On the docks

1253 Words
*Astrid* "You have to admit that he is one tall drink of handsome that one". Freja looks at me with one eyebrow c****d. I turn to watch my new partner, sitting on the edge of a desk, entertaining a couple of the guys with details of his deed. He throws his head back laughing. "I can't claim he isn't attractive, but he is absolutely bonkers ... like completely crazy". "A little crazy can be ... fun". She giggles and winks at me. "Makes them more ... exciting where it counts". "Well give it a go ... he isn't wearing a wedding ring, so I guess he is available". I have a feeling this guy will give me trouble. She shakes her head. "Nah ... you know me ... I don't date cops ... been there done that, too much trouble. No, I want someone with a calm and safe job ... like a teacher or someone who works in an office, someone who will come home to me and Maja every night". Maja is her 5-year-old daughter and just the cutest little girl. Her father is a cop, but he turned out to be a total douchebag who has never wanted any contact with his daughter. "Lewis ... Dahl ... my office now". Lisbeth walks by with long strides, her voice serious. "Better go". I give Freja a smile and an eye roll. She nods. "Yeah the boss didn't sound happy". I walk over, but just as I reach for the door a long arm shoots in front of me and pushes it open for me. I look up at Zac's grinning face. "There you go darling, ladies first". "Thanks". I return his smile. Well at least the guy has some manners. We both stop in front of our captain's desk and she looks up. "We have heard a lot of rumours that there was more to the bank robbery than first met the eyes, but unfortunately we can't ask any of the robbers ... as someone shot them and blew them up". Zac holds up his hands. "Uhm ma'am they blew themselves up ... unfortunately there was not enough time for me to disarm that bomb". "But you had time to grab a slice of pizza on the way out ?" I look at him. Honestly I have a bit of a hard time reading him. He shrugs. "A shame to waste good pizza". Lisbeth sighs. "Zac, you need to cool it, around here we don't blow things up and we only shoot people if there are no other options". "Sure boss". He grins again, and I have a telling this could end up a problem. "But we have heard that someone down at the harbour might know something, apparently 2 of the men worked there". She looks from me to Zac. "On it". Zac is already walking towards the door. Then he turns to look at me. "Hey, can you give me a ride ?" I look at our captain. "So just questioning right, no shooting or blowing up stuff ?" She nods. "Just ask around ... don't make trouble". "Happy now". Zac ask. "Yeah, I just wanted to make sure there was no killing people or blowing stuff up on your account". I wink at him. He holds the door open to me, his voice sounds amused. "Nope, they confiscated my gun while looking into the bank incident ... so if there is going to be any shooting or blowing stuff up ... you have to up your game". *Zac* "So ... have you been with unit one for long ?" I look at my new partner, as I try to make space for my legs in her not too big car. Being Alpha blood and small cars is just a bad mix. "Three years now ... before that I worked in a local gang fighting unit". She put the car into gear. "You have a very impressive wrap sheet ... how did you end up here of all places ?" I bite my lip, I can't really say the truth. "I needed a change of scenery, had connections here and heard that the criminals were ... easier to handle ... seemed like a relaxed job ... compared to where I came from". "I guess it is". She shrugs. "So family ? Are you married ? Kids ?" "No !" I feel the stab of pain as a physical thing, but quickly pull up a smile. "Nope all alone in the world ... you ? Married ... kids ?" Something flashes over her face, pain, anger, then she shakes her head. "Nope ... not anymore". I feel there is more there ... but as we pull up in front of a warehouse on the docks, I decide not to ask further into it now. We walk inside and a sleazy looking guy walks over, he even smells funky, a good nose can be a curse. "Can I help you with something ?" "Police". Astrid informs him. "We are here to ask you some questions about two of your colleagues who were involved in an armed bank robbery this morning". "They were rent-a-cops, not colleagues". The guy brushes off. "I heard they died, one of them had a little kid ... tragic really". A guy walks by, glancing at us. He looks Arabic and the tattoo on his neck is no doubt tied to the cartels in Mexico, and by cartels I mean bands of very evil, very supernatural beings. I look at the sleazy guy. "What about that guy ? Is he a colleague ?" "He is an employee ... why ?" "Oh, I dig his ink ... I recognize it from home ... it's big with the cartel guys there ... Maybe I should go say hi ... Maybe we know some of the same people". I say, grinning as I walk towards him. "Sure go say hi". Astrid says, a warning in her voice to behave. The sleazy guy seems less interested in this. "Hey, Hey, police can't just walk in interrogating people ... I ...". "Believe me, you don't want us to come back with a search warrant". Astrid tells him, shutting him up. I follow the guy. "Hey you ... I want to talk to you about a couple of your colleagues ... they tried to pull a bank robbery this morning". He ignores me. "Hello ... you speak English ?" He is still ignoring me and I switch to Arabic. "What do you know about the robbery this morning ?" He grabs a crowbar and turns to swing at me. I catch his arm, forcing him down on his knees and pull it from his hand. Suddenly, two armed guards are having their guns drawn on me. "Hey calm down guys, I'm a cop". They don't lower their guns. "Uh ... nothing ? Sorry I don't really have my shield or my gun right now ... disciplinary issues you know". I look them over ... okay so they are not backing down. I slowly let the guy go, then I threw the crowbar in the nearest one's face and kicked the gun from the other hand. Before sprinting off. *Astrid* I am talking to the sleazy guy, when Zac suddenly comes sprinting full speed yelling. "Hey Astrid ... bad guys ... run ... run now". And when I see a luxury car come speeding, I turn and run, wondering what the hell he did now.
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