Chapter 3

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Zayn stopped in surprise, this beauty knew him? He almost regretted shouting at her. She was definitely not from here, he thought as his eyes went over her trouser clad body. Her clothes hang to her body Apart from the blouse that seemed big and a hijab that hid her hair. Her big round green eyes stared at him innocently. His eyes slid down to her pink pouting lips. She didn't seem to be from here. Was She from a royal family coming to visit or going to that dance too, he wouldn't live with the fact that other men were going to dance with her. If She was going he would definitely go too, to hell with business. "If you are here to see my Sister you're late, but I can take you to the dance if you don't mind?" he surprised himself and his Father. Lailah hid a chuckle behind her perfectly manicured fingers and looked down. He definitely didn't recognise her, unlike the King who was smiling with his eyes and being surprised by his serious son wanting to go to the dance. "Umm, I didn't know about the dance." Lailah looked at Zayn, then turned to the King, "Your Highness, Assalam Aleikum," She curtsied and went towards the King. "Waleikum Salam." he nodded at her. "You are welcome my daughter." he said then turned to the son, "Son, take her to the dance." "Yes Father." At this moment he would accept whatever his Father said as long as it concerned the woman who stood there watching him in amusement. "Actually I drove here. I think I can find my way to the dance." Lailah said. "I insist, I'll bring you back to pick your car." Zayn answered quickly. "So shall we?" he held his hand out to her and she took it. Lailah couldn't believe what was happening. She had goosebumps all over her as Zayn led her to the parking lot and pressed a button for his Mercedez to come. There was no way She was going to tell him her name for now, She was going to enjoy this moment while it lasted. The car came and the Prince opened her door then turned and went to sit on his side. The car pulled out of the driveway and out the gate then to the road. The city had great roads ofcoarse, just once in a while having the desert races had their adrenaline running. "So, how long have you know Sapphire?" Zayn asked. "Since forever. She's my best friend." Lailah answered. "Oh great. How can I never saw you at the Palace?" he wondered. "I don't know, maybe because our paths never crossed." She smiled slightly. "Does your family live nearby?" "Ofcoarse, my family is here in Muscat. What is the dance all about?" She changed the topic with a smile. "Oh, its couples finding their match and all that. I think you will like it." "Hmm, I don't think I want to find my match yet. I still have dreams to fulfill." "Really? What dreams? You are a woman, your husband should fulfill all those dreams." Zayn was surprised. No woman has ever told him something like this. "No, life shouldn't be dependant only on men. Women too have what to contribute to society, we uplift, build up, encourage and so much more." "All that mean the same thing you know." Zayn noted. "I know, you get my point though. Women should go to school and have a good education then be given a choice. They can marry when they are ready." "You seem to be someone who doesn't follow laws." "Laws have always been there, but I always pray to Allah to open the eyes of our Leaders so they can make the best decisions." "And a believer you are." He commented with a smile. "A person without faith is like a deep dark unending hole, when you fall there you expect the worst." She said making him laugh. Lailah had never heard him laugh, She looked at him amazed, he was a handsome man. "I have never heard that kind of explanation." he grinned at her, She was cluelessly funny. He made a turn and went into the parking. He parked the car and went out and opened her door. A vallet came and took the keys then Zayn held out his hand to her. Lailah felt guilty and hesitated for a moment then put her hand in his and they entered the building. The music was playing and noise could be heard from the lobby. Lailah tried to pull her hand free from Zayn's but he held on. She started to panic as they entered the hall. Women dressed up were belly dancing, some men were seated on sofas on one side and the women were on the other side. Parents were searching for good daughters and Sons in law. At parties like this the Royal and rich families met to make matches for their children. Zayn and Lailah stood at the door as their eyes looked around both searching for particular faces. Lailah got startled as someone suddenly screamed her name. She looked around then saw her friend coming towards her with arms stretched. Lailah turned and walked as quick her her highheels would let her towards her friend. They met and hugged tighly both laughing. "Wow, you look amazing." Sapphire said excitedly as She got out of the hug, looked at her friend then hugged her again. "Thank you Sapph, you look even more beautiful than I last saw you." Lailah said, "So, did you find a man already, who's the lucky guy?" Lailah jumped up and down excitedly. "Keep waiting to see him, all the guys here look like frogs." Sapphire sneered, "But look at you. I've missed you." She hugged her again and her eyes widened in surprise, pulling out of the hug, She asked, "How did you come here?" her eyes not leaving the person who stood transfixed at the door with a thunderous expression. "Hmm, it's a long story, but, your brother might have insisted on bringing me here because he didn't know who I was." She stared at her friend innocently who burst out laughing. "And now he has found out who you are, the girl who brought my brother to a dance. This is a bookmark, record it dear friend because by the looks my brother is throwing at us, he is going to revenge in the worst way possible." Sapphire said her eyes not leaving her brother. Lailah turned and her eyes collided with Zayn, with one look at her, he stormed through the door they had been standing at earlier and left the hall. "Uh, Oh. What's going to happen?" Lailah asked her heart picking up a tempo. She didn't mean to start trouble on her first day back. Surely the King knew? "Oh, don't worry about it. worst case senario is my brother never acknowledging you again." "Oh, I can live with that. Where is my Mother by the way?" Zayn had never acknowledged her existence any way. "C'mon, I'll take you." Sapphire led her through the people seated, ignoring her step mother and Shaffik who recognised Lailah immediately, they went to the kitchen. They reached and Lailah saw her Mother immediately. "Mom," the Chief maid turned towards the voice and saw her daughter. Her face suddenly lit up and She quickly went to hug her child. "Mommy, iver missed you." Lailah cried in her Mother's shoulder. Four years without her love, She didn't know how She had survived.
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