Ogregious. The Demon roared and wailed in turmoil not knowing what to do. It tried to claw at him but that seemed to hurt it more. Ogregious tried to use it hind legs but that too was too painful. Its HP gauged plummeted until the pixels began to light up the dark room and the roar began to fade. Ogregious was dead. Just like in the story he had written; the Demon of the Dark World was defeated. 
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