Chapter 1- Well Screw My Period

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"You need to get laid." I rolled my eyes at my bestfriend's remark and continued to ignore him as he leaned against my doorway. "You know, my door was closed for a reason," I said as I finally looked up from my laptop screen. "Come on Jamie you can't be moping in your room forever. You're 18!" He plopped down beside me, grabbing my laptop from my hand in the process. I threw him a deadly look while he just beamed at me like a kid. He had a tendency to do that when he was being annoying. He knew he was being annoying too, which just made it even more annoying. I couldn't hold my intense stare any longer, but I wasn't about to let him see me smile back, so I kicked him off the bed. Hard. He landed with a loud thud and I heard a groan of pain coming from him. This made me laugh really loudly, but he, for once, wasn't amused. "If you are done with your daily abuse, I suggest you go find something to wear. We're going to a party later" He said as waltzed to the door, as if he didn't just dictate how my Friday night was being spent. "I don't want to go to a party Alex" I whined. "And you know how my clothes situation is already " I tried to get out of this, but his face told me otherwise. You see, Alex was in his second year of college, while I was just a mere senior in highschool. He would bring me to some frat parties now and then, but sometimes I wouldn't enjoy it as much. "You've been shopping all summer and I ensured you bought enough clothes, so don't give me that bull" He stated in a stern tone while I groaned in response. "So find something nice to put on that sexy ass of yours and be ready by eight" He sent me his signature wink which I responded to by throwing a pillow at him, but he dodged it just in time. "Can’t I just sleep with you!? " I whined when he reached the door. "As much as I wouldn't mind, you know the rules" He simply stated as he left. Groaning, I pulled myself off the bed and to my closet to choose an outfit. As much as I wasn't too fond of this party, I couldn't help the excitement I felt knowing I'll be wearing a new outfit tonight. I had lost a lot of weight since summer started, so I had to change my whole wardrobe- courtesy of Alex. I smiled as I pulled out a light pink romper, remembering the day I bought it. Alex dragged me to the mall that day when he noticed all my clothes were falling off me. Of Course, I'd protested but he made me spend a whole day shopping. I couldn't have ever afforded even half of what he bought me, seeing that I only worked a part time job at a local library, but Alex took care of it. He always did. Sometimes I wondered how I managed to get so lucky when I met him because if I was being honest, I don't know where I'd be without him. We met in a sweet way actually. I was a freshman and he was a junior, and I was waiting for my sister to pick me up from the hell hole of a school. I waited for hours, it got late and the school got locked up. I could've taken the bus, but I had no money, no friends and it was too long a walk. Then to add to my luck, the rain started to pour. Alex and his messed up friends were pulling a prank on some teacher and I saw them sneaking out of the school. That's when he saw me too and I was very much going to run, but he was nice and drove me home. We've been close ever since. When my sister decided that I was old enough to stay home by myself for a few months every year, she left to work on the cruise. I couldn't bear to stay in that house by myself, and I had just started my junior year and Alex was a college freshman. So when he got this apartment, he gave me my very own room. I practically lived here. Once finished getting ready, I glanced at my appearance and I actually liked how I looked. My blonde hair was straightened neatly where it fell to the middle of my back. The eyeliner really brought out my amber eyes, and the soft pink lip gloss made my lips look plump. For the first time in forever, I could say I was satisfied with how I looked. "I'm ready. Let's go! " I shouted once I was out of my room. I grabbed my purse and headed for the door, not really caring if he heard me or not. But either way I had to wait. He was my drive after all. "Damn Jamie you look hot" Alex said, appearing from nowhere it seemed. He gave me an approving glance over as he bit his lip and shook his head. If I didn't know better, I'd think that he was stripping me with his eyes. "Why thank you Alex. But if you don't mind, I'll like to go" "What's got your panties is a twist? " He mumbled as he closed the door. "I'm just not in the mood. But I guess a night out wouldn't be too bad. So let's go" "You seriously need to get laid" "And you seriously need a girlfriend" I shot back. "Applications are open you know. Don't let the deadline mis- oooww!! What was that for?" He whined, rubbing his arm. I smiled victoriously at his pain and strutted my way to the elevator. I heard him mumble something about 'abusive best friend' but I just ignored him. Quite frankly, I wasn't in the mood for this party. But I just hoped I would have fun, somewhat. *** The minute we stepped into the frat house, drinks were being shoved into our hands and the music was deafening. I wasted no time downing two drinks in one minute and as per usual, Alex was lost in the mob of horny sweaty young adults, leaving me all alone. After the first two or three parties, I've come to learn that it's the usual so I had to find my own way to make while. I made my way to the kitchen to find more drinks, but stopped dead in my tracks when I saw him. Ryan Portess. The boy I've been crushing on since freshman year but never had the guts to act on it. When I just started highschool, I didn't look the way I do now. I was overweight for my age, and it never seemed to get better. Last year he broke up with his girlfriend and I had a confidence rush, but it was short lived since I didn't think he would be into me. I had grave insecurity issues and I was pretty much sheltered. I always saw other overweight people as beautiful just the way they are. But me? I hated myself. So when I saw the chance, I took it. I spent the rest of junior year and summer losing weight so this guy would notice me. Stupid huh? Alex helped me get a gym membership, and he worked out with me at home sometimes too. He always saw me as a beauty , but he didn't object to my decision either. I was sure that I was 'hot' by the time school started last month, and I wore my prettiest dress and practised makeup in the mirror for a whole hour. But when I asked out Ryan that day at lunch, he humiliated me in front of the whole school. 'Once a fatty, always a fatty' he had said, making my heart shatter to a million pieces. I guess it was my fault for thinking I was good enough for him. "Heeeeyy.. It's's Jamie right? " I jumped at the voice of Ryan, completely snapping me out of my thoughts. His eyes were drooping and his breath was dripping with beer. He had a lazy smile on his face as he cornered me against the kitchen wall. I wasn't drunk enough for this. "Yea I am. I would like to go now" I tried to sound as stern as possible, but I only seemed to entice him more. "Come on baby girl, I know you want me. Didn't you make a public gesture the other day? " He slurred, gripping me tighter. "It wasn't public, you just involved everyone else. And I said let me go! " I protested as I wiggled and writhed in his grip. "I don't think so princess. And don't act like you wont like it" I struggled more and tried to pry his hand from me as he tried to put his lips on me. In any other instance I maybe would've allowed it. It was, after all, what I dreamt about every night. But being like this in a messed up party with a drunken state and still recovering from heartbreak, I don't think so. I looked to his lousy friends for help, but they just acted like they didn't see us. Jerks. Feeling utterly distraught and very much annoyed, I kneed him in his groin. Hard. He doubled over in pain as he clenched the area, and I took it as my escape. But since the universe obviously hates me, he recovered faster than he should've and grabbed me with one hand. "You shouldn't have done that princess. Now I'm really not letting you go" He growled in a low threatening voice. And just like that, he was pulling me from the kitchen despite my wiggling and protest. "Let me go you oversized jerk! " I screamed at him. "Oh you shouldn't be the one to call someone oversized" He remarked nonchalantly. For a split second I felt pain. Was I still that awful? I'm as slim as everyone else now. Right? Before I could finish my thoughts, I was being yanked away from the creep and a flood of relief washed over me. Finally Alex came and saved me like always did when a snob got too touchy. "Hey back off man. She said no! " The voice said, except it wasn't Alex. I craned my neck to see the person, and I was met with a very attractive being. He had dark hair and brooding eyes. His jaw was clenched in a perfect way, and his muscles grew tenser by the second. "Mind your own business Riley. You no longer go to East High. Leave me and my girl to our lives" Ryan snarled as he attempted to grab me again. As much as I was still admiring the guy that saved me, I immediately denied Ryan's statement. "I'm not your girl" "But you wish you were" He really got me with that one, so I didn't have a response. As much as I hated him in that moment, he was right. "I'm gonna give you five seconds to leave Portess" My saviour threatened. Ryan however didn't move an inch. "One" He started, gently pushing me behind him and cracking his knuckles. "Two" Ryan's eyes flashed to me for a quick second, but I could see that he knew this wouldn't go his way. "Three..." And just like that, he left. Not before throwing curses at us though. "Are you okay? " He asked in a much calmer voice than before. My eyes landed on him, and I noticed that he wasn't a stranger at all. He was Cameron Riley, our high school's former bad boy prodigy. He was in his first year at college. "I'm fine, thanks" "Did he hurt you? " his voice was filled with concern which I didn't understand, but I guess I didn't have to. "No. No he didn't, I'm fine. I just need another drink" I turned on my heels and ventured off to fulfil my former mission of getting more beer. I took two bottles of beer from the fridge and a bottle of whiskey. I was a heavy drinker. "You said you needed a drink not the whole stock" I yelped at the voice behind me, almost dropping the whiskey in the process. An amused look was sketched on Cameron's face when I faced him, and he reached out to get my alcohol. "No" I hissed, making him chuckle a little as I held the bottle to my chest. To my surprise, he didn't leave. He just sat on the counter and watched me drink. "You're Alex's girl right? " I raised a perfectly arched eyebrow at him and shook my head. "No. He's my best friend and roommate, but I'm not his girl" "Who's girl are you then? " He asked curiously. "Nobody's" I mumbled over the mouth of the whiskey feeling slightly sorry for myself. Cameron on the other hand, didn't look sorry for me at all. "What? " I asked when his stare got too intense. "It's just hard to believe, that's all" My heart did a little flutter at that. Was that a compliment? What do I say? Did Cameron Riley just compliment me? "Was that a compliment? " I heard myself blurt out, but it was too late to take it back. His face held a huge grin as he nodded slowly. "Yea. Yea I guess it is" "Hhmm" I continued to drink until my throat felt like it was literally on fire, so I set the bottle down. "Don't you have somewhere to be? " I asked after a while. I wasn't trying to be rude and I really didn't mind his company, but his gaze was getting unsettling. "I think I've found my place for the night," he simply replied. "What's so interesting about the kitchen? " He chuckled again and jumped from the counter. His movements were slow as he moved the bottles out of my reach, not breaking eye contact once. "It's not the kitchen that interests me Jamie" He uttered in a low and undeniable sexy tone. "How do you know my name? " I asked, trying to act like I didn't notice his tone. My head felt light due to the liquor, but his close proximity did its number on me too. "We went to the same school. I know everybody" The minute of specialness faded at that. Of course he knew everyone. Stupid Jamie. Stupid. "You interest me" He added, taking me by surprise. And just like that, it was back. I knew it was the drunkenness that made me say my next words, but I couldn't seem to stop them. "I need to get laid. Come.." His expression changed from shocked to confused to something I couldn't decipher as I attempted to pull him from the kitchen. "Wait Jamie I'm sure if you weren't drunk you wouldn't have said that" He rushed out as he tried to halt my steps. "And you're saying? " I questioned then stopped so I could face him. "I can't sleep with you. It would be like i'm taking advantage of you " "Don't you sleep with drunk party girls all the time? " I raised an accusing eyebrow at him. "Well yeah but-" "So what's the problem? " I huffed in frustration. "I can't sleep with you like this" A sliver of hurt ran through me and nudged my insecurities. "You don't want to sleep with me?" I mumbled without hiding my hurt. "Yes of course I do. I mean not like this and maybe not so soon but-" "But nothing " "You're drunk" He argued sternly, causing me to roll my eyes. My patience was running thin and I decided that I would consider Alex's advice and get laid tonight, whether it was with Riley or not. Consequences be damned tomorrow. I strolled to a group of guys in the corner of the hallway without thinking twice. "Hey do you wanna have-" "What the hell are you doing? " Cameron hissed in my ear as he picked me up and carried me away from the very confused boy I just tried to talk to. He pinned me against the walk with a fire in his eyes, but I was a very stubborn drunk. And stupid too it seemed. "I'm doing what I want to, with or without you," I stated with a glare as I folded my arms over my chest. "Are you crazy?! " He whisper shouted which I somehow found amusing. "You have a baby tooth" I pointed out between laughs. He stared at me with an unreadable expression, then he sighed and loosened his grip on me. "Fine. But when you wake up in the morning, I hope you remember how many times I tried to stop you" I gave him my best seductive smirk and talked without making my words slur too much. "You have to want this too. Or else it won't be fun." I noticed his eyes got a shade darker as he licked his lips slowly. "Oh I want to, trust me" I smirked even wider as I pulled him towards the stairs. We found an empty room on the second floor, and Cameron ensured it was closed before joining me on the bed. He whipped off his shirt in a swift movement then proceeded to kiss up and down my neck. I could feel that I was already stimulated, but something was different this time. It was a little too much. But I didn't focus on it since I was too focused on how skilfully he trailed kisses up and down my chest. I noticed he wasn't kissing my lips, which I was grateful for. I didn't know him after all. His hands slowly ran up and down my thighs, inching closer to the sensitive area every second. I knew I wasn't extremely horny or turned on, so I didn't understand the build up in my underwear. I decided to let it be, however, and focus my energy on Cameron. He stopped for a moment to grab a foil wrap from the drawer and turned around to put it on I assumed. I waited patiently as he unbuckled his belt and kicked off his shoes. And then out of the blue, I felt a drip. I didn't know what it was, but I knew that being slightly horny didn't come with dripping down there. I waited a while and felt nothing; but just as fast as I relaxed, I tensed when I felt yet another drip. That is not normal. Not normal at all, I thought as I tried to clear my hazy mind. My subconscious was battling from the back of my mind to tell me something, but I couldn't put my finger on it. I tried to clear my mind to figure out what was wrong, but it barely went anywhere. Then, there was another drip and I completely got alert. That was it. I decided to check what the problem was, so I fumbled through the sheets for my phone. Cameron caught my movements and watched me quizzingly. "What's wrong? " He asked as he paused what he was doing. "Something's not right. I can feel it in my gut" I successfully retrieved my phone and quickly turned on the flashlight. I wasn't even processing that Cameron was watching, but when I saw it, I just wished I could've disappeared. The crimson colour of blood stained the whole crotch of my light pink romper and a little at the sheets too. That's the thing with my period, when it came, it came hard. "s**t" I mumbled. "s**t s**t s**t" I dared myself to look at Cameron's reaction, and he looked somewhere in the middle of confused, scared, shocked and amused. But amused seemed to have won, since he doubled over in laughter, making my embarrassment 100x worse. So much for being a nice guy. I sat there completely petrified and uncertain of what to do. I knew that if I left right away, everyone would surely see me. If I stayed, it would only get worse. My mind was going two thousand miles per hour as my emotions surged from embarrassment to hurt, to fear, to shock. It was all too much. Before I knew it, my head was spinning and it felt way lighter than when I drank all that liquor. The last thing I saw was Cameron's amused face switch to concern in a millisecond, and he called out my name before the darkness fully consumed me for that night. It was dumb of me to ever try this. Who told me to try and have a one night stand with a bad-boy?
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