Chapter four

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  Her body was pressed firmly into his and she squirmed. This wasn't how she planned on getting this job and she mentally face palmed herself. She noticed Brandon's tense body and immediately removed herself from his grasp.     "Way to go Kate, way to go" she muttered.   "What?" Brandon said with a rather stern face.    "Nothing" Kate mumbled incoherently.    "Alright, you can have seat now Kate, I have other things to do today".    As Kate walked to take a seat, she was pondering the possibilities of him being bipolar, one minute he was soft, the other he was ordering her around.         Brandon sat still staring at her. He couldn't let her know she was getting to him. The few seconds her body was pressed against his, he felt he was on cloud nine. The things he could do to that body. If only she knew him bossing her around was to control his emotions. At least he wouldn't let her know that.       After a minute of finding Brandon looking at her like a creep, he spoke up.     "I heard about your aunt, sorry about her"  "Sure, thanks" she muttered.     "Enough of the formalities Kate, can I see your cv, the things Emilia told me aren't enough to actually know if you are capable of working here". He had a rather irritated tone and Kate was wondering if he didn't like her already.    "Sure," she spoke and handed him her cv.    Then the unexpected happened, without even opening it, he dumped it on his side table and Kate was flabbergasted.    " I have a deal for u, you either take it or walk out of this place as jobless as you can ever be".    Once again Kate was astonished. She couldn't find her words again. She was scared if she said something he didn't like he would chase her out of his office.    " I'll take your silence as a go on then, so I'll go straight to the point. I want you to be my pretend girlfriend for a month".    That moment, Kate decided he was either playing jokes with her or crazy and she wasn't in the mood for any of that.    "I came her for a job Brandon, not some silly joke you think this is".     The look on Brandon's face confirmed her suspicions, he was definitely crazy.  His rather irritated tone said again.    "Unfortunately Kate, I don't have time for jokes and we are either doing this or not, after a month of our acting , Ull be promoted to the head of interior decor plus an allowance of ten thousand dollars during your stay as my pretend girlfriend. If you say yes, I'll have my lawyer draft a contract and on that contract you are to swear an oath of secrecy not to tell anyone, even your family members the basis of this contract, if you do so the contract will be terminated immediately and you can go back to living a life of joblessness and I'll make sure this time, Ull get a job that belittles you as a person. Understood?".     Kate had zoned out at that point. She wanted to scream but she knew too well not to.    Thinking about it once again, his offer was rather mouth watering but she couldn't come to a conclusion yet. His tone was rather provocative and Kate wanted to put him to his place but she didn't want to die yet.     She just stared blankly at the ceiling as if looking for an answer. Her mind was too clouded to think straight.      The voice she dreaded to hear spoke again.   " Now if you would excuse me kate , Ild like to leave now, I've got important things to attend to, this is my card, call me when Uve thought about it,remember, the offer ends tomorrow evening. I believe ull  make a wise decision."    With that, he left her sitted as confused as she could ever be and went out of his office.     After two minutes of admiring the ceiling, she took the card he had flung to her and dragged herself out of the office, out of the company and towards her car. Meanwhile, Brandon couldn't stop smiling sheepishly in his meeting all day. He closed the deal successfully without bickering or shouting at any of the investors. He knew he got to her. Real bad.
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