Meeting Miss Griselda

990 Words
( 5 years old Alisha P.O.V) "Wake up Alisha, wake up or you're going to be late. From today your class for how to live and fit between royalties is going to start. A lady is going to come to teach you so you better get up and get ready otherwise I will have to do it in a hard way," my mom said while pulling the cover away from my body. "Okay okay I'm up," I said yawning and stretching my hands. "Good, go get ready, your bath is ready and your clothes for today is in the washroom on the shink. Met me downstairs in the dining room for breakfast," mom said and kissed my forehead then walk out of my room. I walk to my washroom, wash my face and brush my teeth. After that, I remove my clothes and enter the bathtub. After 15 minutes I get dressed and walk out of my washroom to see a servant is waiting for me in my room. "Her Highness has sent me to help you get ready, my lady," the servant said to me and I just nodded at her then sit in the chair in front of the mirror so she can brush my hair. After she brushes my hair and helps me get ready I walk downstairs to have some breakfast. When we were done with the breakfast a servant come and says something in grandma Melisha's ear, she looks at mom and nodded her head at her and mom nodded at her back. I look at both of them in confusion and I think she saw that and clear my confusion. "Your teacher is here, come on let's go and meet her," she said and we all walked to the living room. "Erika, Alisha meets Miss Griselda, she is going to teach her how to be a princess, Miss Griselda meet Alisha she is the one who you are going to teach," grandma introduce her and mom shake her hand with her. "It's nice to finally meet you, My Queen," Miss Griselda said while shaking her hand with my mom. "Same here Miss Griselda," my mom said smiling at her. "Please, Don't be so strict or too easy on her," my mom said to her. "As you wish, my lady," Miss Griselda said to her with a gentle smile on her face. "Stella," mom called one of the servants. "Please show miss Griselda her room and Alisha room," Mom said to her. "Stella will show you your room, get adjusted to your new surroundings today, and you can start her training from tomorrow," mom said to miss Griselda and Stella take her bag from her and led her to what I guess her room. "Mom, why don't you teach me? why to higher another person to teach me?" I ask her when I was sure that Miss. Griselda can't hear us. "I wish I can but I can't teach you, I have to start my own training to be a queen and I also have to take care of my three toddlers to, Give her a chance if you don't like her then come and tell me, okay, then I will do it she seems nice anyway," she asked. "Okay," I said smiling at her. "Go and spend some time with her and get comfortable with her than tell me if you like her or not, okay," she asks smiling wide okay. "Okay," I said gulping and leave to go to her room. "May, I coming Miss Griselda," I ask her after knocking her door. "Yes, sure come in dear, and please take a seat," she said while looking at me with a smile and arranging her clothes in the closet. I walk inside and sit on her bed. "So tell me something about you," she said closing her closet and take a seat next to me. "I was a slave, lived in the trash and eat trash before my adopted parents Erika and Logan adopted me as their own daughter and loved me as one, I don't know about my biological parents I think they abound me when I was born and you already know that I am a human right. " I said to her and she nodded at me. "Yeah I know," she said with a gentle smile. We talk for some time until a servant come and inform us that lunch is ready to serve and we walk down to the dining room to eat lunch, after that, we go to our room to have some sleep. At evening we play with my sibling and play some games with each other or just watch some movies until it was time to go to eat dinner and go to sleep. With the passing of time, I get to know Miss Griselda she also told me to call her by her first name Naina. I also get to learn many things from her. She has become my big sister with the passing of time and mom was very happy about it too. She teaches me to hide my emotions, how to walk in front of others, how to eat in front of others, to control my anger and etc. She also teaches me about many different types of creatures, their strength, and weakness and other things about them. I cried very much when she leaves to go back to her home but she promised me she will keep visiting me occasionally and I can also come to visit her whenever I want. My training continued for 3 months and the next 1 month she teaches me to protect my self from bullies in the school as much as I can protect myself. From tomorrow I will start my studies in school and to say I'm nervous is an understatement. Let's hope for the best but I douth that it is gone be happen.
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