2[Edward Sanders]

504 Words
I gazed at my boss's sleeping face and I couldn't help but smile. He was indeed gorgeous for a guy. His pale skin was flushed due to throwing up ten minutes ago. I had struggled with the guy because he really weighed a lot for a small lean guy. He had stumbled half unconscious, sleepy and piss drunk and he had kept groaning all the way as I helped him climb the stairs then he had suddenly stumbled hurriedly out of my arms to ran to the bathroom and threw his heart up then passed out right after on his bathroom floor which was definitely more expensive than my whole apartment. I had carried his unconscious body since he looked like he wouldn't be waking up anytime soon, cleaned his face with a wet towel since he still had some puke on his chin, stripped his clothes off down to his boxer briefs and tucked him gently under his fluffy covers. Right now, I sat on the rim of his huge queen-sized bed as I stared at his adorable face and forcing my mind to snap out of it because I totally looked like a creep staring at my sleeping boss. I couldn't explain why I had a stupid urge to brush his dark hair from his face but my body had a mind of its own and I found my fingers gently stroking his curly hair out of his face. He made these small whimpering sounds that sent delicious shocks down my back and left a tingling sensation in my lower abdomen that stirred my c**k. I really needed to calm myself down. I stood up from where I sat on my boss's bed and switched off the lights of his room then closed his door silently. In the guest room silence engulfed the whole room as I squeezed myself in between the sheets since I didn't want to untuck anything knowing pretty well that I wouldn't be able to make the bed the exact neat way I found it. I rolled around for like the fifth time in ten minutes. My mind couldn't help but worry about Kennedy. He was successfully rich, famous, had looks and a loving sister but the guy was one of the most unhappy people I knew so he always chose to drown his pain and sorrow in booze. I had a reason to be worried since he had gone to rehab twice and refused to go to an AA meeting but atleast he had tried therapy even though he ended up quitting after only two sessions. "f**k" I swore quietly. I really cared for my boss maybe a lot more than I should but I had been there in his worst crises, I had been there when he fell apart when and after Mr. Knight died and I knew how much his father's death had taken it's toll on Kennedy. My mind kept swirling around Kennedy until I fell asleep with a heavy heart and mixed feelings.
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