you are not dead yet

2135 Words
Vivid violet bolts of lightning sliced through the night, as if determined to shatter the darkness. The deafening thunderclaps drowned out the anguished wails emanating from within the house, all while the feeble glow of a dim yellow light barely illuminated the scene. Williams stood gracefully with a terrifying look on his face, searing horribly at the little lady sitting on the floor in front of him, he slightly bent over to give her a hard pinch on her chin, his eyes squinted slightly as he finally opened his mouth to speak. "Do you remember what day it is today?" With the pain from her chin, Kylie was forced to look up at the man in front of her, With the reflection of the thounder that shines through the room every second you could see the lines of tears on her face indicating that she had been crying. With just one glaze at her face you could tell that she was sad but still her gorgeous eyes, her small pink lips and sharp chin couldn't go unnoticed. However, with all that the man's heart still wouldn't soften instead it seems like the more he looked at her face the more angry he becomes "Speak!" Looking at his terrifying gaze she couldn't help but shiver as she slightly moved her dried lips to speak "I Know" "Then you should know what you are to do, go out and kneel for me". Saying that he realased his grip on her chin and walked straight into the bathroom without looking back. With the sudden release of grip Kylie fell right on the floor, her whole body felt like it had been ran over by a truck but this feeling still didn't stop her from trying to stand up. Kylie gritted her teeth trying badly to get herself up from the floor. Reaching out to her clothes on the floor she noticed they were torn and we're no longer wearable, without any other options she picked up his shirt on the bed to wrap around herself. With what seemed like the last strength she had she struggles over to lean on the wall, weakly supporting herself as she returned to her own room instead the basement. Getting to her room she picked up the closest clothes she could get to change into. As soon as she moved to put on her underwear she felt a sudden warn flow surged out, it was her aunty Flo it wasn't supposed to come today but what could she do? It's nature and she couldn't control it anyways. Stepping out of the bathroom she felt quite dizzy and cold all over, with the last strength in her she struggled to bring herself to the bed, curling up and tightly wrapping herself in the blanket. Although her forehead was burning her abdomen felt like it was in an ice cave with chills and fever intertwined coped with the nausea feelings she was having. She felt like she couldn't make it pass today, like she was going to die from the pain. Thinking of her miserable her life has turned since after her father's death she slowly started to doze off, suddenly there was a loud bang and the tin door was kicked up with a great force. Next A tall figure walked into the room lifting the blanket off of her at once. " Are you deaf? Or you you dare to disobey me!?". He asked with a stern tone. Clutching on to the pillow weakly Kylie could only give a shot sentence as a reply. "Williams, I think I'm sick." Her face was abnormally red and her breathing was heavy, clearly indicating she wasn't pretending she really had a fever. But this still didn't make Williams consider her, instead he ignored her condition and spoke even more harshly than before. "Get up right now!" Hearing his terrifying voice she shivered in fear, though she wanted to jump out of the bed that instant she still couldn't move, her body refused to obey her at that moment. See no movement from her, Williams decided to take matters into his own hands and forcefully grabbed her wrist, pulling her out of the bed. "As long as you are not dead, you're still breathing, you have to do anything I say without complaining!" he demanded. Kylie was just too weak to argue or resist she just kept calm as Williams draged her outside, directly throwing her inside the rain. The rain poured down heavily, soaking the dry clothes she had just changed into. "Kneel down!". he ordered. Sitting up, Kylie slowly settled in a kneeling position with her palm on the floor using all her strength to keep herself from falling down again. after she finally settled into a more comfortable position she slowly looked up at the evil man standing in front of her. "Williams, what else do you want from me? what do you want me to do to satisfy you? Do you want me to give you my life?". "A dead person can't come back to life. What use is your life to me?". he replied in a cold voice, colder than the rain. "Well, what do you want then?". Williams stood in the corridor, nearly blocking most of the light shining out from the house. The heavily pouring rain didn't help either as it blurred her vision even more but she could still see his yellowish eyes and frowned brows clearly and the hatred in his eyes didn't escape from her sight too. "I want you to repent every day, I want you to spend your whole life redeeming the sins you and your miserable father committed". Looking at those eyes filled with hatred, Kylie couldn't help but tremble all over as she watched him turn, returning back into the house. The rain didnt stop pouring for hours, after hours of kneeling under the heavily pouring rain her body just couldn't take it anymore, gradually she lost consciousness As early as four o'clock, the servants in the mansion had already begun to silently busy themselves, coming and going out of the mansion, seemingly unaware of the woman lying unconscious at the door. Time passed by second by second then minutes, minutes turned into hours and the sun rose a little higher, shining on the porch. As time passes by the woman on the ground finally showed some signs of life. Her fingers, wrinkled from being soaked in the rain she weakly clawed at the ground, trying to prop herself up from the floor, but in the end, she collapsed weakly. Familiar steps gradually approached and finally stopped beside her. Because of her weakness Kylie couldn't lift her head up, she could only see the shiny shoe tip of the person standing in front of her. She didn't need to guess who the owner was. A low, cold voice came from above, but it wasn't directed at her. "Find someone to take a look or you call the doctor, don't let her die yet." "Yes, young master." With that the footsteps gradually faded away, still unable to move Kylie lay there, with her heart as cold as ice. She had been in the Houston family for more than fifteen years now and it had been five years since the car accident. She should have left the Houston family five years ago, but he had kept her here to torture. Everyone outside knew that Williams was kind and took care of the pitiful children left behind by the old servants, But except for the Houston family, no one knew the hellish torture and torment she had endured here. She thought about death countless times. At least If she died, she wouldn't have to endure all of this anymore. But she couldn't She still had a younger sister who had been sent abroad by Williams and he had kept her whereabouts totally hidden from her. Now the only solution out of this torture was to uncover the truth about the car accident five years ago. Even though everyone believed that her father had intentionally caused the accident after being bribed, she firmly believed that her father would never do such a thing, he was never the kind of person to put money first. For this she wanted to live, she wanted to live well. Only by living, could she have hope and set herself and her sister free. 'its only those who live that has hope' These were the words her father used to say to her when she was frequently hospitalized, He Would always tell her that only by living, could she have hope. Five years ago, the patriarch, who served as the driving force behind Mr. and Mrs. Houston, unexpectedly received a substantial sum for his daughter's surgery, marking a joyous occasion for the trio. The surgical procedure was orchestrated successfully. On the surgery day, her father chauffeured the Houston couple out of town for business, but en route, they encountered an incident that tragically claimed the lives of both her father and the Houston couple. It wasn't until after the surgery that she discovered the money allocated for her medical treatment was, in fact, a bribe offered to her father by certain individuals with sinister intentions to eliminate the Houston couple. Since that revelation, Williams harbored an intense hatred, vowing to make life unbearable for the siblings. Five years ago, Kylie who served as the driver for Mr. and Mrs. Houston, unexpectedly received a substantial sum for his daughter's surgery, marking a joyous occasion for the trio. The surgical procedure was orchestrated successfully. On the surgery day, her father chauffeured the Houston couple out of town for business, but en route, they encountered an incident that tragically claimed the lives of both her father and the Houston couple. It wasn't until after the surgery that she discovered the money allocated for her medical treatment was, in fact, a bribe offered to her father by certain individuals with sinister intentions to eliminate the Houston couple. Since that revelation, Williams harbored an intense hatred, vowing to make life unbearable for the siblings. but been his daughter she knew very well more than anyone that her father was innocent she could tell but no one would believe her as they were all suspensions of where he had gotten the money for her surgery She just needed to find out more evidence and let them all know that her father was innocent but no, Williams never give her time, like he knew his investigation was wrong but her won't give her the time to clear her father's name, he won't let her free herself and her sister from him Now Her illness had been cured now, but the person who would give her a warm embrace was no longer there. "Father... Sister...." These two words were like a magic spell, infusing her weak body with strength, allowing her to slowly sit up. "Awake?". The family's housekeeper, who had just sent the young master away stopped by her side again with her tone was filled with disgust. "It seems like you are not going to die soon, Since you won't die, don't just sit there stand up immediately. If outsiders see you like this, they'll think that the Houston family İs mistreating you". Kylie hung her head weakly and struggled to stand up. She swayed as she silently returned to her room, changed her clothes, then grabbed her small black backpack before leaving. She had almost walked out of the house, but she stopped halfway, turned and walked into the kitchen. There were lots of food and other edibles in the kitchen, but all of them were things she couldn't touch, the are off limits. Even the servants in the house feed way better than she does. On the shelf in the corner were some corn leftovers from breakfast. The corns had long since gone cold in this five years she had gotten used to eating cold food that's if there were any at all, but she didn't mind. She took two corn and was about to leave. "Who in this house allowed you to eat those?". A middle-aged woman walked over with a frown on her face as she snatched the corns from her hand then she walked towards the fridge, took out a doughnut that had been in the refrigerator for who knows how many days and shoved it into Kylie's arms. "Have this! You should be grateful that the Houston family is giving you a mouthful of rice to eat, You still want to eat well? Ha, have you even considered your own status? Are you that shameless?". Kylie remained expressionless her fingers holding the backpack had suddenly turned white from being squeezed tightly.
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