Chapter 13

2276 Words
Shekinah logged in back her social media accounts and regretted after. She is sick of those people who talk too much about their political and views in life in social media like they know everything, like a single thing about other people's career and life when in fact they actually know nothing. They're just riding the trend, the noise , like come on people! Let people live their lives. She'd been seeing some posts about her family, how disappointed are they of what she did. They even have the guts to mention how she refused for her father to have a state funeral and not to be buried in the Presidential Cemetery. Why are they so upset? Did she even hit their asses for them to call her names and throw a words on her? Shekinah slammed her open book and exhale sharply. She looked at her wristwatch and there's still 5 minutes for Raixen to come over. She smiled to the server that just served her and Lizle's snack order. She's in the cafeteria alone and in just a minute Lizle back from the comfort room. "Oh, I thought you got flushed," she said without looking at her friend and focused on her spaghetti. "I think, I'm starting to regret that I'm taking law, that I first wanted to become a lawyer." She heard Lizle just said and that she look up to look at her with her eyebrows raised. "Why though?" She asked. "Because, I am obliged to stay calm and don't shut toxic people's faces in the cubicle," Lizle said angrily and battering her carbonara. "The white sauce looks battered and the noodles looks like macaroni without a hole." Shekinah commented to Lizle's food that accepted her anger that supposedly for somebody. Lizle realized what Shekinah just said and immediately drop her fork and push the plate away from her. She then sigh sharply and sent a glare to somewhere. Her mood changed and it is now a bad day. "I liked this day when I woke up because I got an email that I was accepted in Gregor's Law Firm but really! I am now believing the saying that goes after happiness there's a tears," Lizle said frustratingly with her shoulder fell and crossed her arms in her chest. "Why? What happened?" She curiously asked. "When I was inside the cubicle, I heard some bitches talking about their crushes and one of them mentioned Felix Villamonte and even said that she got a chance to kiss him in a party," Lizle answered gritted her head and clenched a fist. Oh-oh. "Do you happen to know the some b***h?" Shekinah asked like she's enjoying it. She can't wait to see how Lizle smash Felix's eyes. "Of course! That slapsoil!" Lizle being Lizle didn't even lower the volume of her voice and speak her mind loudly. She's attracting gossiper's attention. Some students that are close to their table are looking at them like they are having a worth watching activity. Shekinah lean her back and look at the table in front of her and in behind Lizle to catch their eyes that keeps of staring at them and they just looked away, without a second of starting back at her. The audacity! Lizle raise her hand to get the attention of the server and the lady walks towards their table with a smile in her face. "Can you give me one order of this again? Also, can I have new cutlery? I dropped mine, sorry and please give me some styrofoam plate please," she said and the server smily nodded. Felix and Raixen arrived while Lizle is busy talking. Raixen give a peck kiss in her head and uses her fork to get some of her spaghetti and feed himself. "What's with your food? Why are ordering a new one? Is this for me?" Felix said while bringing the plate near him but Lizle smacks his hand to let go of the plate. The styrofoam plate arrived first and Lizle put her carbonara in there. "Are you taking that out? But it's looks like that? Did they cut the noodles in 1 inch long and the sauce looks like mixed by a toddler." Raixen commented while busy finishing Shekinah's spaghetti and not minding the glare of his girlfriend giving unto him for emptying her plate. "I think, we are in the same page now, Lizle. I am also starting to regret that I am taking law," she said coldly while still looking at Raixen intensely. "This is good, babe. I think I want more, do you wa----" "Yes, that's good and I want more. However, my order was eaten by some food-deprived in his whole life. Raixen grimace and gulped, he can't now look at Shekinah who's still giving him a death glare. Silence filled with silence for a second until Felix burst into laughter and they all looked at him. "No, he ate all your food, Sheki? I thought you're not hungry bro?" He said, laughing his ass. "Why did you kissed a b*tch?" Felix eyes widened and turns his head to Lizle very quick and absorbed Lizle's eye black magic making Felix blinks. She was calm, her voice was calm unlike earlier but now, she's deadly. "What?! Did I ever kissed a b*tch? I never kissed other girl and I would never!" Felix denied but the sharp eyes of Lizle remains. Raixen is trying hard not to look at Shekinah who didn't move an inch to remove her eyes on him until he surrendered. These girls are so damn powerful. "I'm sorry, the spaghetti was really good, I'm sorry, baby. I forgot you still want to eat. Forgive me?" Raixen said softly showing his puppy eyes hoping it could melt the dragon lady of his. "What's the drama all about?" They all turn their head around and saw Hedeliza with her arms crossed leaning her body a bit with her brows raised to the highest. Everyone sit properly and smiled to her. Felix put his arms in Lizle's shoulder and showed his best and thankful smile to Hedeliza who seems to be the saviour while Raixen kissed Shekinah's cheek off-guard while she is looking at Hedeliza as well. Shekinah raised her arm to get the servers attention. "Can I have two more spaghetti please and this plate is done," Shekinah ordered two for her and one for her famished boyfriend. "Excuse me, is carbonara done yet?" Lizle asked. "Ahm, just a minute maam and it will be --- "No, no, no, it's fine. Add one more order in different plate please and serve all our order together thank you," she cut her off. The server thanks as well and Lizle smiled. "Do you have some order, Ms. Hiede?" The server Hedeliza who looks have a great day. "Do you serve a boyfriend or a girlfriend here?" Everyone in their table laughed on Hiede's question but the server looks confused. Hedeliza chuckled a little with server's confusion so she gestured her hand to do not mind her question. "Nevermind. Anyway, just give me one order of spaghetti, please," she said, the server nodded and excuse herself but Hedeliza called her back to say, "please put a lot of hotdog in the sauce, thank you, that is all." Hedeliza after trying her best not to burst into laughter can no longer hold it and she just did burst into laughter. "You're crazy!" Lizle commented while laughing. "I just — I just couldn't help her reaction! Her face was priceless! Did she think if they serve a boyfriend and girlfriend here or not? I can't with her face, dang it!" Hedeliza said while laughing and holding her stomach. The girls are laughing hards but Raixen notices that Shekinah's smile is fading slowly. His forehead knotted and followed her girlfriend's eyes to see what she is looking that catches her attention. "What's wrong?" Felix asked when he noticed the faces of Shekinah and Raixen. He then followed to what they are looking at. Hedeliza stop laughing a confusion was drawn to her face and do the same thing what Felix did as well as Lizle. "What the f*ck?!" Hedeliza's reaction while the others cursed in their breathe as well. "Why the hell that girl is here?" Lizle asked confused after seeing the girl in the restaurant that asked Shekinah about the accident thing. "Take note, is she a student here? She's wearing an ID but the lace is not from the school." Hedeliza said. Raixen get off from his seat but Shekinah hold his hand to stop him from what he has in mind. He would probably confront the girl that is busy looking at her notes while leaning the railing the hallway of the law building. Hedeliza's right, she's not wearing the university's lace and that is violation. How come that girl managed to enter here. "I'm not going to confront here. I am going to talk to the guard and let him ask that girl, she looks strange there and look, she was in front of your building, babe," Raixen said and turn to Felix. "Come with me?" he asked and Felix nodded. The boys walks the pathway to the guard house that is not visible from their location. Shekinah put her hoodie on in case they're right that the girl is after her. Hedeliza put her varsity cap while Lizle bun her hair. Shekinah thanks the girls and they gave her an of course smile with a thumbs up. Lizle move a little bit to cover Shekinah from the girl. They all chuckled when they realized that they seems hiding from someone they have debt to pay. "I don't have an outstanding payment from anyone," Hedeliza joked making them to laugh. "I don't do outstanding payment as well," Lizle seconded. "People asked from me, I don't ask from anyone too," Shekinah joined and laugh but their laugh is interrupted by the servers bringing all their noodles with white and red sauce. "Thank you, ahm, I want iced tea for my drink. How about you, Sheki? Lizle?" Hedeliza asked for their drinks. "For me, I want pineapple juice, please," Lizle said smiling. The server looked at Shekinah waiting for her drinks. "Mine, I want iced tea as well, thank you." "How about the boys?" The server asked. Lizle and Shekinah look at each other and laugh because they seriously forgot about the boys. "Well, just give them a glass of water, that would be all," Lizle said and the server look at her like she was joking. "I agree," Shekinah agreed to Lizle and the server agreed too. Hedeliza shakes her head to them and they just shrugged. Minute later the boys are coming in their serious an intimidating faces. Are they sure they wanted to be a doctor? Because they looked like FBI intel in their black shirt and cache pants that is required to wear today for the medicine students. "Aren't they supposed to wear whites? You know doctor thing," Hedeliza said while looking at the boys coming. "I mean, the black shirt and cache pants hits different for a doctor." Lizle let a little laugh. "I also asked Felix earlier why do they have that kind of uniform but the guy just said 'I don't know, we're not going to a crime scene to investigate, we are going to save the victim of the crime but I don't know why we have this uniform," Lizle mocks Felix. "That's for their martial arts class, that guys enrolled in martial art. Raixen didn't tell me but I caught him and he still doesn't have an idea that I knew," Shekinah said and Lizle's eyes widened in shock. "But that is not the martial arts uniform," Hedeliza retaliates. Shekinah just shrugged because maybe that two requested to wear different to not look like a martial arts student. Lizle was about to speak a word but the boys pull their chairs and sit down. "The guard is approaching her," Felix said. They all turn their head and he's right, the guard is approaching the girl. "How the hell she managed to enter the campus by the way?" Lizle asked while having her eyes glued to girl who is now arguing with the guard. "The guard said she probably used fake ID or someone's ID and when he checked the entrance cctv footage, yes, she really did. But I don't know why she took the ID off and wears other ID inside," Raixen answered. The guard is pointing his hand to the exit but the girl is dodging and stepping up to the next floor of the building. Their eyes widened on how the other girl grabs the bag of the girl they are looking at. "That's Georgina Torres." Shekinah said. Georgina Torres was the one who approached her in their exam hall before. "The reporter, she looked like Georgina, are they twins?" Lizle asked confused. "Or is just a make up?" Georgina scanned the bag of the girl and throw everything inside in the floor. She then picked up an ID. Georgina harshly turn her back and the girl picked up her stuff and put it back in her bag. The guard forcely bring her to the officer's office. "The second name in the blacklist, goodbye her career. Some reporters are getting aggressive without thinking the consequences of their action." Hedeliza's shaking her head in disappointment and just digs into her food. "So she used Georgina's ID?" Shekinah nodded her head as an answer of Felix' question. "She's probably into me."
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