Chapter 1

2019 Words
Rosalie's POV "Rosie wait up!" I make a mad dash for the thicket in front of me as the twins remain hot on my trail. A smirk spreads across my face when I see the clearing just ahead where the map said the final piece to the puzzle stood. I hear feet against the dry earthen ground crunch dead leaves and twigs and I take a final deep breath before bursting forward with everything I got. I skid to a stop at the beginning of the clearing and shade my eyes with a hand to focus ahead. Caleb and Liam stop beside me and do the same before snickering and charging forward ahead of me. "Come on Rosie! Loser has to clean the sparring gym!" Liam hollers over his shoulder as he and Caleb rush towards the single old oak standing at the center of the clearing. "No way dad made it that easy" I say under my breath and sure enough, the big old oak begins to twist and turn as it's branches sway to and fro. It's large roots pull out from beneath the soil and one crashes into Liam, sending him flying. Caleb stops abruptly to look at his twin before jumping and then ducking his torso to avoid being hit as well. I hear chuckling in the distance and avert my gaze to see my parents and uncle Luca watching as Liam and Caleb attempt to maneuver themselves around the moving oak. My dad's eyes catch mine and he c***s an eyebrow at me. I give him a brisk nod and then bolt forward. My mother is one of the most agile warriors I have ever witnessed against this oak at the Silver Lake training camp and I made sure to pay close attention to what she did. I reach towards my hip and pull out the blade my dad gave me for my sixteenth birthday and grip its hilt tight as I rush into the frenzy of roots. I dodge around Liam who was once again slammed to the floor and I try to supress my laugh as he groans out loud in frustration. A large root comes flying towards my head and I tuck and roll just as the floor below me begins to shake and c***k. "Watch out Rosie!" Caleb yells before he bears down with a blade of his own on the root and shoots me a lopsided grin just as another throws him wide. His string of profanities is all I hear as he hits the ground. I turn back my attention to the oak that suddenly pauses. It's branches stop moving and the ground stays still. The sound of birds flying overhead brings about an erie feeling before the memory clicks in my head. "Guys! Pins and needles!" I shout and they both gasp as the first wave of thorns shoot out from the branches. "Oak trees do not have thorns dad! What the hell?!" Caleb screams at his father but he only gets a loud laugh in response as we roll around the dirt floor using the trees own large roots for cover. Liam and Caleb somehow manage to reach my side and they both place a hand on each of my shoulders. I glance down at their hands and then up to their faces as realization dawns on me. "Don't you dare-" my words cut off as they both drop their hands from my shoulders to loop an arm each. "This is the only way we get through it Rosie. Happy landing!" Caleb says and I hear Liam snicker as they catapult me hard towards the trunk of the big oak. Thorns bounce off the hard protective gear I'm wearing and a few graze my arms and feet as I land hard against the large trunk. I dig my dagger deep into the wood and look back to see the twins still maneuvering themselves while signaling me to hurry up. I take a breath and then climb into the dark opening at the center of the tree trunk and then free fall all the way down to the bottom. I land on my feet and feel around with my hands while my eyes adjust to the dark interior. A soft glowing light in the corner of my eye has me turning as I grin when the script comes into focus as I walk closer. I lift my hand up to grab it and hesitate briefly. I turn and look around the small space and the faint scent of citrus enters my nostrils as I reach up to grab the script. As my fingers close around the parchment paper the sound of movement behind me has me swinging my free arm wide as the smell of citrus fully engulfs me. "Seriously mom, how many oranges did you squeeze?" I hear a soft chuckle before I'm pushed hard and my back hits the rough interior of the small space. I grunt out loud as I tuck the parchment into my belt and take on a defensive stance. "I'm not going easy on you" my mother states before charging swiftly towards me and I shift to the side to avoid the silver blade as it swipes against the wall with a loud clank and I turn to block a kick as my mom comes at me again. I throw a punch towards my mother's torso and she skillfully blocks it as her legs sweep my feet from below me. My body hits the floor hard and I shake my head to clear it as I kick my feet out to land back into a solid stance. "Focus Rosa" my mom's use of her own personal nickname for me amps me up and I throw a series of punches and kicks and successfully disarm my mother. I crouch low and swing up hard as my clenched fist connects solidly with her jaw and she goes down. " Nice one Rosie!" I hear my dad say as he emerges from the shadows, followed by Liam, Caleb and uncle Luca. Liam and Caleb both sling an arm around my shoulders and purposely throw all their weight into it. Being two years older than me, they both already have their wolves and their bodies were covered with sinewy, well defined muscles. They were both at Alpha status but Liam being the older of the two would automatically take over Crystal Lakes pack. I remember the day they both turned eighteen like it was just yesterday. Our families were really close and if I was one of their destined mates, it was cause for celebration. But the day came and went and neither Liam nor Caleb felt any pull towards me except for their original love and devotion as older brother figures. I wasn't too disappointed and I knew my dad shared my sentiments. Reed Royal declared that his daughter doesn't need a man! As the future female alpha for the Red Wolf Clan, I was already a force to be reckoned with. My parents trained me in every aspect of combat in preparation for my future role and I wouldn't have it any other way. As we all exited the old oak, it crumbles down and a cloud of thick cloud of dust engulfs us. When the dust subsides, a whistle from afar catches our attention. A broad smile plasters across my face when Gigi waves animatedly from her position on top a nearby hill. Georgia Aliyah Pierce was like my blood sister and nobody could say otherwise. We were a few months apart but our mothers once joked we shared a womb. She darts down the hill at warp speed and I hear a collective groan from her brothers behind me. I take a step forward and I feel a hand pull me back as two massive walls of muscle put themselves between me and Gigi. "Uhh guys? Move!" I shove at them bit they don't budge. "Rooosaaallieeeeee" Gigi screams as she draws nearer and I watch as Liam and Caleb brace themselves infront of me. "Wait...why isn't she slowing down?" I hear Liam ask just as something close to a banshee roar fills the air. I instinctively step aside as Gigi slams herself into her brothers. "Jesus Christ! What does the Academy feed people these days? She's as heavy as a whale!" The sound of a slap echoes into the air and Gigi plants herself infront of me as I look on in shock at Liam who is cradling a cheek and Caleb in now cowering behind his father. "Dad, dad, please. Control your monster!" Caleb says in mock fear as Gigi turns to him and lunges. "What did you just call me?! I'm going to make you regret that!" Gigi shouts before lifting up her elbow and slamming it down into his throat. Caleb deflects slightly but he still seemed a bit winded by the blow. Liam moves behind Gigi and grabs both her hands while a smug smile pulls across Caleb's face. "Oh no, the big bad alpha needs his brother to hold down his attacker. Dad must be so disappointed" Gigi declares while throwing a knowing look at her father. Uncle Luca throws both hands up signaling that he was staying out of it as Gigi bends her knees a bit and then springs her lower body high to flip her legs over her brother's head. The move causes him to lose some of his grip on her arms and she takes that opportunity to snake her legs around his waist and squeeze hard. Gigi's upper body goes down and she successfully flips Liam up and over her with a loud thud. Gigi stands and dusts off her clothes and hands before throwing her arms around my neck and hugging me tight. "Please tell me you got the invite to the campfire meet?" Gigi wags her eyebrows at me suggestively and I chuckle softly while looking around her to watch Liam and Caleb being given a talk by their father. "I did hear about it. Invited is such a strong word to use. You know the Katherine Delgado would not go out of her way to invite me. Not that I'm complaining." Gigi rolls her eyes at me before grabbing my hand and tugging me towards the direction for home. "Forget Katherine Delgado and her plastic self. You're going with me" Gigi waves at her father who is now paying full attention to us. "Georgia Aliyah Pierce what campfire meet?" Uncle Luca was left with his question hanging as Gigi pulls me through the thicket without sparing her father another glance. "Gigi, I honestly don't feel the whole party thing. My body is sore. I just want a hot shower and my bed with my current JD Ward paperback" I stumble a bit as we reach the stretch showing my parents pride and joy. The Clan's spread was definitely impressive. The pack main house was like a castle and the surrounding huts for families made it look more homey than anything else. I pause a few feet before we reach the steps to the main house and Gigi turns to look at me pensively. "Come on Rosie. Do this for me? Pretty please?" When I catch a flicker in her eyes I c**k an eyebrow at her. "Are you still trying to hook up with Lance Delgado?! He's Katherine's brother Gigi! He has got to be just as bad as her!" Gigi slumps her shoulders and then raises her face with her signature puppy dog eyes. I turn my face away because I knew how effective it was. "Stop stop! Alright I'll go! Just remove that dangerous look before I promise you my virginity too!" Gigi laughs just as her brothers, uncle Luca and my parents walk through the thicket. "Let's go! I have the perfect outfit for you!" Gigi pulls me up the stairs and up to the second floor. I groan inwardly at the thought of what she had in mind. This day couldn't get anymore worse.
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